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(Retro) What have you been playing this week?

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    Been laying Tekken 3 (PSX) and FF VII (PSX) on the go on the Pandora.


      I've just played and clocked Metal Gear Solid on the PSOne for the first time via my PS3. Missed this bad boy back in the day and felt now was the time to finally understand what all the fuss was about. What a game, but what an even harder end game boss in Metal gear Rex. I nearly got divorced trying to beat him and Liquid last night. I didnt realise I could use Chaff grenades, I litterally endded up doing it via just the rockets!!!

      Anyway, have to say its easily one of the best Ps1 games and just one of the best games of its generation. Some of the cut scnes did take the pi$$ in terms of length but were pretty well directed and scripted although the voice work could've been a little better in places. I see why people think Hideo should just pack it in and make movies now.

      Thinking of picking up a copy of MGS2 now, does anyone know if I have to use PAL of my fat BC PS3 or can I import an NTSC copy for 60hz goodness?
      Last edited by bash; 21-01-2012, 09:43.


        I'm now one-lifeing stage one and two of both Gigawing and Progear on Xperia Play emu... I lose all my lives on the stage 2 bosses. I think I need to bluetooth up my Wii VC controller.


          Originally posted by bash View Post
          Thinking of picking up a copy of MGS2 now, does anyone know if I have to use PAL of my fat BC PS3 or can I import an NTSC copy for 60hz goodness?
          Why don't you wait for the HD collection or import an NTSC copy dude?


            Oh, when's the HD copy coming out then? thats would be great. Also Im playing through the game again using the stealth camoflague that I picked up off Otacon at the end of the first game. I also got the camera but havent used it yet, is there anything else worth unlocking that I should look for the 2nd time around?


              PS3 are still region locked for PS1 and PS2 titles.


                Have been playing Parappa the Rapper the past few days on EPSXE.
                My kids love it now.


                  Booted up Ridge Racer Type 4 that I've had for a while on my PSN account. It's dated badly in that the graphics are very very blocky. The game is very unforgiving. You hit the sides once and your speed instantly plummets. The newer titles are way more forgiving. Looking on gamefaqs, it's claimed that the game has over 300 cars to unlock!


                    I was playing it too and I think it has dated extremely well. Yes it is a touch rough but the lighting is sumblime and the handling is excellent, it just plays very differently to the newer ones. Played mine on a CRT so if you are on a HD screen it would look worse.


                      Started yet another new file on Banjo Kazooie for some reason I only have the urge to play that game when its been Snowing. I really want to start playing Super Mario Bros 3 might do that over the weekend.


                        Bubble Bobble, from boy to man I have NEVER tired of this game, forever playable.


                          Puzzle Bobble is one I never get bored of.. Dunno why.


                            Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                            Puzzle Bobble is one I never get bored of.. Dunno why.
                            Talking of Puzzle Bobble, i've been playing the Neo version of Puzzle Bobble 2 on my AES alot recently, great game.


                              Yeah, Neo ones are the ones I play.


                                Patched a cop of DC Buggy Heat for VGA, I had only played a demo of this when I got my DC on launch, liked that...and like the full game, the graphics are chunky and colourful in that period Sega way, soundtrack...standard, weight of the vehicles is interesting, this is a good straight up title.

