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Happy Birthday SFC - 20 this weekend!

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    Any pad will work on an SFC. Get a UK pad as they have the longest cables.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
      It was Mean Machines review of F-Zero that made me want a SNES, those screens shoots just looked incredible and unlike any game I had ever seen before in my life
      I got the same impression looking at screenshots in Games-X (remember that? It was weekly and crap). All these exotic bright, colourful games on an unobtainable Japanese import console. I remember playing Super Mario World for the first time, finding it infinitely superior to all the Amiga platform games I was used to, I just had to have my own Super NES after that.

      Brilliant system (liked more than the Mega Drive) and I think in the 16 bit days NCL and Konami were almost untouchable there were so good and their games so far out in front . Castlevania IV, Mario IV, Super Metroid, Pioltwings, F-Zero, Prince of Persia, Axleay, Contra III (mind blowing at the time ) Mystical Ninja, Super R-Type, SF II were my fav Snes games
      During its prime, it seemed like the Super NES/SFC got a new genre defining wondergame every month or so.

      All kudos for the Super NES giving us one of the best videogames magazines ever, namely Super Play. We're all used to seeing Japanese-style artwork everywhere these days, but back then SP was so striking and unique looking. It also helped that SP was written about people who knew and cared about videogames.


        fired up the SFC again the other night, had a blast on SFturbo then on to Axelay, can't believe how great that game is even today : )


          During its prime, it seemed like the Super NES/SFC got a new genre defining wondergame every month or so.
          I wouldn't quite go that far, they were long periods of waiting for decent games, and there was also a ton of utter **** coming out of Japan on the SNES each month. Which a lot of people either forget about or look over

          It also helped that SP was written about people who knew and cared about videogames.
          To be fair that was the case with most gaming Mag's at the time, even EDGE. But yes Super Play like GameFan, Sega Official Mag, Mean Machines (before the split) CVG were quite brilliant and made for gamers by gamers


            who opted for the US breeze block?...

            I got the US version with super mario world think it cost about £340 I still have the MeanMachines magazine with the advert from where I bought it... I didn't even know what a scart socket was, which wasn't amusing as I couldn't play it when it arrived.. thankfully my dad sourced a 2nd hand tv with a single scart socket a day later

            I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when I fired it up for the first time, to hear the magical music from SMW... it seemed a world apart from my MD & MegaCD which where both swiftly traded in for a few more games...

            Still can't believe we coughed up £90 for SFII to say I couldn't wait was an understatement..

            I still have a US version along with a stack of games, Mystical Ninja, Axelay, Pilotwings, Mariokart, Zelda, Final Fight and SFII still do it for me to this day, having clocked them all many times..

            The 90's for me especially the MD & SNES era where most certainly the golden age of gaming..

            Think after gushing about it, i'll go set it up, put on my rose tinted specs and revel in nostalgia

            Last edited by chojin; 29-11-2010, 09:59.


              I went for the breeze block too... and at the time I didn't have a TV with a scart socket either (so couldn't use the attached scart plug on the console), prompting getting an RF NTSC to PAL converter for it as well...
              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                Originally posted by chojin View Post
                You know, the more I look at that, the more I like it. I don't think i've ever seen one in the flesh. I kind of want one.


                  I have a PAL SNES, US SNES and Jap SFC, and I can say without a doubt that the US got screwed in the looks department. That thing is UGLY!

                  The Y & X buttons are IDENTICAL to Parma Violets!


                    I remember buying a US console just for Secret of Mana & Final Fantasy III. Lost track of the time I spent on those games. I think SoM took up most of my summer holidays in 1994!




                        Having seen the DK Returns ad on TV I said to my son 'hey, I've got an older DK game on the SFC. It's one that was made at work before I was there. Shall we put that on instead?'

                        He seemed quite keen so I dug out Super Donkey Kong 2 (as the Japanese are wont to call it) and stuck it on. I don't think I've ever played it before.

                        What a steaming pile of ****

                        The most basic of platformers trying to hide behind so-called revolutionary rendered graphics.

                        After 10 minutes I couldn't take it anymore so Yoshi's Island went back on.


                          I recently bought a SFC and DKC was included. My thoughts are exactly the same. It's a mediocre game at best with ugly visuals. I suppose it would have looked a bit better on a 14" portable via an RF or composite cable.


                            Wut? The original DKC is a pretty basic game, but DKC2 is stunning! Some of the best level design in any platformer without doubt. I actually finished DKC3 yesterday for the first time ever (103%) and really enjoyed it, got me in the mood for the new Wii version.

                            I'd put DKC2 higher than Yoshi's Island anyway


                              Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                              I'd put DKC2 higher than Yoshi's Island anyway
                              We agree to disagree


                                Yes to be fair I think most people would disagree with me on that one!

