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What's Your Earliest Gaming Memory?

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    Although i probably played something earlier, my very earliest memory is Christmas morning 1986, when i got a Commodore 64, i was 6 years old. The game i remember playing is Frantic Freddie:

    Good times


      Think I had an Atari Heavy sixer at a very early age - pong tastic. Also had an Atari 2600 (completely forgot about it until I just saw a piccie).


        Probably playing an old Atari with space invaders but it is vague. The first games I have real memories of playing for a decent amount of time are Wild Bunch and a Q*Bert style game on the ZX Spectrum. I had god knows how many tapes, but those two are the ones that stick in my mind today. Especially as I would load a tape, go outside play football, have my tea and do my homework, and by then it might just had loaded.


          Well if you do not include hand held lcd and tabletop games like Galaxy invader 1000 and Astro Wars,etc then my first gaming memory is going to a school friends house back in the early 80`s and playing his Atari 2600 (VCS),Space Invaders,Pacman,Missile Command,Raiders Of The Lost Ark,Pele`s Soccer.Shortly after i managed to get a 2600 of my own and my heart has been with that console ever since, i play the Atari 2600 emulator `Stella` almost every week.I am also a ZX Spectrum and classic arcade game fan because of my very early gaming memories.

