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Best Option of PS2 on LCD.

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    Best Option of PS2 on LCD.

    Please could you tell me what I need to buy to make a PS2 look Half decent on a 32" LCD, Please.

    I tried my luck with a cheap RGB, i'm guessing cheap can be used for the quality. The res is really low and the colours are washed out.

    I was going to pick up a Official PS2 or PS3 component, but thought, ask here incase if they're any better alternatives.

    Want to re-play the medal of honor PS2 series. Largely, the PS2 will be used for compilation stuff, which granted, isnt going to look correct, but I know I should be able to make it better.

    The Dreamcast through official RGB looks stunning, if I can get anything near that, I'd be really pleased.

    Thank you guys.

    I ended up going Component for my PS2 on the Plasma...the RGB was ok-ish but everything just looks crisper & better through Component



      Is that the official one Neil? Thanks for help.


        Yeah but mines the PS3 one which works perfectly & is easier to find

        The Game own brand one is just as good though if you happen to find one

        No worries though buddy you are welcome


          Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
          Yeah but mines the PS3 one which works perfectly & is easier to find

          The Game own brand one is just as good though if you happen to find one

          No worries though buddy you are welcome
          Soundwave, is the Game one the other component you had? I read a post on another forum that kept criticizing the Game one, but there was some confusion over which was Game's one and other 3rd party ones they sold. I had planned on getting an official one but they're quite costly at times.


            Originally posted by shinobi7000 View Post
            Soundwave, is the Game one the other component you had? I read a post on another forum that kept criticizing the Game one, but there was some confusion over which was Game's one and other 3rd party ones they sold. I had planned on getting an official one but they're quite costly at times.
            Yeah I'm pretty sure the other one I had was the Game branded one.
            It seemed fine for me...I only changed to the official PS3 one because the switcher I was using seemed to have a problem with it & I was advised that the official one would fix the problem.

            It didn't though & the switcher was actually faulty in the end & only recognised Components in the first connection & none of the others.

            I would get the official if you can find it just because it looks prettier lol



              It was a GAME one Neil, I remember you buying it off me.


                Originally posted by MonkeyJuggleDX View Post
                It was a GAME one Neil, I remember you buying it off me.
                Thanks man...damn you have a good memory lol



                  Thanks for clearing that up. I have a bunch of 360 leads (almost every official one available) that I could trade in for a PS3 component I guess but I'm kind of a hoarder.


                    In my honest opinion, RGB SCART.


                    Because many TVs don't support 240p over component unfortunately.

                    EDIT: I'll change that many to most. Most TVs don't.


                      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                      In my honest opinion, RGB SCART.


                      Because many TVs don't support 240p over component unfortunately.

                      EDIT: I'll change that many to most. Most TVs don't.
                      Sadly, scart looked terrible on any 3d games on my telly, the component was an improvement. The GS mode (or whatever it's name is) selector app also doesn't work with my setup or I would have been laughing. Typical.


                        Has anyone had successful results with a PS2 on hi res displays, Im assuming Plasma is more forgiving but from what I've tried I can only get it to look terrible and worse.


                          Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
                          Has anyone had successful results with a PS2 on hi res displays, Im assuming Plasma is more forgiving but from what I've tried I can only get it to look terrible and worse.
                          Soundwave helped me out and component looks pretty good on my Samsung, it was a big leap from the scart. Certain games look amazing, some still look crap. That app I mentioned earlier can help get a HD video signal from the PS2 but you need to mess with the settings and some televisions won't accept the hacks. I guess the last option (or best, but expensive) is to get an upscaler.


                            I use Component personally. Whilst RGB was decent enough, I find Component to be crisper, plus I can enable 480p on a lot of my games. This is on a Sony panel that goes from 240p to 1080p.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              XRGB - there is NO other way to play anything 480 or less on a HDTV

