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Official new albums thread

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    I appreciate that I'll be preaching to a limited audience here, but Bruce Springsteen's 'We Shall Overcome' (a collection of classic American folk tunes) is absolutely outstanding. Some of it might be a bit ****kickin' for modern tastes (think the 'O Brother Where Art Thou' soundtrack but with a bigger band, and horn section), but some of it, like Erie Canal, Pay Me My Money Down, My Oklahoma Home and particularly the sublime Shenandoah is well worth tracking down.

    It's like the Pogues doing classic Americana. Truly, truly wonderful. It's a long time since I spent ?15 on a CD and didn't feel soundly ripped off.


      I've seen some excellent reviews of that Springsteen album, might pick it up tomorrow.


        Well, as I say... it's shamelessly old style bluegrass folk music, with all the whoopin', hollerin' and yee-hawin' which that entails (first track will make many, many people think, "nooooooo! what the hell have I bought here?"), but it's a real grower.

        By the end of my first listen, I was absolutely captivated and the first four tracks which had seemed so-so were majestic on the second runthrough (which started around five seconds after the first runthrough ended). Of course, I like folk and bluegrass anyway, so my view is slightly skewed.

        Not that I approve of this kind of thing, but if you can get hold of Shenandoah, Pay Me My Money Down and John Henry you'll have a good idea of what the whole album sounds like.
        Last edited by DaiSuki; 02-05-2006, 22:59.


          Originally posted by ascender

          Emir - do you have all of his solo albums and eps he's released over the last year-18 months or so?
          Yeah, I've got all his solo releases, plus the internet albums.

          I heard Omar from the Mars Volta is on it, so I have to get it anyway since I'm a Mars Volta nut. Thanks for the impressions.(^_^)


            I've no doubt it'll be a grower though, its just a bit daunting at the moment!


              Update on RHCP. I'm really enjoying CD1, but for some reason the standout tracks at the moment are the more chilled ones which is strange. The more I listen to it, the more it reminds me of Frusciante's recent solo work.


                New Tool is absolutely superb!

                "Daylight dims leaving cold fluorescence
                Difficult to see with this light
                Please forgive this selfish question, but
                What am I to say to all these ghouls tonight
                She never told a lie
                Well might of told a lie
                But never lived one
                Didn't have a life
                Didn't have a life
                But surely saved one
                Alright, now it's time for us to let you go"

                Wings for Marie / 10,000 Days worth the CD price alone IMO.
                Last edited by Bleeders; 04-05-2006, 11:55.


                  I bought the Tool album on the way home last night and its about to go on....


                    As with their previous releases, you can never digest it first-time round, so much to take in.

                    It's colossal though.


                      Its my first ever Tool album, not heard a single second of anything they've ever done.


                        Ah, a Tool noob eh?

                        As I said, you can never fully appreciate their albums first-time round because there's a lot to digest.


                          I'm having my first taste right now. First track was pretty awesome! Great drumming.

                          Track two has some wicked talkbox going on. Man they have some long songs Not sure about the dudes voice though.
                          Last edited by spagmasterswift; 04-05-2006, 13:04.


                            Ah man, Maynard James Keenan is generally considered to be one of the greatest Rock/Metal singers of his generation, without a doubt my favourite singer anyway.

                            If you like what you hear, I implore you to get hold of 'Aenima' and 'Lateralus'.


                              I'm on Rosetta Stoned at the moment and I'm feeling that - got that funky metal vibe I dig on. Gonna play through Aenima next.


                                Got Alice Nine's album yesterday, and it's bloody brilliant

                                Q. is an awesome song especially, for those who care.

