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    9V OK on US SNES?

    I've been trying to find a way to run my US SNES on Australian power (similar to UK's) and I've read in threads here that many people have powered their consoles using 9V AC adaptors, however, the SNES's PSU and the back of the console say that it only accpets 10V. DickSmith here has these AC adaptors with changable ends, but they don't have any 10V ones. Is it okay to use 9V or should I pay it safe and find a way to put 10V into it?
    Last edited by Big A2; 01-02-2011, 11:37.

    You can use a 10v MegaDrive PSU with the right adapter. I think it's DC, though, not AC.


      9 volts will be fine but as the above poster has said the Snes takes Dc.


        Ah, yes, your right, DC. I wrote down the US SNES's power supply on a little sheet so I don't forget it.

        Wouldn't be easier to just get a step-down converter for the input voltage instead ofhaving to modfiy a Mega Drive power chords with parts I have no idea where to buy here?


          Originally posted by Big A2 View Post
          Wouldn't be easier to just get a step-down converter for the input voltage instead ofhaving to modfiy a Mega Drive power chords with parts I have no idea where to buy here?


            If you have a step down just use it.

            Maplin, Radioshack or whatever you have over there will sell the correct end and a suitable DC power supply.


              Okay, my voltage adaptor arrived from Hong Kong today, but it makes this buzzing and crackling noise whenever it's plugged in. That can't be a good thing. Is it supposed to do that?

              So I've thought, if I can't find the right end, then what if I get a 10v Mega Drive power supply and then change the end of it with the cord from my NTSC SNES power supply?

              Blah, maybe I'll just go to Dick Smith on the weekend again and get a 9v DC adaptor.

              Just to confirm, are you guys sure that 9 volts will be okay?
              Last edited by Big A2; 11-03-2011, 10:24.


                If the step-down is making quite a loud buzzing noise (and possibly getting hot within a few minutes), I'd stop using it immediately and return it for a refund. It might have a shorted turn inside the transformer, which can lead to safety issues.

                If the buzzing is faint and not really that distracting, then this is perfectly normal for this type of device.

                Yes you can snip the end off and wire on the cord from the SNES adapter. It might be a bit of a shame to hack-up two adapters though! 9V will be fine, just make sure the current rating is around 850ma to 1.5A (the Mega Drive adapter should fall within this range anyway).

