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Arcade SOUNDS!

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    Arcade SOUNDS!

    When I was a kid, the main arcade was in the city centre, Coventry, Lesuire land.

    The two loudest machines in there were, Gauntlet and Super Sprint (3 wheel stand up version) man they were was brilliant.

    Next to Super sprint they had kung fu master (wada!) which I am an expert at.

    Ghosts n goblins was pretty loud as was double dragon.

    One man used to just play 1943 and he was an expert (the 2nd Jamma board I bought back in the day)

    10p plays...Pole position, popeye (i love both them games)

    Oh yes! Rampage was loud too..pretty sure that was atari/ are Gauntlet and Super Sprint.

    Oh the memories...I'd swap anything but the NES and 8bit computers to have these days thriving again!

    Theres actually arcade ambience music tracks you can download, to put on in the background, let me try find them a minute.



      Here you go, different years, I tried the 92 one and it was very ... realistic


        Thank you Kern


          Can never forget the Street Fighter years where you'd walk into your local arcade/chippy/takeaway/dodgy video shop and hear multiple HaDoKens, ShoRyuKens, Sonic Booms etc etc


            Hadokens on the link Kern posted.

            And the places you posted...god I miss them raw gaming days.


              Originally posted by kernow View Post

              Here you go, different years, I tried the 92 one and it was very ... realistic
              Holy f*ck!!!!

              I'm a bit older, downloaded the '86 one, shut my eyes, I *was* in Blackpool as a schoolboy, circa 1987, glory years.

              Fantastic link there, I hereby award you Admiral status.


                I always remember the Hang On attract music followed by the roar of the bike in demo play dominating the beach front arcade in Aberdeen when I was younger. The turtles machine made a fair noise as well with it's big speakers.


                  Afterburner - GET READY dong dong dong.....


                    come to think of it, Vigilante was really loud. Haven't played it for a while but I can still hear the first boss ringing in my head. Did he say something like "I aint comin'"? And then when someone dies you had a loud "WAAAAAHHH!!"


                      actually, come to think of it, it was most Sega games!!

                      Altered Beast
                      "Rise from your grave" - "WELCOME TO YOUR DOOM wuwuwuwuwuwwu" - "HAHAHAHAHA" - and that electrifying noise that the dragon made when the player continuously used that forcefield attack.

                      Mix that with the loud screaming villagers and the "doc doc doc" (the sound of a skeleton pounding your head) on a Golden Axe!!

                      Not anoying though - it really added to the arcade symphony.


                        Turtles when I went to Butlins as a kid. That was megaloud, always people playing that. I turned down going to Germany to go Butlins because of the Arcades there.

                        I was young and I loved that holiday. All good.


                          Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                          Holy f*ck!!!!

                          I'm a bit older, downloaded the '86 one, shut my eyes, I *was* in Blackpool as a schoolboy, circa 1987, glory years.

                          Fantastic link there, I hereby award you Admiral status.


                            I'm going to play 86 later. Agree with Jazzfunk though - quality link Kern.


                              Originally posted by chocklo View Post
                              Afterburner - GET READY dong dong dong.....
                              Was going to post this.

                              I think the After Burner II credit sound is brilliant followed by Maximum Power track kicking in is classic.

