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Putting together a PC for MAME and suchlike

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    Putting together a PC for MAME and suchlike

    Hi all

    Been mulling over getting a cheapo pc for MAME and other emulation.

    Not interested in anything too modern with regards to the actual emulation, Maybe up to Playstation but to be honest, more interested in MAME for me and my son to play on the telly.

    I do have an original xbox and although I?ve softmodded it, its only got the 8 gig drive. I have looked on Youtube about upgrading the harddrive but it looks like a world of pain and way out of my limited knowledge

    I used to have mame and Neorage X on my old pc years ago but I?m well out of touch on what the latest is.

    But basically, this is what I?m thinking of

    A smallish pc that wont be too intrusive under or next to the tv and more importantly, reasonably quiet.

    HDMI friendly so I can connect to the tv

    Can connect to an amp

    As for controllers, are you limited to wired ones? Am I right in thinking the 360 ones will work?

    If anyone can give me some pointers on minimum specs and all that. Assume I would only need XP as well. Lots of how to videos on youtube to get it working in a cabinet (upright or otherwise) but I?m afraid the other half would have a view on that!

    I'm ok with what emulators to use but its the actual hardware thats the puzzler for me

    Thanks in advance

    How about a Picade project instead?!


      I personally have an Acer Revo R3610 - it's essentially a Netbook (remember those?) without the screen, in a small pc like form factor that runs whisper quiet, has very low power consumption, includes Wifi, VGA and HDMI outputs so it can connect straight to a TV, has all the benefits of running windows (Internet Browser, Media players, Netflix etc) and mine even came with wireless mouse and keyboard and a mounting bracket so you can fix it to the back of the TV.. slap in a SSD and 4gb of ram and you're off..

      I've only run emulators up to PS1 myself but I'm pretty sure you could run a Dreamcast emulator and emulators for everything before.. plenty of videos online, and to give you an idea of what can be achieved.. a video (in case the above doesn't work)


        They call items like the Revo "nettop" style pc's, but yes something like that should suit your needs fine considering you can run the bulk of the worth it mame catalogue on a 733mhz CPU.


          Get a Dell optiplex from ebay for about ?40, then stream all your emulation (or any game) from your main PC using Steam.

