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Official new albums thread

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    The new Satriani album really has some corkers on it y'know. And my wife has told me that there's no way she will sit through 2 hours of wailing guitar. So I don't suppose I'll be seeing him live


      Any other Asian Kung Fu Generation fans here? They're a J-Rock band that play indie/punk style stuff and have had songs featured in anime openings such as Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist. They're also (albeit covered) in Ouendan on the DS too.

      Just got their newest album (released 15th March) "Fanclub" this morning and it's sounding great after a couple of listens


        Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime II.

        Anyone get this? For many of us growing up in the 80s, Operation Mindcrime was one of the ultimate albums. Though I have long moved on from my musical tastes back then, I bought OM on cd and still listen to it quite regularly. It's an excellent album.

        And now there's a sequel, which I picked up today. It continues the story although I've been listening more to the music than the lyrics so far. It's different. Doesn't quite have the melodic power rock of the 80s, which the original album perfected (along with Ozzy's 'Ultimate Sin' album in my opinion). But it does have some great tracks. I need to give it a few more listens to really find the best but so far I'm really enjoying this. If anything it suffers slightly from sounding a bit like a musical in places - like the story became more important than the music - but when it rocks, it rocks. It has a couple of excellent 80s style screaming guitar solos too.

        Am I the only one reliving their youth with this?


          Originally posted by iloveannie
          The new Satriani album really has some corkers on it y'know. And my wife has told me that there's no way she will sit through 2 hours of wailing guitar. So I don't suppose I'll be seeing him live
          Super Colossal is indeed a fine album. Cool new Way and One Robot's Dream are my current faves, with Redshift Riders trailing as the best Burnout custom theme around.

          2 hours? His sets in America start at 8pm and usually go on until just before midnight with a 20min interval.


            What a brilliant year for music so far!
            My favourites:
            Strokes - at least as brilliant as the other two.
            Open - A worthy second album with some brilliant tracks.
            Delays - Not a bad track! great and uplifting.
            Vines - Most of it is up there with their best stuff. It's ace!
            Flaming Lips - I think I'm going to love this soon...
            Mogwai - Easily lived up to expectations. Love it.

            Currently I'm loving The Walkmen's Louisiana from 100 Miles off, which I can't wait for!
            May is going to be the best month yet, in fact, with The Stills and Red Hot Chili Peppers albums as well as the Walkmens. Then there are still Radiohead, Blur, Idlewild, Roddy Woomble, Hope of the States, David Ford, Kings of Leon, Shins and Brand New and Hot Hot Heat albums to look forward to!

            Apologies for the kid-in-a-sweet-shop enthusiasm of this thread but I'm pretty obsessed with music and this year looks like being a brilliant one for me!
            Last edited by radio; 09-04-2006, 13:55.


              Gotta agree with you on the vines new album 'vision valley' it is indeed fantastic bar the odd track here and there yet another improvment on there previous two great albums. Sadly it failed to even chart as far as i could see which may well hinder are chances of hearing a 4th. A highly recommended nirvana meets the beatles dosent really do it justice imo.


                Gotta agree with you on the vines new album 'vision valley' it is indeed fantastic bar the odd track here and there yet another improvment on there previous two great albums. Sadly it failed to even chart as far as i could see which may well hinder are chances of hearing a 4th. A highly recommended nirvana meets the beatles dosent really do it justice imo.


                  Gotta agree with you on the vines new album 'vision valley' it is indeed fantastic bar the odd track here and there yet another improvment on there previous two great albums. Sadly it failed to even chart as far as i could see which may well hinder are chances of hearing a 4th. A highly recommended nirvana meets the beatles dosent really do it justice imo.


                    Just got the new(ish) Boris album "Pink", been out a while in Japan but only making it's way westward about now. Listened to it a few times through now and it's certainly growing on me, not sure if I'd put it above Akuma no Uta just yet however. Pretty much lives up to expectations though (as reviews will confirm), well worth picking up.

                    And I get to go see 'em live tonight, my ears won't forgive me I fear.


                      Has anyone heard the new RHCP album yet? My mate was raving about it, saying that although there's 28 tracks, there's only a few that he reckons are average songs. I think I'll wait until my copy arrives next week rather than trying to "preview" it, but I'm not sure about double albums of new material.


                        Originally posted by ascender
                        Has anyone heard the new RHCP album yet? My mate was raving about it, saying that although there's 28 tracks, there's only a few that he reckons are average songs. I think I'll wait until my copy arrives next week rather than trying to "preview" it, but I'm not sure about double albums of new material.
                        Yep, IMO it's boring. Boring as arseholes.

                        Got half-way through "Jupiter" and got bored of it and found there was still another 21 tracks to go. It didn't get much better.

                        Still, new Tool album is knocking everything into a cocked hat for me at the moment, so to be fair this didn't really stand much of a chance. However, having enjoyed the Chilis back in their 'BSSM' days I was hopeful this was gonna be at least halfway interesting.


                          Ah, I saw the Tool album yesterday when out, guess I should have picked it up then!

                          You can't grudge them their success, but it is a bit annoying when there's a great deal of people who probably think that Under The Bridge was their debut single. FWIW I think By The Way was an amazing album, I just hope they move on from there with the new one. The double album is a strange one, because Frusciante has released so much material over the last while that you'd think they'd use the side projects as a place to try stuff out and then with the new RHCP album proper, keep it short with another killer normal album with no filler.


                            Originally posted by ascender
                            Ah, I saw the Tool album yesterday when out, guess I should have picked it up then!

                            You can't grudge them their success, but it is a bit annoying when there's a great deal of people who probably think that Under The Bridge was their debut single. FWIW I think By The Way was an amazing album, I just hope they move on from there with the new one. The double album is a strange one, because Frusciante has released so much material over the last while that you'd think they'd use the side projects as a place to try stuff out and then with the new RHCP album proper, keep it short with another killer normal album with no filler.
                            Fundamentally, a lot of it feels like a Frusciante side-project IMO.

                            'By The Way' was an album that went for the juggular almost, this on the other hand, feels like it's wandering around aimlessly.


                              Originally posted by Bleeders
                              Fundamentally, a lot of it feels like a Frusciante side-project IMO.

                              'By The Way' was an album that went for the juggular almost, this on the other hand, feels like it's wandering around aimlessly.
                              So does this album sound more like one of Frusciante's, and does he sing at all? I might have to give it a try. I'm more a fan of him than the RHCP.


                                I caved and have now listened to it, a few days ahead of my order arriving from Play. First thing to say is I'm a huge fan and have been since Mother's Milk.

                                Its a difficult CD to give a quick opinion on as its so damn long and I'm not finding it easy to get into. Yes, it is quite chilled which is good. That and some of the vocals do remind me of some of Frusciantes solo work. Emir - do you have all of his solo albums and eps he's released over the last year-18 months or so?

                                There are a few tracks which are Chilis "paint by numbers", where it starts off and you think you've heard it before. But they typically do branch out to become something more than that. The harmonies and almost beach boys style lush harmonies they learnt on By The Way are back, again, its the sort of sound that JF had on a lot of his solo stuff.

                                At the moment, there's some amazing stuff, but I'm finding it really hard to digest, almost like its a chore to get through all 28 tracks. First impressions are therefore difficult, there is definitely some filler on there, but its only filler compared to some of the other stuff and measuring it by their own high standards. TBH I just wish it had been cut down to a 10/12 track CD with another one to follow. But that might change once I get into it properly.

