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Anyone use a retro console as their first gaming port of call these days?

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    I'd say i play my Saturn about as much as my 360, and i've just started to get back into SFC stuff so i think that will take up some time. The other thing i play on a lot is my jamma cab, so all in all i'd say i play more retro than modern.


      I've started revisiting Super Mario Bros. via the SNES Allstars release. My plan is to work through the home system Mario platformers from start to finish (though whether it'll happen...)

      In a sort of retro mode, i'm also revisiting my small collection of portable puzzle games, from a couple of GB puzzlers i've picked up recently, to warming my old GB Micro up with things like Puyo Pop, Denki Blocks, Kuru Kuru Kururin... This was all started with me buying a DSi XL and discovering some pretty nice DSi Ware puzzle games...

      My 360 is my main console, but in the past 3 or 4 weeks, it's been on only to try the Split/Second demo.


        The only reason I don't play retro so much now is because I can fight people online in fighting games on 360 and such.

        If I could fight people on my DC or PS2 on 3s online I'd still be using them way more.


          SNES Yoshi'S Island is all I get time for during the week. Some of the levels are a lot longer than I remember, though that may just be the NSMB DS effect...

          I have put a retro TV in the lounge so I can play it while the missus watches something crap on the main tv!


            I switch between my Japanese GameCube and Japanese N64 80% of the time, and use my NDS pretty much wherever I go for anything else. It's been like that for many years now. At the moment, the N64 is hooked up as my main console, with a PS2 used for DVD's and the odd bit of PES.

            The Wii is the only modern console I have, but that doesn't really get played on much at all, even though there is a growing list of games I do intend to pick up for it.


              I really like the retro games there re-releasing like Bionic commando re-armed and the new Geometry wars. Both super playable.


                Currently playing SFC very intensively with my roommate. Few days ago we managed to win Special Cup on 150cc at Super Mario Kart. Now we move on to Contra Spirits.


                  Yes, I still use the NES from time to time, Mario 3 is still a wonderful game. PC Engine and Saturn see their share of activity too, the Super NES has been inactive for quite some time though.
                  In fact, I might be playing them more than the X360.

