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Parasite Eve PS1

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    Parasite Eve PS1

    I remember my friend loving this when it was originally released. I only put a couple of hours into it but have recently had the urge to give it another try. Does anybody know if the jp version is in English?

    No, you will need the us version


      One of my absolute favourite all time classics.

      Great story, premise & battle system. A great stab at a survival horror RPG with a fantastic soundtrack as well.


        This really is fantastic and when Square were at their best. The only fault with the game now is the insanely slow speed of Aya. The setting is fresh (for then), the music is ace, plot is good and the battle system is superb.

        Never did play no 2 but The 3rd Birthday is a favourite of mine too.


          I loved the first PE. But I first played the Japanese import, which made the story seem mysterious and exciting. You had to fill in the blanks using your own mind, and it blew my mind seeing some of what happened. It was loaned from a friend at school, and all of us who had a chipped machine passed it around trying to complete it. One of the best import experiences I can recall. The first time he got it he actually brought his PS1 into school and we loaded it up at lunch time to watch the opening gameplay are.

          Years later I played the US version, and was really disappointed by how ropey the story was. It was more exciting when I made it up myself. Now it was long bouts of dialogue about mitochondria.

          Also, the overall pacing is a bit slow when you're reading everything. In Japanese we skipped the text and it made the game feel much faster and more intense. It's amazing how different an experience you have in a foreign language.

          PE2 is crap though. The combat is a chunkier version of Resident Evil. You move slowly and turn like a tank, while the enemy runs and jumps around all over the place at high speed. Also, the story is ridiculous. Something about a religious cult which willing de-evolves themselves into strange bio-mechanical mutants. Meh.
          Last edited by Sketcz; 24-10-2012, 08:08.


            I enjoyed both but I gotta say the original was the better of the two and more original in terms of game play . Parasite Eve 2 did have the distinct advantage of having one of the most ridiculous enemies ever seen in a game.


              That thing gave me nightmares.


                That's amazing! I do actually want to pick the second game up.


                  really awesome retrospective here:


                    I was killing time looking through some magazines the other day and the early preview pre renders or whatever they're called looked amazing, like a current gen game if they had been real.

