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Why I Own Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy

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    Why I Own Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy

    Going through a box of old gaming junk to find my XBL camera, I came across an old Atari Jaguar game called "Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy" and the story behind my owning this game came flooding back.

    Classé, non?

    A few years ago when I was building a games collection I would, like many of us still do, trawl the sales threads here and on Rllmuk looking for bargains.

    Being an ambitious but young (i.e. naive) collector, the prices would inform my knowledge at least as much as old magazine articles and retro appreciation threads. If something was selling for a lot, it was worth googling.

    At this point I should point out that I didn't buy Trevor McFur because someone was charging £450 for it. Though that would be hilarious.

    In one topic on here, a seller - I don't remember who, perhaps for the best (!) - was selling various games including several items which I knew to be desirable from my years of thread-trawling. Japanese Saturn Treasure games, Neo Geo kit, that sort of thing. Also among the list was listed "Atari Jaguar: Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy £15 (A Radiant Silvergun beater)".

    I had never seen this game listed before and the results from google seemed to suggest this might be a missed gem and genuinely could be as good as Radiant Silvergun (which I owned at the time and was playing the hell out of several times a week). So I bought it.

    The usual PM thing happened, shooting back and forth payment details and at some point the seller remarked "of course, I was kidding about the Radiant Silvergun thing, you got that, right?" and I was too embarrassed to admit that, no, I hadn't got that. I replied something like "lol, of course ".

    Your turn!

    I can lock this thread now if you like? No one else can possibly have been had over that much. (BY themselves no less!) Brilliant!


      Haha, that's hilarious. Makes me feel a lot better about all the times I was conned by Telegames in the early days of collecting.


        I love it.

        Tbh, I would have bought it just for the title

        I'm not so bad, I have a number of slightly silly purchases, things like a nice mint Cannon Fodder for the Jaguar even though i've never owned one...

        A few years back my fantastic girlfriend bought me a new old stock Japanese Virtual Boy for Chtistmas, with 2 or 3 new games with it, so I set about looking for more games, especially new ones. I bought a couple on eBay and from a couple of importers.
        I bought Red Alarm, and a Japanese Golf game. Then I bought T&E Golf.
        Then 2 copies of the same japanese golf game arrived in the post... Duh

        (I still have both copies too!)



          Trevor Mcfur never fails to make me laugh It has to be the funniest name ever.

          I guess the dev had looked at Star Fox and it's success, and thought they'd do something similar, but in 2D.

