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CD-Rom-Rom very important to read if you're following my sales thread

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    CD-Rom-Rom very important to read if you're following my sales thread

    I wanted to reach you all whilst keeping maximum transparency.

    Well I audited the PCE titles as promised yesterday and was just going to start going through the PMs but the strangest thing happened.

    About 45 minutes ago I once again took the CD-Rom-Rom out of the interface unit and placed it on my desk plugged in. For two minutes with a music CD in it I pressed that suckers little play button to no avail.

    I then reply to some non PCE related enquiries, leave some feedback and then hear the faintest of sounds come from the CD-Rom-Rom, like it reset the lens or something. Press play and the little f*cker is playing the CD flawlessly.

    Now I'm at a total loss as what to do? I didn't want to list the PCE stuff for sale in fact that is the one retro collection I wanted to keep.

    My dilemma is now that I have created the sales thread do I stick to my commitment or can I at the risk possibly upsetting some of you (last thing I would ever want to do) remove the articles from sale and hope that you all understand.

    I guess I want you all to say keep hold of it as that's what my heart is telling me I just want to know you guys will be okay with that.

    Oh and can anybody with some technical knowledge explain why it might have suddenly came to life 40 minutes after plugging it in as I'd be intrigued to know why. Is it the lid magnet it the lid reacting to something that or did some part on the PCB need to get warm?

    P.S. I've never heard of one coming back to life before even after parts have been replaced such is their flakiness.

    Oh the joys of being a PCE enthusiast.
    Last edited by NeoStuey; 08-07-2009, 19:31.

    I dunno about your cd rom but if you've had a change of heart just withdraw it. We've all done it im sure, i know i have. Good luck anyways.


      If you love it, keep it. You'll only regret selling it all otherwise. (Then you'll start buying it all again in a year!) You'll know i've made a fairly hefty offer for some of your stuff, but i certainly would understand if you changed your mind. (But if you changed your mind to sell again, the offer would still be good!)


        Hi Stuart,I had one that did exactly the same...If you didn't use it for a couple of days it wouldn,t work but press the play button and leave it(go for a cup of coffee/beer) and it would start playing after 5/10 mins.

        Once it started, it would play no problem all night.I finally gave up with it(got pissed off waiting)


          Hi Stuart,
          sounds like you should probably keep it mate, I for one won't be pissed off if you decide not to sell.
          But if you ever do decide to sell I will 100000% buy it, I would've had to have been first in line from responding first in thread/sent PMs ect..???
          and I am a complete PC-Engine nut lol


            With regards getting it working again you could ask Luke Morse, he's really into PC-engine, and obsessed with fixing broken consoles he mentions frequently that if anyone has any problems with consoles not working to give him a shout..

            also head here you'll find a million threads on fixing broken PC-Engine/TG-16


              Hi guys and thanks for the posts.

              Gamers seem to understand other gamers needs and I've heard from all the people that I needed to and they've all said the same thing. Keep it.

              HC O yes we would have been looking you having first refusal on the set and thank you for the links. I probably still a member of the forum, didn't like the vibe of the boards though. Made a note of Luke Morse's details. Thanks.

              ikobo 1 yep that was some serious money.

              Mind needed changing yes, the heart always wanted to keep it.

              garrz32 I'm off to see what goodies you got.

              Thanks all.


                You're making the right choice bud!

