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Post any time you get ANYTHING retro 3.

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    Originally posted by Leon Retro View Post
    Yeah, imagine having to use one of those crappy basic TVs these days. They can't even do 60Hz.
    Yeah and just 14 inches [insert joke here]. One of the 1st thinks I ever bought when I got a job was am Hitachi 21 inch CRT TV that handled 60hz and had 2 Scart sockets, Those were the days. These days one almost thinks 55 inches is too small LOL


      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
      Yeah and just 14 inches [insert joke here]. One of the 1st thinks I ever bought when I got a job was am Hitachi 21 inch CRT TV that handled 60hz and had 2 Scart sockets, Those were the days. These days one almost thinks 55 inches is too small LOL
      I keep looking at the broadcast monitors here in Japan. They're really easy to find but most at a reasonable price are piddling 14 inch efforts. That's too small. 21 inch or more cost a fortune. Even then 21 inch is small. Need at least 24 inch but then I've got nowhere to put it


        Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
        Need at least 24 inch but then I've got nowhere to put it


          Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
          I keep looking at the broadcast monitors here in Japan. They're really easy to find but most at a reasonable price are piddling 14 inch efforts. That's too small. 21 inch or more cost a fortune.
          It's mad and just a few years ago I would see people leaving their old CRT TV's out the back ready for the council to pick up. Can't belive I used to game on the crappy 14 CRT TV with my Master System, ZX Spectrum and early days of the Mega Drive.

          I know people here are fond of the CRT Tech, I'm so glad the tech went with LCD Ect. Much bigger TV's, cost far less and also don't weight a ton and take up so much room.


            I think if the 240p/480i transitions were handled more elegantly on scalers, I'd probably sell my BVM.


              I'm hoping that the ossc pro solves all the scaler issues i have with framemeister then i can ditch that and upgrade.


                Pocketstation arrived today, box is pretty worn & beat up but i knew that before buying however the important thing is that pocketstation is pristine, not a single scratch or nick on the thing. And it's not yellowed at all, yass finally. Also picked up a cheapy neck strap so i can take this thing out with me.

                Also purchased this today too never expected to see them crop up on ebay but damn expensive, been looking for a while for it. There was a prize version of dokodemo issho tied in with Calpis water it comes with a unique strap and more interestingly a unique taikenban Calpis version of dokodemo issho and a pocketstation. Would have loved to see the exact campign it was won from as that stuff always interests me. Looks in pretty nice condition too.

                Last edited by importaku; 02-03-2020, 12:07.


                  Another day of sick leave and another day spent filling in the gaps of my PS1 collection, ended up having to resort to amazon Japans marketplace to find new copies of these 2 as ebay is dry at the moment. Still there are good prices to be found these 2 were 2000 yen & 700 yen respectively for sealed new copies.

                  Pocket jiman is an odd one, from the look of the cover it gives off odd vibes lol. Why is that man shouting and why is there a soft cream on that pocketstation. This one is a pretty quirky RPG adventure game maker also has a few other types of minigame to download into the pocketstation too. Totally missed this one as i was searching for new games but thats not hard as there are soooo many damn PS1 games and a lot are super obscure that even finding screenshots online is hard. Still it's a voyage of "expensive usually lol" discovery.

                  Didn't even realise this was a different game as all the covers of the dokodemo issho games start to look similar but this one is an expansion disk to allow you to play with Toro as a kitten. Koneko mo issho requires the main game to run though as this is an expansion disk. Think i have them all now, although there are a surprising amount of box sets for this game series.


                    Those look really interesting. Are there any screenshots or video of the first?

                    The cover art of the second is strangely eerie, like the sort of photograph that would have been published in one of those 'The Unexplained' books because there's something that looks like a UFO or a ghost in the background.


                      Originally posted by wakka View Post
                      Those look really interesting. Are there any screenshots or video of the first?

                      The cover art of the second is strangely eerie, like the sort of photograph that would have been published in one of those 'The Unexplained' books because there's something that looks like a UFO or a ghost in the background.
                      I love gaming from this era it's so experimental, games just made because the devs wanted to do it no matter how weird or out there they were. The only vids i can find of pocket jiman are on nico nico. Considering how popular the pocketstation was in japan there isn't much online on youtube apart from some of the most popular games like FF or crash bandicoot or pocket muu muu. A lot of pocketstation stuff is undocumented in english. If i had the time it would be fun to document it all.

                      Heres the funky dancing men of the pocket jiman intro, they can bust a move

                      and footage of the game, its closest to the rpg tsukuru series of games although the rpgs you can create for the pocketstation have a lot of size limitations, you use the game to build your creation the either send it to a real pocketstation to play on or you can play it via the pocketstation emulator built into the game. Heres 44 mins of footage but it might be a bit boring to watch but you can get an idea from the first few mins.
                      Last edited by importaku; 03-03-2020, 12:55.


                        Vic-20, 1541 floppy, 1081 monitor, pi1541 and a cassette deck that still works
                        Last edited by Brad; 03-03-2020, 15:40.


                          Running Manic Miner. Great port, better than the C64 version.


                            Originally posted by Brad View Post
                            Running Manic Miner. Great port, better than the C64 version.
                            A much better port of Manic Miner for the C64 was released at Xmas -- it's called Manic Miner 64DX.

                            Have you still got an Amiga, or are you focused on the Vic-20 now?


                              I’ll give that a go!
                              Still got 2 Amigas but only have one retro out at a time and it’s currently Vic time. My first computer and only computer til I got an Amiga 500. Folks could never afford to get me anything better. Was jealous of BBC Micro owning friends though.


                                Originally posted by Brad View Post
                                Still got 2 Amigas but only have one retro out at a time and it’s currently Vic time. My first computer and only computer til I got an Amiga 500. Folks could never afford to get me anything better. Was jealous of BBC Micro owning friends though.
                                I also only have one retro machine set up at a time. Would love to have a room full of machines, but I can only dream on.

                                Some of my cousins had a BBC, but I never got to appreciate how many great games it had. At school, we didn't get to play games on them. It was only ages later, when I got into retro gaming, that I researched the machine and gradually discovered how many gems are in its library. I really like how fast and colourful lots of them are.
                                Last edited by Leon Retro; 03-03-2020, 16:46.

