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So what Videogames/toys did you grow up with.

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    So what Videogames/toys did you grow up with.

    After reading Lizard Kings thread about the ages of the NTSC community in the off-topic, i was pretty surprised to see so many older forumites amongst the younger members. Its good to see such a broad spectrum of people of all ages with so many things in common

    Which got me thinking; What did you play as a kid? At 38 years old and like a few on here i'm old enough to have been there when there were no videogames

    I suppose this is aimed at the oldies to show what we played with as kids before the likes of Halo and GTA (christ, even before Manic Miner, lol) had even been thought of.

    But it would good to see where everyone started young or old. What were your favourite toys and what systems did you have to start with? Pics would be appreciated for this methinks

    So to get the ball rolling, i grew up in the 70's and thses were my staple upto the inception the first videogames:

    Read it and weep

    Stock Car Smash up: Two cars with plastic draw strings that you pulled to rev em up then let em go to smash into each other. When they crashed the doors and bonnets etc flew off. I loved this.

    Evil Knievil Stuff: This was Knevil on a bike which you put on a wind up stand then pressed a button which released him to shoot over jumps on his caravan (if you had it). Wicked.

    Tin Can Alley: Speaks for itself really. A stand with about 10 Dr Pepper cans that you shot with a lightgun rifle. My dad bought me this from Blackpool and at the time this was as close to an arcade game at home as you could get.

    I also had another lightgun shooting game a couple of years later which put lights on the wall for a kind of skeet shooting. This was 2 player with 2 shotguns. Can't remember what it was called tho

    The Six Million Dollar Man: I had all this. Oscar Goldman, Steve Austin, Sasquatch etc. Loved it. Was much better then Action Man who i always thought was a bit of tool.

    Striker: Football game for two players where you pressed the head of the player to kick the ball. This was ace and much better than it sounds. I much preferred this to Subbuteo.

    Test Match: Brillaint cricket game similar to striker.

    Then came the small table top arcade games These i remember were about £50 a pop in Debenhams when i was a kid which was mega expensive at the time.

    Astro Wars:



    Pacman2 (2 player version):


    Soccer (i think this was KK's soccer):

    There was loads more like frogger, Galaxy wars etc. Plus there were all the Game & Watches with Mario and Kong.

    This site has em all:

    On to Video Games tho might not be in the right order i had them tho i do remember i had the 2600 last:

    We had a Pong Machine: I still remember my dad bringing this in

    We had a Grandstand TV game:

    Had an Intellivision:

    My Cousin Nick had a Coleco Vision which he then gave to me after his dad bought him a 2600 with about 50 games. Jammy sod.

    Then for me came the Atari 2600. Ouch.... I can't remember how much my mum and dad must have spent buying games for it. I always remember playing River Raid and missile Command with my sister. I don't seem to remember having more than about 10 games for it as they were just ludicrously expensive.

    Lasty i had a Videopac. I seem to remember having this at the same time as my Speccy 48k.

    : I loved this system. I had it all boxed with about 15 boxed games until i flogged it a couple of years back for nearly £400 on ebay

    After the early consoles i then moved onto the home computers then consoles:

    In no exact order and i may have missed some:

    ZX81 with RAM pack for Monster Maze
    Spectrum 48K with rubber KB
    Oric Atmos
    Dragon 32
    BBC Micro just for Elite and home programming at the time.
    Vic 20
    Commodore 64: My favourite home comp of all time
    Atari 800XL i think it was. Played Bruce Lee to death with a mate.

    Sega Master System

    Atari ST
    Amiga 500:
    My second favourite home comp.

    Favourite home console. Bought for my 21st on import for £700 with 5 games...ouch
    PC Engine
    My cousin got this for me when he lived in Japan with 3 games for over £1k..ffs. Unbelievable machine tho in its day. For me the first arcade machine in your home.
    N64: Some of the best games ever to grace a console.
    Saturn: Bought on a whim. Some great games but i never really took to it??

    the most underrated machine of the generation
    PS2: I was a late adopter to the PS2 scene by well over a year. Dunno why, i just didn't seem bothered about it when it was released.
    Gamecube: Another good machine by Nintendo which like the Dreamcast was underrated and cast adrift by 3rd party publishers.
    Xbox: A very good system let down by design imo.
    PC Engine DUO-Rx: My favourite retro system which i will probably never sell. Got it brand new for a song a few years back which is why its here in the list.
    FM Towns marty: Again bought around the same time as the Rx. Bought it more on reputation than for any real knowledge of it. Got a few games for it but not really used it tbh. Too much like the PC Engine.

    I don't really need to list all the current consoles as everyone has those.

    Going on to Handhelds:

    I have/Had:

    Game and Watches

    Gameboy Colour
    Gameboy Advance & SP
    DS & DS Lite

    Game Gear
    Sega Nomad
    Atari Lynx

    Pc Engine GT
    PSP Lite

    Christ I have rabbited on a bit from just stuff i grew up with. I just got a bit carried away.

