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Your favorite famicom Mini GBA games?

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    Your favorite famicom Mini GBA games?


    I love these little guys, I have two:

    Super Mario



    I think these are timeless games and good fun on the GBA. I also LOVE the packaging and design. For me these are perfect retro games: Special enough to enjoy, cheap enough to play!

    What are your favourites?


    Castlevania and Metroid are well worth getting - since they are the Jap versions, they have battery save instead of passwords, which is of course an absolute godsend. I spent many happy hours on the train to uni playing through those two, and let me tell you, it took me quite a while to finish them. I know there are a lot of problems with Metroid, like the fact that there are only three different starting positions, and the greatest oversight of always starting with one tank of health or whatever it is, no matter how many you have collected. Having to spend half and hour next to an enemy spawning pipe collecting health before every attempt at Mother Brain is no fun at all. But some how the game comes out on top overall. The atmosphere is and sense of exploration are what make it great. The world is huge, and you are given no assistance whatsoever - no sign posts, no map, no nothing, it's just you and one massive subterranian world.

    I do have Mario Bros, but when I first tried it, I realised some goober had clocked it and unlocked the hard mode where all the goombas are turned into buzzy beetles! Nightmare! Anyway, it all looks too small on my gameboy micro. Shoot me, I always prefered Mario Bros Deluxe on GBC.

    Zelda is of course a lot of fun, particularly if you liked Link's Awakening. It's a lot like Metroid though - no help and very few clues about what to do. You'd basically have to bomb every single square on the entire map to figure things out by yourself (again, like Metroid). I think Nintendo were making their Famicom games like this on purpose though; weren't these the early days when Nintendo had no 3rd party support? Presumably that had to make their games last a long time. Anyway, it certainly lends these games a grand sense of adventure and exploration that you don't get these days. Incidentally, I found out through the Famicom Mini version, that Zelda II is not, and never will be my cup of tea. Ten quid, anyone?

    EDIT: I would like to boastfully post a picture of my collection, but there are other people who could steamroller in and show off their complete sets, including limited edition display boxes, and then I'd look a right fool, so I won't

