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Who here DOESN'T play new games?

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    Fair does, it's less a retro forum now and more a willy waving contest at times though. Team And. pretty much nailed it on the head to be honest. Hundreds of pounds indeed, but let's not forget the orginal cost of a SNES console or game. Although the sheer thought of basing all this on something you've never actually owned, and watching your mate play some **** you wouldn't bother with at his house is laugable. The ability to play games like Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Turtles etc online with my mates, plus world leaderboards is a welcome addition.

    There's nothing really to mention that Team hasn't already, if you'd take the rose tinted specs off for a second, you'd realise there's plenty of 2D games in the last 5 years or so worth checking out. I can't stand sports/shooters/gta either, there's other games too.

    To each their own though.


      Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post
      Fair does, it's less a retro forum now and more a willy waving contest at times though. Team And. pretty much nailed it on the head to be honest. Hundreds of pounds indeed, but let's not forget the orginal cost of a SNES console or game. Although the sheer thought of basing all this on something you've never actually owned, and watching your mate play some **** you wouldn't bother with at his house is laugable. The ability to play games like Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Turtles etc online with my mates, plus world leaderboards is a welcome addition.

      There's nothing really to mention that Team hasn't already, if you'd take the rose tinted specs off for a second, you'd realise there's plenty of 2D games in the last 5 years or so worth checking out. I can't stand sports/shooters/gta either, there's other games too.

      To each their own though.
      There probably are one or two decent games but as I said, I am more than happy with the two consoles I collect for and play so why would I need another console cluttering up the place, not to mention justifying to myself the entrance fee for one of these consoles? Yes, online gaming might be fun for you but if I'm happy just prodding away on a SNES pad why should I bother?

      I didn't mean for the thread to turn into fanboy rants, I just wanted to find out whether other people here are like me in that they don't own or care for any next-gen consoles. My intention was not for me to be lambasted and needing to defend my views, regardless of how myopic people may find them, but I guess that's the nature of forums.

      It seems like myself and Leon are alone on this one!


        Is it just me that's bugged by the non-working italic tags in this thread name?


          Nah, I shouldn't have stuck them in. Seems like they don't work in thread titles.


            Go edit the opening post, click "go advanced" and change the thread title so "DOESN'T" is in caps, like so.... And yes, it bothers me, too.


              Originally posted by samanosuke View Post
              There probably are one or two decent games but as I said, I am more than happy with the two consoles I collect for and play so why would I need another console cluttering up the place, not to mention justifying to myself the entrance fee for one of these consoles? Yes, online gaming might be fun for you but if I'm happy just prodding away on a SNES pad why should I bother?
              That I don't have a problem , its just that belive that 2D rules and there's no good games on next gen consoles . Its not ammimed at you , per say . Just these people that bang on , how crap the next gen is and how 2D is king . Its laughable when some of them are NCL fans , who'll always bang on about how great Star Fox is the Snes is , or Mario 64 , on a console that had about 1 2D game , along with zero 2D hardware support, or lacked many of the classic Arcade ports of style of games talked about here ,
              That always makes me laugh

              The Saturn was 3D , did you miss out on that or refuse to buy it ?. Missing out there, as it also had some of the finest 2D games too, and I think people like you have just missed out BIG time , if you didn't buy the Dreamcast because it was a sole 3D machine , who cares if its 3D and realistic textures or fancy graphics when you get to play the like of Rally, Panzer Dragoon Zwei , JSR, Shemnue II , Decathlete I most certainly don't

              Yes there's a lot of generic crap on the next gen , but so it was on the Mega Drive , the Snes , the Mega CD ect . There's plenty of great stuff on the next gen , that you're missing on out , and playing On-line with some mates , like been said is brilliant , and more and more some of the 2D finest games are coming on the next gen consoles, either through downloads or collection packs .

              My love for the Saturn and Mega CD will never die , but I'm more than happy with the current gen ,and some gems like COD IV, Lost Planet GRAW


                I only play Jet Set Willy on my 48k Speccy, and nothing else. All modern games are ****, without exception, and every game produced after 1984 can go and bollocks. I'm the retro-est so I win the thread- please close, thanks


                  Originally posted by endo View Post
                  I only play Jet Set Willy on my 48k Speccy, and nothing else. All modern games are ****, without exception, and every game produced after 1984 can go and bollocks. I'm the retro-est so I win the thread- please close, thanks
                  I only play a missile simulator which was the original bullet hell shooter developed by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann on a cathode ray tube in 1947, anything produced after this is poo.


                    Video games are ****, full stop.

                    Cup and ball does me nicely.


                      I love retro gaming, but I think a lot of you are far too dismissive of the current consoles. There's some truly amazing games around and the access to xbox live arcade, VC and PSN make all three systems essential to me and my job is retro for a living!!!


                        Last edited by HC_O; 02-05-2010, 00:29.


                          Last edited by HC_O; 02-05-2010, 00:29.


                            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                            What sheer crap , There was a million and one utter tripe games , coming out each month on all those so called classic systems , the Mega Drive , SNES, PC-Eng ECT . I remember everyone panning and knocking the like of Sonic and Sonic II ,for its lack of depth and being too easy to finish , blah , blah , blah . Even in the early 16 bit days
                            Simple Arcade ports and simple Arcade gameplay were seen as not good enough , and were selling in ever fewer numbers midway through the 16 bit life ,and Square RPG's games on the Snes were Huge mammoth productions , with each one , taking ever longer ofr the player to finish , with more and more hours of gameplay , Compared to simple RPG's of the 8 bit days , or simple games on the old C64 and ZX Spectrum it was a million miles ahead , its called advancing

                            That's just it , with each generation games get bigger , more advanced and move forward . I think the major trouble is in the 16 bit days , you just needed a tiny team to make games , so even if it sold in low-ish numbers you could still make a profit , that's just not the case anymore
                            Thanks for telling me "I'm talking crap"
                            Last edited by Leon Retro; 31-07-2009, 09:42.


                              Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                              That I don't have a problem , its just that belive that 2D rules and there's no good games on next gen consoles .
                              Thanks for noticing, TA. I never once said that, but judging by other peoples' reactions one might have thought that I did. All I said is that I have no interest in them and I was wondering if others felt the same.

                              Originally posted by Strider View Post
                              I love retro gaming, but I think a lot of you are far too dismissive of the current consoles. There's some truly amazing games around and the access to xbox live arcade, VC and PSN make all three systems essential to me and my job is retro for a living!!!
                              I don't deny that there are some amazing games out for the current-gen consoles but I'm the proverbial pig in sh*t with just my retro consoles. I have a mate who only listens to music pre-1979 and who says that all modern music is sh*t - and I must reiterate that I'm not saying modern gaming is sh*t, I'm just using this as an example - and no matter how much I try to convince him otherwise by showing him some decent post-1980 music he still doesn't like it. Should I say he's small-minded or is it just down to taste? He has tried listening to more recent music and he just doesn't like it. It's the same for some guy I used to know who listened solely to jazz.

                              I have played 3D games before - I have previously owned a PSX, PS2, GC and still own a DC - so I am well aware of the kinds of games that current-gen consoles offer, albiet on a much grander scale, but they just don't float my boat like retro games do. This thread was never meant to be a willy waving contest - hell, compared to gamers who swear by the 2600 or Vectrex I have but a weiner - but somehow it's degenerated into that.


                                Crap. Didn't mean to edit this!
                                Last edited by samanosuke; 26-08-2009, 09:42.