    So what did everyone else have??? Fire at will and embarrass yourselves

    Wow, I completely forgot about having test match .


      Me too, seeing that box brought some right memories flooding back


        I had the Knievel, too, but it wasn't quite as robustly durable as the TV ads implied. Didn't the figure have metal wires inside it? I remember mine lost his hands, and the bike's wheel flew off when I took it on the main road.

        I also had a Six Million Dollar Man figure but it wasn't Steve Austin, it was his boss, whom I remember having this cool super-spy type briefcase.

        Apart from that, for me and my bro it was Star Wars figures, Action Man, Action Force, Corgi and Matchbox cars, Monopoly and Lost Valley Of The Dinosaurs (which we never learnt how to play properly, it just seemed cool). I never got into He-Man figs or Transformers, though I was there in the boom.


          I remember that Astro Wars and some of the other LCD games.

          I was born right into the Console Age though, and remember playing the Colecovision and then the NES when they were first out.

          Toys-wise it was all about the Star Wars and Transformers for me


            Originally posted by NemesiS View Post

            Oh yeah! I had one of those as well. Another toy I remember well was that battery operated beach buggy thing that when it fell over it would land back on it's wheels. Another is those octopus things that you threw at the window and watched it slither down. man, my brother was always freaked out by those. Apart from all that my main toys were the original Transformers. None of this plastic **** they have these days but real metal ones the weighed quite a bit.

            My first gaming experience would be the Commodore Plus 4.



              I'm 41 now but like you had many of those greats - Tin Can Alley, Six Million Dollar Man, Crossfire, Lego, loads of cap guns, Astro Wars, Invaders from Space - friends had Intellivison and the Phillips console but mostly bikes were our thing. We spent all our time riding our bikes and playing in the woods - happy, innocent days for sure.


                We had always been a Sega household up until I was born (1991) first console and game I played was Megadrive - Klax (puzzle game) at 2.

                Then we got a SNES when I was about 5. which we would play lots of mario kart, mario world and mortal kombat on.

                Then I was blessed with a sega saturn for christmas 97 or 98 I beleive, sonic jam, sonic r, manx tt superbikes (Sheep racing!!) and clockwork knight were my most played games. Loved my Saturn

                A year or two later we got a Playstation (chipped with lots of games ooh er) and an N64. Loved them both dearly and the N64 secured my love of Nintendo up until 2007 when I moved onto bigger and better things (xbox 360) and Nintendo thoroughly dissapointed me.

                ahh the hours of mario kart 64, goldeneye, sonic r, sonic 123/knuckles, zelda oot/mm I played as a kid


                  Being born in 1990, I remember first having a Megadrive. The second model. Specifically, we had Sonic 1 and 2, maybe 3 and Knuckles (not sure, definitely played these at a friends house though), Mean Bean Machine, Golden Axe 2 and I remember picking up Ecco at a car boot sale and being fond of it. Those are the main ones I remember. Also played a lot of Road Rash at said friends house.

                  Used to go to a childminder and they had a SNES and a Master System. Mostly played Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 there. Then I got an N64 for Christmas, with the usual games. My brother had a PS1 so I watched him play stuff like Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil (3 was rather scary).


                    Hahahahahaha 1990. Classic.


                      Last summer marked my tenth year as a videogame coder, and I marked it with a bunch of posts on my livejournal. Some of the earlier ones touch on this subject. If anyone is bored enough, you can have a read of them here (they're in reverse order, start at the bottom and work your way up).


                        I remember the crawling octopus'. Throw em at a window and they slithered down. Did anyone else get silly putty when they were a kid. The stuff we had used to glow in the dark and bounce. Not seen it for years.

                        Also remember i had a Big Absolute rubbish when i think back, and instead of Scalectrix i got a TCR set. The one with the trigger where you could change lanes.

                        Had that police one as well called chase something or other with a figure 8 track. Quality


                          Being 23, I think my family lagged behind somewhat: my childhood consisted of Transformer hand me downs, an Atari 2600 (green asteroid with smiley face flying over the moon; if that game rings any bells let me know) and a NES.

                          Think the most 'of the time' toy they ever bought me was this.

                          Basically my bedroom looked like Jurassic Park vs. Transformers.

                          *Someone make that game please.*
                          Last edited by Kit; 03-05-2009, 08:45.



                            graphics wise it wasnt so different from Gran Turismo 5

                            i think this is still up my mums loft

                            this was my favourite

                            my mum couldnt afford Scalextric

                            and turn the terrible tank was pretty good, you had to fire marbles at it to change its direction

                            Last edited by buster_broon; 03-05-2009, 10:06.


                              Outside on bike a lot of the time. Playing in the woods and down by the marina. Toys were almost exclusively action man. Too old for star wars or transformers. Videogames covered in other thread. Our tv was black and White and had bbc1 bbc2 itv and one marked 'spare'. Zx80 was first thing I ever owned that could play games.

