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Finding a home for official Nintendo 64 controllers

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    Finding a home for official Nintendo 64 controllers

    Hi guys. Basically, I've found my two old Nintendo 64 controllers in a rarely-entered cupboard, both the official pads boxed (black and blue), and I need to suggestions for the best way of giving them an new home. Both the controllers are about as good condition as possible without being mint/sealed, which is probably not a common find seeing how quickly the thumbstick used to wear out on the N64 controllers. Anyone?

    wouldn't the trading forum be the place to start?


      Guess so, but how much do they go for? I don't want to over-charge my fellow BDers.


        Tenner each according to eBay.


          I'd like to give at least one of them a good home!


            You need to improve your approach, Jei.

            "I would welcome the opportunity to give these pads the fresh start they deserve. I have already fostered five pads back to health and independence. In some cases the pads were able to return to full time work, and I am delighted to say that one has gone on to marry a Hori Mini, with whom he is now expecting his first child. As I hope you can tell, I am extremely passionate about pad rehoming, due to the difficulties I faced growing up. Giving time to small plastic accessories is my calling in life..."

            Or something.
            Last edited by egparadigm; 19-09-2013, 18:09.


              Haha. Truth be told it's not that exciting.

              Simply put the last owner of my N64 kindly supplied a controller full of dead skin, leftover kebab and general mankyness that I'm too lazy to clean.

              Plus a wobbly knob is involved!!

              Kudo's to monomaniacpat for the effort though! - well, clearly someone has too much time on their hands
              Last edited by Jei; 06-04-2015, 21:14.

