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    Just because it's "available to pre-order" doesn't mean for certain it'll even come out...I'll believe it when it's playing on my mp3 player. But for the record I think IF it comes out, it'll be immense.

    Anyone heard the new Idlewild record, a bit of a grower but they really do have a good sound, not a huge difference on this record but it's a but more coherant.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      Anyone heard the new Idlewild record, a bit of a grower but they really do have a good sound, not a huge difference on this record but it's a but more coherant.
      More coherent? That's the last bloody thing I want to hear about Idlewild. More dischordant, gauche music like you used to do, when it meant something, rather than just 'being meaningful'

      It only upsets me cos I used to love them so much.


        Hmm, you see I didn't like Hope is important at all, but I've liked them since 100 broken windows til now.

        It's their typical jangly indie rock I guess, only one acoustic ballad on there though which was a bit of a suprise, it's fairly rocky with one track that almost sounds like a dance track with rock guitars. Almost The Music-esque.

        I suppose album wise I'd say it were inbetween 100 broken windows and In remote part.


          I just wish they'd kept some of the raw, unreconstructed but still absolutely beautiful elements of the Captain EP in their last couple of records. They refined their sound to perfection on 100 Broken Windows, but I feel it's been a continual watering down process ever since.

          I'll pick it up if I have some money left at the weekend, but I'm not hopeful.


            If you want that mate I wouldn't buy it.

            Theres one fast track on the album, the rest are just typical Idlewild songs, not much of a verse, big chorus once you find the hook.


              So I... ahem... heard the new Arcade Fire album. Somewhere.

              It's a bit disappointing. Very similar stuff. A bit shinier, and really nice spacious production, plus there's a big organ, which does sound ace. But they all sound the same (but a lot less exciting), and they even recycle a song from their first EP. Not too impressed, to be honest.


                LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver rolled into my lap today.

                It's very accomplished, but maybe a little cold on first listen. I was listening to a lot of DFA & LCD Soundsystem remixes a couple of months ago, and the sound's starting to grate a little. DFA by numbers, perhaps? Apart from the slightly bizarre closing piano-ballad-into-indie-rocker New York I Love You. Plus there's no monster obvious single like Daft Punk from the first one.

                In any case, it's a really solid record, with far less filler than the first, and worth investigating if you're into their sound.


                  Got new Cooper Temple Clause album, Make This Your Own.
                  To be honest I didnt even know it was out, just noticed it in virgin and picked it up.
                  They have come a long way from See This Through and Leave, so far only listened to first 4 tracks but already enjoying them all, will take that as a good sign.


                    I've thought the same about Neon Bible. It's a shame.

                    The b-sides/previous singles disc that was on LCD Soundsystem's first record is the only DFA you need. 8)


                      DFA Compilation 2 is good as well, admittedly.


                        Anyone heard Weekend In The City yet? I've just ordered it from - £6.95 delivered. The site looks pretty dodgy, but that price is cheaper than the iTunes download!


                          Weekend In The City is really good. I saw Bloc Party live last week, and they were amazing.


                            Quality. I've seen them a few times but not since 2005 - thought Kele's voice was slightly weak, but then they had been touring non-stop for well over a year.


                              Not keen on Bloc Party. They were at V last year and they were ok but just not my cup of tea.

                              Like the Shins album. Quite good. And The Fratelli's is pretty good too.


                                Not so new (2005?), but for me, Cansei De Ser Sexy.

                                Brazilian electro pop rock act feat 5 girls and one older guy who can play drums or something, pretty good fun, nice pidgeon english accent the singer has, check out some youtube or myspace of them.

                                I pimped for the Brazilian version (some tracks got dropped when picked up for rest of the world), real lofi,silly fun stuff.

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                                Cansei de Ser Sexy's 2nd video clip directed by me at Adriano's ranch in Bragança Paulista. A cardboard box eats up all the band while they're playing and ha...
                                Last edited by Baseley09; 08-02-2007, 18:11.

