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Euro CRT with VGA or Component??!?!?!?!?

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    Euro CRT with VGA or Component??!?!?!?!?

    I recently decided to get me a CRT for some retro lovin. Want to get one with either a VGA or component inputs, to maximize the sexiness of my Dreamcast and Gamecube.

    Browsing the used section of the net is pretty hopeless. The description people give is usually something like "28 inch Sony TV (the big fat kind)". And if there are pictures provided, they're always of the front or of the side (!) of the TV. So without any pictures or a model number, I have to ask each and everyone of them for a model number. I found a Loewe 5381 ZW, and to my joy it seemed to have both a VGA and a component input. As luck would have it, the seller of the TV turned out to be my uncle (realized that only after a couple of emails between us). I ended up getting the thing for free. When I actually got it though, I saw that this was a gimped version of the TV. The VGA and component labels where there, but the input themselves were not. So only a couple of scarts.

    So, my question is: Is there a list of available TVs with component or VGA? Have heard that some of the Sony Wega have them, but only a couple of models. I also know of a Thomson 32" with component, but haven't found it either.

    There's like, a few late EU Wega that have component - with true 480p, I think. My old Thomson had component, but it was only 480i - which is pointless.

    No EU TV is gonna have VGA.

    Best just getting a 21" Trinitron and use RGB SCART.


      The thing about SCART though, is that no receivers support it. So then I'm reduced to s-video. Have a couple of different retro consoles, and as most tv's have a maximum of two RGB supported SCART inputs, it won't do. (and I don't trust SCART switches )


        Choose your two favourite RGB consoles. lol

        What do you mean receiver, like an Onkyo?

        SCART switches are alright, mine was good until it started screwing up with my PS3.


          Thought about getting one of the lower model Yamaha receivers from a year or two back. It seems that almost all receivers launched this year (and maybe even last year?) have ditched the s-video completely.

          Are there any fairly "good looking" scart switches, that I can have lying on top of my TV bench, that also supports IR?


            What's the point in those though? Or is it the multiple inputs?

            I mean, I'm just gonna run my Trinitron into my Rotel amp using RCA for sound - so other than inputs I can't think of anything else..

            Or is it fancy non-stereo sound?


              Yeah, it's for the multiple inputs, and letting me control everything (sound and input) with a single universal remote.


                Found this:

                Will probably use that with the mentioned Loewe while continually scanning the web for one of those mythical component Wegas.


                  Loewe CRTs could have VGA added after purchase. You might be able to find the kit somewhere. I would imagine going via Loewe for a new one would be pricey though.


                    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                    No EU TV is gonna have VGA.
                    My old Philips TV had a VGA input. It was a 28" widescreen and one of the first models with an in-built digital receiver (and an "On Digital" card slot, ha.)

                    So maybe try Philips sets from early 2000's-ish.

                    Hooked the DC up through it on a few occasions and it looked grand!


                      Indeed there are a fair few particularly later Wega's, but as you say AlexWS finding the model numbers now would be a bitch, google tends to bring up american models rear projection sets. Best bet contacting Loewe sellers on eBay see if they have the VGA kit installed, plenty did.


                        Looked for the VGA adapter on ebay without any luck. Is it easy to remove it from a TV? Maybe someone will sell me their ones. Shipping a tv to Norway would be crazy expensive.

                        Thanks for all the tips guys, now I have three brands that I know has released component or VGA inputs.


                          JVC interiart crt models also have component FYI.


                            The Sony FD1 has component 480p iirc and VGA straight out of the box. I paid ?2000 for it back when ?700 was considered expensive. Good luck finding one though.
                            Last edited by J0e Musashi; 17-05-2011, 20:09.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              avoid 100hz wegas - you cant turn it off (on my 36" wega anyway) and it messes with the frame rate in 60hz games

