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Retro|Spective 200: 10 Years of Bordersdown / 20 Years of NTSC-UK

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    Loads of meets and loads of people. All good memories.

    Boog's student digs and the lift share there and back, dropping in at 'Monkey Arcade', various signing events (Suda, Ishawatari...), visits to the Heart of Gaming, swapping 'gear' in tube stations, roughing up Capcom at their own game, London Gaming Markets, the Zaki-cade, chance encounters in nightclubs, Seany's garage sessions, collecting in person to say hello, spooning with the Broon, mini FG gatherings at my place, and many instances of talking bollocks in a pub.

    Here's to plenty more to come.

    Would agree with earlier sentiments that it's a lot easier to get the best versions of the best games these days and that what brought us together isn't quite such a necessity, but I'm also glad a lot of us haven't got complacent in assuming that what's readily available is worth settling for. I continue to learn plenty about my favourite hobby on here, and I thank you all for that.


      I met up with [MENTION=1482]dataDave[/MENTION] in a cool fish restaurant in between two strip joints in Singapore. Usual


        A couple more months and the site will have been Bordersdown longer than it was NTSC-UK


          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
          I met up with [MENTION=1482]dataDave[/MENTION] in a cool fish restaurant in between two strip joints in Singapore. Usual
          If you read this wearing They Live glasses it says you met in a cool strip joint between 2 restaurants.



              Originally posted by gordon View Post
              Don’t know how or why I came here back in 2004, but I’m glad I did. You’re a lovely bunch of people.
              Hi gordon. Please update your email address. I'm getting bounced messages when the site tries to send you notifications.


                Time flies for sure! I’m nearly bloody 50 now!

                I think I ended up here after Edge forums way back and have been mostly lurking ever since.

                Here’s to another 20 years.


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  I met up with [MENTION=1482]dataDave[/MENTION] in a cool fish restaurant in between two neighbourhoods both filled to the brim with walk-in brothels in Singapore. Usual


                    I’ve been on the site for a while, though these days I don’t log in much any more due to life.

                    I can honestly say that in the lowest points of my life since 2007, this forum was a lifesaver. I’ve made friends here that I still keep the in touch with every year. People i’ve met in person, as well as friends who are ‘virtual’. It makes no difference really, I know that either way they’re great people.

                    I was a mod on the forum for many years until I fairly recently asked to be removed. My tenure as a mod in retrospect was a mistake, I was in a high pressure job employing a lot of people which unfortunately left me with a short fuse for childish nonsense on here. I was definitely too hardline, but I’m still happy that I helped a lot of people out. Be it personal issues, bad trades or just because life was a bit ****.

                    My life is really settled now, and as much as I have nothing to contribute I read the forum every day. It’s genuinely one of the best small corners of the internet.


                      I did feel for a moment I remember your username being in red. Boris isn't on here too often these days, if QC stops visiting we can become a frontierland forum of chaos!


                        [MENTION=9865]Colin[/MENTION], I was in Scotland last month and tried really hard to pop to your beer shop, but it was over an hour away and couldn't see a number to call the shop to see if you were open, as a 2 hour round trip if you were closed would have gotten me in hot water when it was really supposed to be family time.

                        Another time, though, mate.

