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    Is Raw shown tonight (I have no idea when it's on these days, was a Friday night thing when I last saw it). I tried downloading the vid at the link above but Rapidshare never works for me >_<


      Originally posted by C'
      Is Raw shown tonight (I have no idea when it's on these days, was a Friday night thing when I last saw it). I tried downloading the vid at the link above but Rapidshare never works for me >_<
      i think they show it live now on sky sports.

      i personally download it.

's raw results says nothing about this at all which is weird


          Originally posted by crazylegs
's raw results says nothing about this at all which is weird
          yeah, apparently the announcers never mentioned it either apart from when it was happening.

          matt hardy has posted a long letter on his site to make it look like a authentic shoot, but i think they are just messing with the internet geeks minds.

          i'll post his message in a sec....


            If you guys are ready for a ride, jump the f*ck on. Well, I promised you all fireworks, so I hope I didn't disappoint. As of July 11th, 2005, my personal Independence Day, the Movement has begun-- and the Movement's purpose is two-fold. Purpose one--To never let anyone control what Matt Hardy says and does and thinks. Purpose two--To make Adam Copeland, Amy Dumas, and the WWE regret what they did to me, what they did to us. It's time for Matt Hardy to stand up for all the MFer's that have been chanting "We Want Matt", and "You Screwed Matt". Although you may not know this--you guys, the MFers, started the Movement months ago. I can now finally join the Movement because I am no longer controlled by the WWE. The McMahons, the Johnny Aces, and all of the WWE management can kiss my @$$. I did what I did tonight because for me to live with myself, Adam "Feces" Copeland must pay. I'm not going to let the WWE forget that they f*cked up when they released me instead of that scumbag home-wrecker. And Amy Dumas, you know what's it's like to have me as your closest ally--but you're gonna hate to see what it's like to have me as your worst enemy b*tch. Even though I didn't slash your tires FCF, slashed tires are going to be the least of your problems--Bank on it. A little message to the whore, the feces, and the horsesh*t "family" that is the WWE--Matt Hardy is like cancer, I don't go away and you won't find a cure. I thank EVERYONE that has supported me through thick and thin--I promise I will always be there for my MFers. I love you guys--and as I always say, without you, there is no me. I am going to turn a hugely negative situation into something that will benefit us. If you don't want to be able to predict what happens next, you're all in for a treat.

            P.S. - If you're thinking about pressing charges Vince, I got a couple bucks, I'll fight it. Besides, I think I might have some pixs and video from a camera phone that shows your officers Rodney Kinging my @$$. My wrist is cut from the handcuffs, and I would suggest that there was a little unnecessary roughness involved in kicking me out of your building.

            P.S.S. - And don't forget to catch Matt Hardy in action this Friday in Indiana, PA, this Saturday in Woodbridge, CT, and you never know where I'll show up on Sunday. And The Matt Hardy Show is so on...

            Matt "F*cking" Hardy


              jesus christ that was intense
              surly this will be cut from raw then

              hehe maybe all the relesed wrestlers will start their own invasion storyline

              wait has said something now
              they linked (some of) matthardy's words and have promised a retort by lita on their online interview show byte this

              i might just listen to it for once
              Last edited by crazylegs; 12-07-2005, 20:25.


                As angles and plotlines go, this has got to be the best WWE have come up with for years. If they play their cards right, they could turn Matt Hardy into an A-list star here, and with a bit of work, Edge is tremendous super-heel material.


                  This is great, taken from this weeks smackdown...

                  Hassan has to be one of the best mic workers the WWE have had IMO. And he makes the crowd look dumb as they chant USA USA and hold up signs saying "Get out of America" despite the fact he is American! Fantastic.


                    **** did anyone else watch byte this
                    ita all just stuff we know already until around 15 minutes in matt hardy phoned in to talk to lita
                    he claimed he's going to be on RoH this week
           25 minutes roughly
                    even if this turns out to be all bull**** it was still ****ing awsome
                    Last edited by crazylegs; 14-07-2005, 18:13.


                      Just watched the Byte This show and I am convinced that this is the best thing the WWE have done in years. The blurring of the storyline/reality line is damn confusing but its playing its part well.

                      If Matt really does show up to his Indy/ROH dates I'm just gonna be more


                        Its an elaborate work. WWE have a long standing agreement with RoH apparently so he'l work the dates to further the storyline. Never entirely comfortable with worked shoots but this ones pretty good. So i read Matt has sold out his apparently hardcore fanbase though to be fair id have took the wads and wads of cash thrown at him by vince too rather than jobbing to jarret at tna.Though both this and the jbl-meanie thing is almost like the company is eating itself. You cant keep pushing these type of storylines forever because wrestling thrives on having clear cut divisions in terms of fact/fiction storylines and characters. The hollywood writers wwe employ are too clever for their own good. Id like to see Johnny Ace get a slap though.
                        Anyone else think matt looked juiced?


                          yep, I was quite surprised how 'beefed up' he seemed, but I haven't watched WWE properly for a while since this so thought it may have been normal for a while.


                            Originally posted by crazylegs
                            I know that prowrestling is sometimes really over the top and stupid but i was just wondering who here on ntsc watches wwe programming.
                            ive been watching wrestling for a few years now and despite some god awful moments involving necrophelia- thats right necrophelia - i think it is still preety entertaining
                            better then boxing anyway
                            I've wacthed wrestling for like 8 years now it is has turned from pure fighting to a poor soap opera.In my opinon wrestling had its good times but now it is corrupt.


                              so this thread is back (if only for a while)
                              i just wanted to see if anyone caght armageddon last night. the show itself was preety average but its generating all kind s of contreversy due to a tim white segment aired to hype up the hell in a cell match. apparently he says his life has been crap since he reffed a hell in a cell and pulls out a gun ans shots himself(offscreen ofcourse) i found this response on the wrestling observer which sums to sum up the mood:

                              ''I don't even know what to say about the Tim Whitesegment. I watched the PPV with several friends, and when it happened we all sat there in stunned silence. How could they actually think doing a suicide angle isa good idea? It had no point in the context of the Show, it was tasteless, it was disgusting, it was whatever negative adjective you can think of. I'd say VinceMcMahon should be ashamed of himself, but why bother, the man obviously has no shame. Horrible,horrible segment. What line will Vince not cross? Where is the limit? I don't know anymore. Maybe they can kill a couple newborn babies at the next PPV.
                              Totally killed the crowd, killed the show too in my opinion. Juvi and Kid Kash had no chance in there following that horse****. They could have putFlair/Steamboat in there, and the crowd would have probably **** on it. They were just looking for Something to vent their frustration at. Add that to
                              the fact that no one knew who Kid Kash was, and you have a recipe for disaster. The match wasn't anything to write home about it, but it didn't deserve the reaction it got.''

                              thoughts? opinions?


                                After May Young giving birth to a severed hand and the whole Kane/HHH/Katie Vick thing there's nothing that Vince could do that would really shock me anymore although the way Jim Ross got the boot (quite literally) recently came quite close.

                                Ever since the end of the "Attitude" era when Austin, Rock & Foley left to do other things WWE has never quite managed to capture the same level of excitement, not having WCW & ECW to worry about anymore is probably the main reason for this right enough and TNA don't seem to be any kind of threat now either even though they have great talent like AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy.

                                The only thing I'm really looking forward to seeing is the next ECW PPV,I watched some of the matches from ONS again recently and they're still the best matches I've seen in years, especially Awsome vs Tanaka. Hopefully Vince wont feel the need to bring in non ECW talent to boost ratings this time.

