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Gameboy light Q's?

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    Gameboy light Q's?

    Hello bretheren, do we know what the going rate for the Gameboy light is, there's one on ebay for ?90 or so which is a bit rich for my

    From experience, how does it gell up against say the GBA SP for gameboy gaming, would that be a better option in terms of the screen quality and comfort - though i prefer the idea of the Gameboy light green screen and aesthetic.

    £90 is wayyyyy too much for a GBL unless it's a limited edition one.

    They also take 2x AA batteries so have better battery life than a GBP.

    I'd take one over an SP - but that's if you're not gonna play GBA games.


      I'd just buy a gb pocket, I got one for 6 quid on ebay posted and its minty. It basically sits with tetris in. Takes 2xAA batteries and the screen is fine pretty much. The original GB is sadly pretty much obsolete.

      I've only used a GB light once and while good, its fatter than a GB pocket, and the screen just looked unnatural to me, it kinda didn't retain the oldschool GB feel. Like playing on an emu or something. I dunno.

      I love the gb though. Proper retro feel to it and its games.

      WWF Superstars (so easy to complete its ridiculous)
      Mario 1 / 2
      Motocross manaics


        Gameboy pocket eh, can you see what's going on etc, i remember having the original GBA and it was unplayable under any conditions, no interest in playing GBA games so GB only if poss!

        Cheer for le infos.

        @ speedlolita, yeah probably was a Gold edition.


          Yeah personally I think the screen on the gb pocket is great. Its obviously very gb like whereas the light stands right out

          Screen on it though, I dunno it doesn't scream gameboy to me.

          In this video I review the Game Boy Pocket, the first major overhaul of the Nintendo Game Boy system. I show off the screen and compare vs. the original Game...
          Last edited by kernow; 28-01-2011, 13:02.


            Gold and Silver are the standard versions.


              Ehh im so in the loop....think ill pimp for a pocket seeing as it suits my jewish lifestyle.

              What games are good 0_o?

              Gator Pinball, Mario 2, Balloon fight & Castlevania right?


                Pokémon Yellow >_>

                Honestly, I wouldn't go with a Pocket because they suck for battery life. Color is best overall..


                  Does it add colour to your gameboy games? Infact colour Gameboy games sounds a bit sacrilege.

                  ...tho that yellow Pokemon one with teh red and green buttons does look sweet


                    I've got an atomic purple GBC that I use to play GB games. And it does, but if you press B and Left on boot it will default to monochrome.


                      ._. battery life seems fine on my pocket, haven't changed em for ages, but I guess I only pick it up and play every now and then. GB colour has a slightly faster CPU for gb games also so I don't know if thats an issue.

                      gb pocket + rechargables = win, its such a lovely bit of kit also, nice and compact and cool looking


                        No need to preach to me my friend. I still have the one I got for Christmas when I was 6 - in very good condition still. Best GB screen by a mile, but I've never had much lucky with battery life. As you say, you only pick up and play it every so often.


                          I don't have them all, so i'm maybe not the best to comment but, the way I see it...

                          Original Gameboy - Screen is too jerky like, low refresh rate I've always presumed?
                          Gameboy Pocket - Looks like an original but smaller and the screen is much clearer. Not much need for a light if te room is bright enough and the contrast is dialed in.

                          Gameboy Light - Basically a pocket with a front light. If it's like the GBA SP front light mod on my NGPC, it waters things out a little, though obviously there is no colour here anyway!

                          Gameboy Colour - Screen is nice and sharp - when you can see it. From memory, it's one that needs to be in a very bright room or outdoors to be played properly. Otherwise, darkness. You can play in various colour schemes (including monochrome) by holding different buttons / directions when you boot it.

                          Gameboy Advance - The original suffered from the same issues as the GBC. Near impossible to see unless good ambient lighting. Good for outdoors though I reckon.

                          Gameboy Advance SP - Add a light = reflective screen = useless outdoors. Colours get a bit watered down too.

                          Gameboy Advance SP AGS-101 - Surely the best way to play GBA games, and probably GB / GBC ones too i'd imagine. Everything i read says it's gameboy micro like screen brightness, but in the SP package with backwards compatability.
                          Since the GBA basically contains a GBC CPU for playing the GB/GBC games, everything works as expected ie you can still use the button presses to select difference colours / monochrome but obviously don't hit the L/R buttons to stretch the screen
                          (I want one lots )



                            Christ knows what nintendo were doing with the original GBA, even in good lighting it was bloody terrible.

                            A shame really because it was a pretty cool layout and shape etc.


                              GBA is my favourite Game Boy by a mile. :3 Because of the cool layout and shape, the screen was a non issue for me because my eyes aren't terrible and I mostly played it in well lit places.

