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Dreamcast Toejam & Earl 3 now released

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    Dreamcast Toejam & Earl 3 now released

    I'm not sure if anyone here actually knows but the incomplete and unreleased Dreamcast version of Toejam & Earl 3 has actually been released! I probably shouldn't post links here due to forum rules but I'm sure if you Google it you'll find it.

    Here's a video I put together the other week. The person who released it have their name on the video as a thanks.

    Unfortunately the audio is only on the left channel thanks to a faulty DC RGB cable.

    I might start using Funkify in normal conversation from today onwards!

    It looked promising, a mixture of Sonic Adventure with some unique gameplay of its own. The silliness & music is right up my street too!


      If you can, try the game out. It plays just like the old Meag Drive Toejam & Earl. Not like the XBOX version that finally got released.


        This looks so interesting. How incomplete is the build?


          It's pretty early and different than the one show at E3 since this version has no boss battles. It starts to crap out the high in levels you go. I've been to 14 myself but someon at ASSEMblergames says they finished it.

