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PC Engine - what's the deal?

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    PC Engine - what's the deal?

    Over the years, I've played on most videogame platforms except for some of the more obscure. However, one that I've never been anywhere near is the PC Engine.

    I know there were a few versions; a cartridge version, a CD version and a handheld of some description, and it had some memorable titles by Konami? However, that's the extent of my knowledge. Kinda wish I'd looked into it more when I lived in Japan, as I remember my local 2nd hand game stores having shelves and shelves of the games.

    So I guess what I want to know isn't the "what" about the PC Engine, but rather the "why". I could look up all the info on Wikipedia but I'm more interested to hear why people might collect PCE stuff and what titles are key to understanding the platform.

    The PC Engine in all its various forms is a great little system. It has a pretty big library of largely Japanese developed titles. All the big Japanese third parties supported it and first party stuff from NEC Avenue and Hudson only adds to that.
    Don't be put off by the 8-bit tag it is actually a powerful system. Despite its age its easily on a par with the Megadrive and SNES in many respects and superior in others. See the ports of Street Fighter 2, Forgotten Worlds and the SNK stuff for examples.

    Buy one of the later Duo-R or Duo-RX systems and an Arcade card and you'll be able to play everything apart from the few Supergrafx games.

    Personally I like the shoot 'em ups on the system and will be putting a bit more effort into trying out the platform games as well.


      At the time it offered the closest arcade conversions you could get in the home, all the top titles from Taito, Namco etc, and an endless catalog of shoot em ups.

      All PC Engines play the same "card" games, it's just some card systems dont support adding a CD Rom, and the Supergrafx has 5 games you cant play on any other unit.


        Personally, having owned a few, I can't see what all the fuss is about. I can imagine that it must have been mind-blowing at the time, to have a PC Engine GT while everyone else was on their GB / Lynx or GG, and the first time someone played a CD game on it must have been amazing. But strictly from a fun-to-play perspective, money is better spent elsewhere now, I think, although the is the pleasure of owning some rareish items, of course.

        But others seem to find lots of fun in it - this is just my opinion. And there's no doubt that it some of the nicest looking hardware ever. I think I started a thread about what the most aesthetically pleasing cart shape was, and there was lots of love for the hu card.


          Originally posted by tomato View Post
          Personally, having owned a few, I can't see what all the fuss is about. I can imagine that it must have been mind-blowing at the time, to have a PC Engine GT while everyone else was on their GB / Lynx or GG, and the first time someone played a CD game on it must have been amazing. But strictly from a fun-to-play perspective, money is better spent elsewhere now, I think, although the is the pleasure of owning some rareish items, of course.

          But others seem to find lots of fun in it - this is just my opinion. And there's no doubt that it some of the nicest looking hardware ever. I think I started a thread about what the most aesthetically pleasing cart shape was, and there was lots of love for the hu card.
          Agreed - i sold an rgb modded duo r a few years ago and havent missed it one bit. Some of the shooters such as gates / lords and of course sapphire, were very nice though.


            Interesting. It actually kinda sounds a bit like when I got a Neo Geo Pocket Color for the first time while they were commercially available. Obscure Japanese machine, hardcore market focus, games by SNK based on properties that gamers love but the general public has never heard of. Like at the time it must have felt special to import one.


              When I get time today i'll write a massive reply to this one..................


                Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                When I get time today i'll write a massive reply to this one..................
                I look forward to it!


                  I think the system is overrated and in every way a 2nd best Mega Drive , sorry ikobo - its not trolling or a wind up but how I feel about the system.


                    I expected nothing less from you TA, you couldn't have been more predictable if you'd tried.


                      To be honest I have to agree with TA and some of the other comments, the system just never clicked with me. The best games are very good but there is a vast amount of random inaccessible japanese nonsense. If I was looking to get a system and spend some money on it, I'd go for the neo everytime over the pc engine.


                        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                        I think the system is overrated and in every way a 2nd best Mega Drive , sorry ikobo - its not trolling or a wind up but how I feel about the system.
                        agree with that too -

                        It doesnt really do anything better than the MD (other than digital sound streamed off the CD) and MD shooters like
                        Steel Empire/TFIV/Gleylancer are way better than anything it has to offer (although i do have a soft spot for Hudson stuff like Soldier Blade)

                        I would emulate some of the games first and see how you get on, before buying any hardware

                        It seems to be a fairly collectible format though

                        (old retro set up below with PC engine duo r goodies) I used to have the most immaculate duo r), infact someone on this forum has it now!)

                        Last edited by dvdx2; 31-01-2013, 09:37.


                          It's all down to the games really, if you don't like whats on offer in the PCE library then your mileage is going to vary on how much fun you'd get out of playing & collecting. I used to have a PCE setup but the fact that the damn things turn into bananas kind of spoiled it with all that yellowing. Part of the appeal was it's tiny form, it's just nice to look at.

                          Still the games i really enjoyed, stuff like Galaga '89 was ace then theres Bomberman & PC kid. Think collectors like it as theres so much stuff you can collect for it as theres a silly amount of hardware combinations you can have as well as spinoffs like the GT & LT.


                            If there's one area I couldn't agree less on here, it's with shooters. The PC-Engine easily has the most varied and quality line up of all the 16-Bit era systems where that genre is concerned in my opinion. I'm not saying that out of any fanboy bias, I love all the systems from the era and obviously the MD and SFC have some quality titles.


                              Having one console go up against another is poinless as no console is better than the other if theres certain games you love for it.

                              I had way more fun playing my PCE than i did my MD, does that make one better than ther other? No it was due to the games i liked, both have amazing librarys of games. The neo is another great console but i hate fighters so i really wouldn't go mad over one.

                              For once i'd like to see a thread not go off into console VS console war.

