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PC Engine RGB amped SCART?

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    PC Engine RGB amped SCART?

    I bought a modded PCE Duo some time ago on eBay and the picture has never been quite right. It looks nice and sharp but a little dark. Eg yellows look a bit orangy. I think it might be because the RGB isn't amplified.

    So my question is - can I buy a SCART lead (f to m) which amplifies RGB that I can put between my PCE SCART and my TV?

    The existing SCART lead is fixed to my PCE so I can't just replace it. I know the SCART can be modded but that's not something I could do.

    If I can't buy such a lead, I guess I'll have to pay for my PCE to be modded. Where can I get such a thing done?


    I made one of these cables up for an N64 a while back with an Amp in it. The same Amp may be too bright for a PCE though. I've got the components to put a basic PCE RGB Amp in the cable instead of the old N64 Amp if you wanted to give it a go.

    I'm happy to send you the N64 Amp cable for you to try, or convert it to the PCE amp for you to try? It is powered by the original scart lead though, so does your existing scart lead switch your TV to the correct AV channel when you switch your PCE on? If not, it probably won't supply the necessary power to the Amp.

    PM me if you want to come to some sort of deal



      Sorry, I was away for the weekend.

      Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure tbh re the lead switching the TV to AV. I'll try it tonight and send you a PM.


      Originally posted by mmmonkey View Post
      I made one of these cables up for an N64 a while back with an Amp in it. The same Amp may be too bright for a PCE though. I've got the components to put a basic PCE RGB Amp in the cable instead of the old N64 Amp if you wanted to give it a go.

      I'm happy to send you the N64 Amp cable for you to try, or convert it to the PCE amp for you to try? It is powered by the original scart lead though, so does your existing scart lead switch your TV to the correct AV channel when you switch your PCE on? If not, it probably won't supply the necessary power to the Amp.

      PM me if you want to come to some sort of deal



        I tried this last night and sadly, the PCE doesn't switch to AV, so I'm guessing there's no power coming through.

        So I guess my next option is to send it to someone to have it modded? Is the lady in the PC Engine modding thread no longer doing business? If not, can anyobody recommend an alternative?



          The lady has moved to America, hopefully gone okay as I saw that she put some cables up for sale on ebay recently.

          Well I've done a few recently, but modding is taking a back seat at the moment due to family illness. If you wanted the existing hard wired scart amplified then it wouldn't take me too long. If you wanted it re-modded completely so that you had a socket and a separate cable and you aren't in a rush then i'd take a look at it, just not right now.



            Originally posted by mmmonkey View Post
            The lady has moved to America, hopefully gone okay as I saw that she put some cables up for sale on ebay recently.
            Looks like it.

            This is the me page for retro_gaming_accessories, previously trading as pcenginesales from the UK. I just moved to Florida, USA and while our cables are definitely Euro-centric I know there's a lot of buyers in North and South America who want to exploit the superior RGB capabilities of their consoles.


              Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
              That's good, as she sounded a little stressed/anxious about it all, wasn't going quite as planned at the time!

              Jay, I've just done a Duo for another member that was hard wired, the scart plug wasn't wired quite right, it was putting the TV into RGB mode, but not switching to the correct AV channel, sounds like yours. If you popped the scart plug open and photographed it from both sides for me, I could probably still make you a working little extension lead with an Amp built into it.



                Thanks, I'l try and get this done tonight


                  Thanks for your help with this, mmmonkey. I hope these are clear enough.

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                  Unlimited space to host images, easy to use image uploader, albums, photo hosting, sharing, dynamic image resizing on web and mobile.


                    yep, they're clear enough, can see how it's wired and should be able to wire up an extension which amps the signal and re-wires some of it to make it switch your TV to the correct AV channel (if it doesn't already do that) as well as enabling RGB mode.

                    I'm curious to see if it works or not, so will try and knock it up this week and get back to you. Could be a delay as i'm currently working a few extra hours and running around after a sick dad.



                      Thanks. Very much appreciated. If you don't find the time, don't worry. If you do, then let me know how much I owe you for doing this.



                        i'll defo do it, like i say, i'm curious to see if it works

