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Top 5 Games you've NEVER played?

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    Top 5 Games you've NEVER played?

    I thought this might make an interesting topic? For us all to reminisce over games that broke our hearts because of their rarity or being on consoles we don't own or in a language we don't speak or by just plain getting cancelled...I'll start:

    1. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island: 50% of games I own are Mario games and of all Mario games this one has the most appealing look to me (Crayons! YAY! xD).

    2. Earthbound: It looks like a Snoopy game with aliens! It's probably the only "traditional" RPG I actually want to play and it's the only one I know of that isn't on Virtual Console.

    3. Shenmue: Recently I went overboard and bought a Hello Kitty Dreamcast with a big ol' box o' Japanese game because I wanted to play Jet Set Radio. Among the box of games were some Japanese catalogue things... One with gorgeous screenshots of Shenmue with pink cherry blossom trees and a guy on a bicycle and retro coke cans... It just looks phenomenal. Sadly I was offered a load of cash for the Console and sold it and am now selling off the games (see my sales thread haha) so my Dreamcasting days are over I think but I may one day pick up an PAL Dreamcast and sample some Shenmue!

    4. Ridge Racer Type 4: I'm not big on racing games but this game looks gorgeous, such lovely designs and a gorgeous colour pallette... If only it wasn't all blocky and 32-bit... HD remake anyone?

    5. Pilotwings 64: My earliest memory of gaming is my cousin getting a launch N64. Not long after I remember him showing my dad Wave Race 64 while 7 or 8-year-old me sat holding Pilotwings 64 excitedly hoping to get a go on this spectacular looking (from the box) flying game... But I never did (Well the other week I did try play a hacked version on a friend's Wii he downloaded through an SD card for me but it was all broken and crashy)
    Last edited by Pikate; 08-04-2012, 13:51.

    Renny Blaster.


      I owned Renny Blaster, you've missed nothing. Did like the cover art though......

      Sold that one on here for muchos bing-bangs during my collection sell off. A classic example of rare and expensive but ****e.


        Nice idea for a thread!

        Hmmm, let's see now...

        1. Shenmue: I've played Shenmue II quite a few times on the Xbox (and really like it), but never got a chance to play the original as I never owned a Dreamcast. Keeping fingers crossed for a HD remake on current consoles.

        2. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker: I've played every main Zelda since Link to the Past, except the Wind Waker as I again, didn't own a Gamecube back in the day. I do own one now, so maybe I should try and pick this up someday.

        3. Super Mario Galaxy 2: I have SMG on the Wii, but for some reason haven't got around to playing the sequel which is supposedly even better. I have no excuses really.

        4. Perfect Dark: I played probably hundreds of hours of GoldenEye back in the day, yet I didn't get PD for my N64. Again, don't know why really, I guess I wasn't really into console gaming at one point in my teen years so this passed me by.

        5. Suikoden III: I'm a big fan of Suikoden series, but since Suikoden III was never released in Europe I never got around playing it. Didn't bother with modding and importing.

        Edit: Have to mention Metal Gear Solid also, I've never really played it apart from trying the beginning.
        Last edited by Guts; 08-04-2012, 13:26.


          Suikoden 1&2
          Majora's Mask (do own it though, just waiting for the right time)
          Paper Mario
          Phantasy Star IV


            Cool thread idea.

            1. Shenmue - Although I had a Dreamcast I never fancied playing this. Still don't really but apparently it's good!
            2. Panzer Dragoon Saga -
            3. Super Mario RPG - Although I loved RPGs and had an action replay to import I never got around to playing this
            4. EarthBound - As above
            5. Silent Hill - None of them


              Never played any of the a final Fantasy series other than a couple of hours on VII. Chinatown Wars is the first GTA game I've ever owned. I've only played the first Metal Gear Solid and I'd love to finally go through Mario RPG too.


                Earthbound is brilliant but I've never played it that much. For me it's mainly arcade games, especially sit down versions and other titles that never came over here. Will have to maybe think of more but I want to play: .1. Planet Harriers (arcade). 2. The Fist of the North Star Punch Mania titles (I will buy the second one someday if I get the chance). 2. Metal Wolf Chaos (I think that's the name of the Japanese Xbox game?). Oh yeah, I wish I could understand some of the Japanese only games, I wish they were translated (but not altered / censored).
                Last edited by monel; 08-04-2012, 21:22.




                    Tempest 3000 - sequel to the greatest ever game
                    Phantasy Star Online
                    Zelda: LttP - well I have played it, but not beyond the first hour...
                    Deus Ex
                    Another World/ Out of This World


                      Edit: Noticed it was top 5,

                      Shadow of the Colossus
                      Chrono Trigger
                      Link to the past

                      Theres tons I have not played.
                      Oh dear, I am ashamed
                      Last edited by redstar_dan; 08-04-2012, 22:51.


                        Panzer dragoon saga: I won't cheapen the game buy playing a ripped copy so never played it

                        Tempest 2000: never owned a jag so never played it but really want to

                        Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan!
                        Looks brilliant. Played the demo loads but suspect unplayable without an English translation

                        Snatcher and Policenauts:
                        Huge fan of the metal gear games so really ought to check these out.


                          Lol, Shenmue getting lots of non-love here!

                          1. Shenmue. I have a sealed copy of the game but have never owned a DC
                          2. Super Mario RPG. Got it the day it was on the Wii VC, never touched it.
                          3. Radiant Silvergun. Still goes for silly money? No Saturn, no ta.
                          4. Any Silent Hill. I do have the first now as it was free from PS+ this week.
                          5. Any Parasite Eve.

                          There's a hell of a lot but I do own a lot as well and shall not be filling any blanks anytime soon.


                            Let's see...
                            Clocktower; any of them, but I'd like to play the SNES original first.
                            Jumping Jack Flash; it always looked interesting on magazines.
                            Ghost Trick; it came out when I stopped using the train for commuting so never had any incentive to buy it.
                            Vagrant Story;
                            Shadow of the Beast; any of them; completely missed the Amiga scene back in the day, there are two tons and a half of games worth playing but SotB's cover always got my attention.


                              Much Nintendo fail on my part:

                              1. Pokemon Series
                              Despite being the right kind of age group when it initially came out, I never had a GBC and simply had no interest in getting one either. I'm after the series now, look forward to getting stuck in!

                              2. Zelda: Link to the Past
                              Never had a SNES back in the day was a MD man, I own Zelda unboxed and on the GBA now, but somehow never got round to it - purchased it mint and boxed for my current SNES binge, so perhaps I'll get to it this time!!

                              3. Zelda: Majora's Mask
                              This came out same time as Shenmue released in the US, so while my mates played this I decided to get some Shenmue in, don't regret it one bit!!

                              4. Panzer Dragoon Saga
                              Owned it for donkeys, loved the other PD games yet somehow never played this one... No excuse...

                              5.Metroid Prime
                              Yup, I know - shocking.... Owned it since launch played for maybe an hour - cant quite get into it for some reason - despite loving the GBA and SNES ones...

