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Childhood TV - joy, wonder and awe.

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    Defitnely The Goonies. I can remember watching it at the cinema with my best friend, we loved it so much we went back the following day. As SS004 says the DVD is top quality as well - the split screen commentary is absolutely fantastic. Anyone know where Sean Astin went about half-way through the commentary?


      Probably to film more parts of LOTR


        It's a question that has been debated countless times.

        Some say he had to go due to to other commitments (lotr)

        Some say he used the excuse of gong for a piss and then just disappeared in a strop, mainly because he couldnt get a word in.

        Some say his mrs was also in the studio, and she was getting on his case to feck off.

        No idea which is true, but it is one of life's great unanswered questions


          Spatial - I remember Inhumanoids! I had two of the figures. The toys were excellent, the power suits the humans wore were really smart and chunky, a little like transformers. I never actually saw the TV show but I think I caught some of the comics that ran alongside Transformers.

          Can anyone remember a live action British TV show called Wot on Earth? I think one of the bummers from Queer as Folk played the alien 'Wot' and he was also in Titanic for all of three seconds - but he did get a speaking part!


            Your use of the word 'bummers' is extremely ill-advised.

            Are you attempting Borat-style irony?


              Originally posted by Spatial101
              I always thought there was something sinister about Superted
              What. Was. The. Secret. Magic. Word??

              Regarding He-Man, yeah the old one was great, then there was a slightly newer version that was terrible.

              The new He-Man is pretty good though and -like a lot of modern cartoons- is heavily influenced by Anime.


                Your use of the word 'bummers' is extremely ill-advised.

                Are you attempting Borat-style irony?
                If it makes me seem smarter then yes, I am.

                Anyway, a quick search of the net has revealed that actor in question is called Craig Kelly, however 'What on Earth' is not credited as a TV role but I'm 99% sure it's him.

                Does anyone else recall this show? The alien 'What' looks exactly like a human aside from having backwards-facing green ears, and he lived with a human family, but had to hide in the coal shed.
                Last edited by Duddyroar; 17-01-2005, 09:53.


                  The new He-Man is pretty good though and -like a lot of modern cartoons- is heavily influenced by Anime.
                  Agreed, the new series is excellent, the fact that they've used the original designs from the 80's helps, too. However I hear it's not doing too well in terms of ratings Stateside and there's talk that the TV will be cancelled. Which is a shame because the He-Man update is a darn sight better than the Transformers Armada/Energon series, which are basically Pokemon with robots.


                    Originally posted by Duddyroar
                    If it makes me seem smarter then yes, I am.

                    Anyway, a quick search of the net has revealed that actor in question is called Craig Kelly, however 'What on Earth' is not credited as a TV role but I'm 99% sure it's him.

                    Does anyone else recall this show? The alien 'What' looks exactly like a human aside from having backwards-facing green ears, and he lived with a human family, but had to hide in the coal shed.
                    I do indeed remember this (vaguely), but only as much as you've said there.

                    CBA to read back, but the mighty Round The Twist deserves a mention (and I wasn't even that young when I watched it), as does Round The Bend for that matter. Classic cartoons, such as Wee-Man, Thunderpants and the insanely good animations of False Teeth from Beyond The Stars (starring Roger Prentice the Apprentice Dentist) and Attack Of The Atomic Banana (and False Teeth vs The Atmoic Banana). Not forgetting John Potato's Newsround, David Colemole and the Killer White Teddybear.


                      I find the fact that nobody seems to have mentioned Roobarb personally offensive. Shame on you all!



                        DUR-DUR-DUR-DUR, DUR-DUR-DUR-DUR, DURDA-DURDA-DUR!!!!

                        Sorry, that was my attempt at replicating the Roobarb and Custard theme.

                        but the mighty Round The Twist deserves a mention
                        "Have you ever...ever felt like this? When strange things happen, are you going round the twist?"


                          LOL can never forget the Round The Twist ep with the bird ****.


                            I used to fancy the girl out of there (the first one) when I was about fifteen...


                              How can you talk about Round The Twist without mentioning the excellent episode where Pete couldn't stop saying "Without My Pants" at the end of each sentence ?

                              Try it, its brilliant. Guaranteed to amuse friends and work colleages for hours*. Without my pants.

                              * this may not actual be correct and they may think you are strange


                                Originally posted by anephric View Post
                                I believe you're referring to the deeply strange (and quite disturbing) French cartoon Mr Bird to the Rescue.

                                I've still got this on VHS somewhere... it's beautifully animated but deeply weird. I always associate it with Flight of Dragons, strangely enough, because our dad brought them home on the same day... and Kimba: The White Lion, but that's dead famous, obviously.

                                After you told me that the internet gave me nothing!. But today is another day and 4 years on have proven profitable.

                                Behold the mind melt and the fit shepherdess:


                                A side note, the voice cast in Flight of the Dragons is well good.

