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N64 Time - Duke Nukem 64

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    I haven't abandoned it as such. Just got bored of the particular games I was playing and went back to current gen. As can be seen above, TWINE is a bit of a bore fest, and after all the fuss I didn't get round to finishing Doom. Will get back to it all eventually.

    For the record, I managed to get past that Nightwatch level eventually. Then it was some ugly forest-based mission and I sighed a big 'whatever'.


      This project is on hiatus while I'm in Japan. The magazines are a big part of it for me, and I couldn't bring them with me, of course. Pat, you should finish Doom 64! It was one of my favourite games so far.


        I think this project has been on hiatus for long enough now. For various reasons I've not had access to my games, my mags, or both, but right now I'm in a position to carry on, at least for a few months I think. I'm also living with someone who isn't afraid to dabble in some retro games of an evening, so that should make things a bit more fun (even with single player games I prefer not to play alone). I also managed to pick up quite a few games while I was living in Tokyo last year, including some that were proving bastards to find online (like Doraemon), so that's all to the good

        I've decided to get back into the swing of things with a bit of Blast Corps, which I hadn't finished. As usual I've decided to start again rather than try to remember how it works halfway through - and what fun! The PAL version is out now, so it's less of a hassle reading mission objectives and stuff. Although I still can't figure out how to play my favourite levels afresh.

        I've been struck again by how irritating the game can be, especially with how finicky it can be about getting out of your vehicle. I'd also have prefered more control over the camera - specifically how far you can zoom out (a lot more would have been nice). However I'm also having tremendous fun, imagining the various buildings are part of Leeds University campus, and smashing it all to ****.

        Anybody else up for a class of '64 reunion?


          Finally finished Blast Corps the other day. Well, I beat all the main levels, got all the scientists, and beat the moon stage (which was amazing fun - I really wish they'd used those physics for more than one level...). I'm not sure if I can be bothered 100%ing it to unlock the final bonus mission, cos it seems like a LOT of work. The problem is the map really does not zoom out enough to make it practical finding all the RDUs etc.

          Overall, I'd rate the game very highly, but would have to qualify that by mentioning its frustration factor, which is also quite high, given the problems with collision detection, unhelpful camera, and the inconsistent vehicle-exiting - all of which are magnified by the time limit. It's highly impressive though, for such an early 3D game, and I would have loved a sequel on the N64 which ironed out some of these niggles.

          Since my friend was round, we played some Wave Race and Mario 64 to get back into the N64 mood. Not sure what to play next - I think it's a toss up between Doraemon and Killer Instinct Gold. Roll on next month for Starfox!


            Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
            Well, I beat all the main levels, got all the scientists, and beat the moon stage (which was amazing fun - I really wish they'd used those physics for more than one level...). I'm not sure if I can be bothered 100%ing it to unlock the final bonus mission, cos it seems like a LOT of work. The problem is the map really does not zoom out enough to make it practical finding all the RDUs etc.
            If you really loved the moon stage, all I'll say is persevere with the gold medal hunt.. I'll say no more


              I wonder if I ever got all the golds..... I'll check tonight. I can't even remember if I've played the ntsc-u version. I might have only played it through on a PAL cart I no longer have. Good excuse to go through it again.
              Last edited by charlesr; 05-07-2012, 13:25.


                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                I wonder if I ever got all the golds..... I'll check tonight. I can't even remember if I've played the ntsc-u version. I might have only played it through on a PAL cart I no longer have. Good excuse to go through it again.
                Not gold charlesr, platinum is the best rank!! But they are insanely hard to get and boosting rights only I believe.


                  Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                  Not sure what to play next - I think it's a toss up between Doraemon and Killer Instinct Gold. Roll on next month for Starfox!
                  As much as i love Doraemon the 3 N64 games were total turds, i don't envy you playing that it's just a lesson in frustration. Kind of a shame that Doraemon hasn't really been done justice on most consoles the only ones so far that were really well polished were the 3 sega incarnations on the ds.

                  Might want to choose killer instinct lol


                    Is the GBC kart racing one no good? It looked quite nice on the box. I was just re-reading the Doraemon review in the mag. One of the screenshots shows one of his trademark dorayaki, and the caption says something like 'you have to eat hamburgers to regain health'. SIGH.

                    On Testuo's advice, I have spent all night trying to get the gold medals on every level of Blast Corps. It's frigging tough on most of them. I've been checking youtube videos, which has been helpful, especially on the racing levels, since they almost always have shortcuts or flat out cheats you can use. I think I've got almost all of them now, just currently stuck on the giant Pacman level! The platinum levels can go to hell.


                      Ooh, a signed copy!


                        Originally posted by SUMIRE View Post
                        I was tempted in picking this amazing condition item up the other day!!

                        WTF..... ?40?
                        There's a thread for this stuff already dude.


                          Urghhhhh I just realised all the map locations with green rings have CP (not the bad kind) hidden in the levels still! Which means there are a tonne of extra locations I haven't even unlocked yet, nevermind getting gold on them! I've just found a level I think I remember playing before, with bouncing silver balls in unpleasant places. Like in a God damn volcano! Reminds me heavily of Pilotwings 64.


                            Wooooooo, I am now done with Blast Corps. Finally got gold on everything, did all the bonus levels on the different planets (the one on Mars with all the spheres was a real challenge). Now all my gold medals for regular levels (i.e. versus the Nuclear thing) have been downgraded to silver because the times have got tighter. I may go back and get the golds on those, but I'm definitely not going for platinum. Thank God they didn't include any bonuses for that, or I would feel obligated to do it!

                            One nice thing I've noticed is the quirky writing in the between-levels messages. They seem very kooky and British. It is a shame there wasn't a sequel on N64. If they made another now, there's not a chance in hell they could nail the style.


                              I just realised Killer Instinct isn't out in the UK until next month (what is it with Rare releasing their games in other countries first?) - so I got Doraemon on import since there's no way it'll get a release over here, and I'm quite a Doraemon fan.

                              It's called Nobita and the Three Spirit Stones. It plays a bit like Mario 64, I guess, although obviously a lot less polished. The first thing I noticed about the gameplay (when I finally got to it - there's an incredibly long intro sequence before you even get control of a character) is that it's really very limited compared to Mario. You basically move the character around with the stick and press B to jump and, later, A to shoot from an arm cannon. In Mario 64 there is such a variety of acrobatics you can perform, I found this a bit disappointing. As far as I can tell, there isn't even any difference between the 5 playable characters. Having said that, it is nice that they're all graphically represented and appear in cutscenes etc. If you're a fan of the show, you should be pleased by its fealty (although it more closely resembles the slightly shoddier movies, rather than the fantastic tv show, if you ask me).

                              One thing that struck me is the number of similarities to Ocarina of Time. Aside from the three spirit stones of the title, there's a giant moustachio'd tree who doles out wisdom, a tiny fairy that follows you around and gives advice, and a villain that succeeds early on because the daughter of the king unwittingly played right into his hands. Maybe Miyamoto isn't so original after all...

