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Just played my Lynx again

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    Just played my Lynx again

    I didn't thinking I had it any more, but I found it while doing a clearout. The Lynx didn't end up being cleared out.

    I've just had a couple of hours on it. No prizes for guessing why the play session was brought to a close.

    Anyway, here's what I played:

    Double Dragon. A great converstion - really had fun going through this. It's probably the most true to the arcade version I have, apart from the XBLA one.

    Warbirds. Probably the biggest disappointment of the session. Used to love it, but now there hardly seems like anything to do. For those of you that haven't played it, it's a WW1 dogfighting game. Shot down one, got shot down myself and lost interest.

    Blue Lightning. One of the best known Lynx games, due to its brilliant graphics for the time. Still quite fun. Leagues betters than the nearest Game Gear equivalents - G-Loc and Afterburner.

    Zarlor Mercenary. My favourite Lynx game. Looking into the box, I collected two copies of this, one is still sealed. Anyway, it's bloody difficult, not least because you don't always have autofire, unless you choose Brendo, and the Lynx is darn heavy to keep pressing fire on. Looks great, though, and although my skills aren't what they were - I died in level two, I had a blast.

    The batteries are being charged up for another play tomorrow. Might even take it on the train to work, and see what reaction I get from the kids who have grown up with DS / PSP.

    Next session I can play Viking Child, Stun Runner, Chequered Flag, Xybots or Rampart.

    I know the machine is all but ignored on this forum, but does anyone have one, or has anyone had a bash on one recently?

    Much to my dismay, I got a Lynx for Christmas in 1989. I wanted a Gameboy. However, a whole bunch of other kids also got one, so we used to play 7-player California Games, which was nothing short of awesome.

    I got also got Electrocop, and Todd's Adventures in Slime World, which I spent the entire Christmas break playing with my Mom. I was a huge fan of Road Blasters at the time, so this was my next purchase. I also hugely enjoyed Xenophobe, Rygar, Ninja Gaiden and Gauntlet: The Third Encounter.

    The "left-handed" buttons came in handy when I broke my elbow, as it was the only gaming device I could play for six weeks.

    TBH, it had some decent games I thought. Just the Atari curse killed it I suppose.

    I ended up selling it in 1996 for almost ?200, which I put towards KOF '96 on Neo.
    Last edited by J0e Musashi; 29-04-2013, 07:36.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      I put such a ridiculously huge amount of time in to California games with my best mate, for me it was the best thing on the system. In fact, I would kind of like to play it now! It was such a huge beast of a system though, but I really liked (Though never owned) the redesigned Lynx II. It had a few great titles, but the majority of the library was absolutely awful.


        Surfing was my favourite event. I used to play it over and over.

        There was an bug in BMX where you could jump the entire course. I couldn't work out exactly how to do it every time, but it would happen on occasion, and secure you the competition in it's entirety.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          The one I have now is a Lynx II. It must be old stock - it is in immaculate condition.

          I've played some of the games mentioned above. Liked the surfing in California games, but couldn't get into the rest of it.

          Electrocop I played a few times, but found it too hard. I had Gauntlet and enjoyed that.

          I heard good things about Steel Talons. If anyone has played that, I would be interested to know how it was. When I had the machine first time round, I also played Rygar and PacLand which were fun enough, and Pit fighter, which was a terrible game in the arcade and even worse on the Lynx.


            I never had a a Lynx always wanted one but by the time I could afford one the Megadrive was almost out UK so I got that instead.


              i think i have played on my lynx for about an hour in total, i think its just the screens of that era that puts me off turning it on, all too blurry, game gear, pc engine gt (sold that in the end, just got on my nerves). this thread has reminded me that i could do with selling mine at somepoint really :-)


                Had a Lynx II which came boxed with Batman returns. That game was rock solid.

                I had fond memories of Tod's Adventure in Slime-world, Gauntlet, California Games and Xenophobe. Just wish I hadn't sold it at Cash Converters in 1999 for half a button and a scotch egg.


                  Right - got three hours in the shinkansen tomorrow, so going to take the Lynx and the games I didn't play yesterday.

                  Should be a blast. Really tempted to start a wanted thread for some more games.


                    Have owned both the first version & the chunky 2nd version but out of the 2 i found the chunky one the better, battery life is disgusting on it though & it has that awful shiny type of backlight like the gamegear where the colours look washed out.

                    Only had a small selection of games but i loved chips challenge & klax, also had the misfortune to own scrapyard dog which was abysmal.


                      lol scrapyard dog is one of the only games i have for the lynx, and it is pretty poor


                        I was mortified when as a child I was given a Lynx as a present instead of the Game Boy I asked for.


                          I am guessing your mum went to the same market as mine when you was a kid.


                            My dad. It was on clearance then in a department store. He refused to buy me anything Japanese, as he's a total racist.

