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Playable Demo of Resident 1.5 Released Online!

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    Playable Demo of Resident 1.5 Released Online!

    If you haven't been following the upcoming release of Resident Evil 1.5, a team currently in possession of the game have been injecting code into Capcom's unfinished work to make a more playable game.

    One follower of the project, however, somehow got their hands on their work and attempted a quick sale via eBay. While this was quickly pulled, those restoring the game have decided to release the same version that was stolen - an unfinished demo of an unfinished game - to render any further attempts worthless.

    So lucky us! If you're into video game history, Resident Evil, or prototypes in any shape or form, you might want to check this out. It works in emulators and the original hardware.

    Where is the DL link?


      Is this the one that's caused quite a stir in the community for years or something else?


        You need to open the spoiler in that post and then at the bottom of it there is another spoiler to open. Took me about 15minutes to find it. Gonna give it a blast now though.




            Sweet! Massive resi fan so I must have this. Can't wait to give it a bash.


              I don't understand. This is an android game? or what?


                How about clicking the link in the opening post!


                  Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                  I don't understand. This is an android game? or what?
                  No, they're presumably playing it on an PS1 emulator on Android.

                  Videos of this leak have been floating around for a few months now, but I dismissed them. Stunned that it appears to be real.


                    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                    How about clicking the link in the opening post!
                    That sounds like a lot of work.


                      Basically, an 'as-is' demo has been released, but it's pretty broken. The team are working on fixing the demo by injecting code and make the everything into demo work and be playable.

                      So people who actually intend to play this might be better off waiting until they've finished restoring the demo.


                        Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                        Is this the one that's caused quite a stir in the community for years or something else?
                        Yeah, it's that one - the one Capcom demonstrated a while before RE2 came out, then the final game ended up very different leading Capcom to admit eventually that they "started over" at one point and just kept some of the assets.


                          Fantastic. A decent Biohazard game at last


                            Originally posted by jamesy View Post
                            You need to open the spoiler in that post and then at the bottom of it there is another spoiler to open. Took me about 15minutes to find it. Gonna give it a blast now though.
                            Edit: found it now doh!
                            Last edited by SuperDanX; 18-02-2013, 19:40. Reason: Being dumb



                              People have waited years to play this. I remember this version being canned by capcom and then almost mythical speculation of someone having it.

