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PC Engine LT vs GT

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    PC Engine LT vs GT

    Hi, considering one of these as an alternative to getting another core, they both look like fun systems to own and appeal to me as a fan of handhelds.

    Thing is all I know is the GT eats batterys and has a dodgy speaker, and the LT is mains powered. Can people who own or have owned either bring me up to speed on the ins and outs of each system. For example what are the screens like in comparison to more modern systems? How much are decent examples? Any info/opinions at all appriciated. Cheers!

    I had a GT years ago and for some reason it hated playing Out Run. I tried loads of versions too. Other than that it was a lovely machine but had to go back.


      GT screen's are absolutely rubbish. They can't display in the same resolution as a PCE, so small detail isn't shown properly. Prepare for eye strain and blurtastic pictures if you go for one. They might have been acceptable way back when, but anyone who tell's you they're great now are kidding themselves. LT looks pretty good even today, but don't go expecting astounding picture quality. I can't post pics at work as I can't access photobucket, but I can put up some pics of one of mine running later. In both cases they're no match for modern handhelds picture quality wise. Though i'd still have the LT ahead of any PSP, open source handheld etc as it's just a bit, you know, special. Fully working, you might be able to pick up an unboxed LT from £250, a GT with good sound from maybe £80-90.


        I'll echo Ikobos comments re the GT. I had one about eight or nine years ago and I thought the screen was rubbish on it. Was sold very quickly.


          I remember it being no good for shooters because it affected the size of bullets but fine for platformers etc.


            Shame about the GT screen, I wouldn't like one by the sounds of things. I'd like to see the pics of your LT if it's not too much trouble ikobo, I'd like one, though if the screen isn't acceptable I'll get a another home pce I suppose. Lovely looking bit of kit


              Just realised I can post it via my iPod:




                  Have I posted the wrong pic or something?


                    damnit why did I have to look in this thread!.. LT hooked upto the briefcase!! I want!!


                      I had a GT, basically they are poorly made. The screens are usually plagued by dead pixels, the capacitors leak, so sound ends up being really low and the brightness function on the screen stops working. Factor in the amount of power it drains in terms of battery usage and the fact that it isnt portable by todays standards (its BIG) Also its hard to see screen details on some games, plus you need to play it in the right lighting conditions even more so than current gen screens.

                      Still damn cool though...


                        Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                        Just realised I can post it via my iPod:

                        Cheers, Screen looks decent, hmm, I've read this thread but still wanta GT I think, what's wrong with me??


                          nothing wrong at all, i've always fancied picking up a GT I think they're pretty cool, i've nearly bought one many a time wish I'd got one back in the day rather than the game gear


                            I had a GT when they were fairly new and it was 90 quid used. Great at the time for portable Street Fighter 2 but once the GBA came out I never played it any more so sold it on. Now for collecting I can see the appeal but as a portable gaming device it eats batteries the screen is too small and too low res.


                              Agreed about the GT's screen. Although the it's a really cool piece of hardware to own, the screen will really stop you playing it - I ran into this issue with a mint original GB I got on here, as well as with the Gamegear.

