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Supermodel Emulator out (model 3)

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    Supermodel Emulator out (model 3)

    Finally after all this time waiting for a model 3 emulator our prayers have been answered.

    Ok it has no sound but the graphics are pretty much spot on except for the odd glitch here and there.

    Scud race I`m getting 60fps most of the time on my quad core using 33mhz ppc

    Daytona 2 between 40-60fps using 50mhz ppc (sweet spot for most games)

    give it another few months for ironing out some bugs, adding sound and controller support and it should be spot on

    Y'know, even as a young-un', I was turned away from playing Virtua Fighter 3tb because of it being a rushed, graphically hobbled port. It'll be nice to finally sit down with it and play it as God (or, y'know, SEGA) intended.
    Last edited by Red or Alive; 10-04-2011, 14:34.


      I never got people knocked the DC port of VF3. When it was nearly Arcade perfect (too perfect in terms of a lack of VS option lol) bar a few polygons and cloths not moving as smoothly . I even remeber a interview with Genki where they said the DC game used 95% of the Arcade game polygons and how they only had 3 months (and incomplete tools) to do the Port .


        Star Wars Arcade Trilogy at last!


          Thanks for letting me and others know. Be interesting to try out on this laptop with no hardware acceleration.


            Well just tried Scud Race and Star Wars - seems you need Open GL 2.0 for it to run. Considering this laptop is over 7 years old, it is not gonna happen. Still fascinating project.

