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Amstrad GX4000, Phillips CDI, Atari Jaguar, 3do

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    Amstrad GX4000, Phillips CDI, Atari Jaguar, 3do

    Ok, each one of these flops had about two titles on each that were considered playable (AvP, Tempest, SShowdown, Return Fire etc.).

    Does anyone have any genuine fond memories of these consoles or recall putting some serious game time on the games for them? Which titles?

    Personally I don't but you can read others' thoughts here:


      I think the OP is quite harsh, Theres really quite alot of good solid games on the 3DO. The main problem with the system was the purchase price.


        I'll second that. Plenty of decent stuff on the 3DO it arguably gave some developers a leg up for developing 3d games which served them well for the Saturn/PS/N64 era.

        Plenty of 3DO games were actually better than the later ports. Space Hulk and Return Fire spring to mind right away.


          Nothing wrong with the 3DO had some cracking titles and doesn't deserve any derision.


            Whereas the CDI was expensive and ****. No good games, except Tetris which was vaguely bearable.


              Originally posted by Lorfarius View Post
              Nothing wrong with the 3DO had some cracking titles and doesn't deserve any derision.
              Indeed, nice system. Plenty of good games and a few interesting ones.


                Hammered Tempest2K on the jag. Could get into a serious zen state of gaming and play for hours, rack up some good scores and wonder where the day had gone. Loved it.


                  Jag along with the Wii are piles of worthless sh8t and hands down the 2 worst consoles I own , both equally with sh8t standard Joypads to boot .
                  Big Fan of the 3DO though , like CMck said it paved the way for many developers to use 3D ready for the next gen consoles (PS/Sat) Had some truly great software too .
                  I loved Killing Time , NFS, Star Fighter, Super Wingcommander , Space Hulk


                    Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                    Jag along with the Wii are piles of worthless sh8t and hands down the 2 worst consoles I own , both equally with sh8t standard Joypads to boot
                    You're such a fanboy TA! Wii has one of the best controllers ever IMO, especially Wii Motion Plus.


                      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                      Jag along with the Wii are piles of worthless sh8t and hands down the 2 worst consoles I own ,
                      Err, I have no idea how the hell you can compare a Wii to a Jag. That's just being plain stupid no questions about it. A Jag was for fans of Atari. Nothing on it really said quality apart from Tempest. Nothing on it really looked that good especially next to a Saturn or PlayStation or even a 3DO unless you count aging games even at the time of release such as Doom, Wolfenstien 3D or Cannon Fodder. Even the so called Alien Vs Predator is jsut a fan boys dream which looked dated as soon as Probe's Sat and PSX Alien game came out. The Jag also had the worst controller EVER (3DO wasn't that great either) and the lowest quality game line up after the 32X. I'm no real Jag hater I'm just stating the facts. The Wii on the other hand has many games that are great to play, look very nice, arcade perfect conversions and so on. The problem with the Wii is the lack of gamers games and stupid Developers raping the **** out of the motion sensor where it's just not needed.

                      Please don't bother to argue back because I won't reply. Being a fanboy is not cool, especially when really silly points are put forward. Even I'm a massive Sega fan but I still acknowledge how great the Wii can be. I hate Sony **** but I can still accept that there are some fantastic games for the systems. Won't buy one though after putting up with ****ty build quality with the original PlayStation and early PS2 though. They had their chance

                      Last edited by Yakumo; 05-12-2009, 02:29.


                        Originally posted by samanosuke View Post
                        You're such a fanboy TA! Wii has one of the best controllers ever IMO, especially Wii Motion Plus.
                        How does not liking the Wii make one a fanboy ??. And it may have escaped your notice , but the Wii is one of those horrible 3D consoles , not a bastion of 2D , and its main control is utter pants for 2D games .

                        , I have no idea how the hell you can compare a Wii to a Jag.
                        Simple .

                        Both consoles that I bought for 1 game (2 at a push) , Both consoles that are way behind the competition at 3D , both with dire standard pads , both had or have the same amount of playtime - That's about a week playing 'that 'miracle game , while the rest of the year, you'll play the other consoles

                        Alien Vs Predator is jsut a fan boys dream which looked dated as soon as Probe's Sat and PSX Alien game came out.
                        Aline Vs is a really good game , and I would expect any game that ships up to 1 and half years latter , with a rather nice budget to look far more impressive on the same console (Just compare VF to VF II on the Saturn) never mind on more powerful consoles .

                        Sony **** but I can still accept that there are some fantastic games for the systems
                        Just what makes you think I'm a fan of SONY ???. I like and rate the PSP and PS3 but thats about as far as it goes

                        arcade perfect conversions and so on
                        We had Arcade Perfect conversions on the Saturn and PS , That isn't a impressive feat any more .

                        and the lowest quality game line up after the 32X
                        I'll defy you to ever show where I've ever rated the 32X . To me it was a pile of crap, just like the Game Gear , But if I wanted to clever I would point out , that the 32X had imo a better line up that to the N64 DD


                          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                          Aline Vs is a really good game ,

                          considering doom came out showing that i could do a good 3d environment, yet avp was as flat as a snooker table. terrible game.


                            Amstrad - never played, seen one ...

                            CDI - a friend got one, paid ?400 plus an extra ?100 for the vcd card. did this even have any playable games???

                            Jaguar - had an ntsc one about 10 years ago.
                            Cybermorph - not too bad but not great
                            Trevor McPhur - nice graphics but really a bad shooter
                            AVP - naff
                            Doom - well it was doom pretty good, best console version of the time
                            tempest 2k - pretty good.
                            kasumi ninja - unbelievably crap...

                            3DO - never had one, but played SF2 really good conversion, ruined by the rubbish controller.


                              Originally posted by beecee View Post

                              considering doom came out showing that i could do a good 3d environment, yet avp was as flat as a snooker table. terrible game.
                              Id Doom port on the the Jag was great , better than many other console ports.

                              I still liked Alien Vs more

