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    Originally posted by RustyS Badge View Post

    I cant remember here being flashes wth Ecko, was there?
    Yeah, as it hovered over him so to speak, you could see flashes of his past etc...if that's what you meant?


      Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
      ...But with a bonus 18 minutes of adverts!
      Not with Sky+.

      I can't remember the last time I've suffered any ad breaks on TV. I now get really upset if I end up somewhere that doesn't have it and I have to actually sit through them.


        Originally posted by Jebus View Post
        Yeah, as it hovered over him so to speak, you could see flashes of his past etc...if that's what you meant?

        flashes of light. When it looked at Juliet it was as if it was taking pictures of her with a flash going off.

        Just checked the Ecko clip on Youtube and there is no flashes.

        Got to assume that what it did to Juliet then was different to the downloading of Ecko's memories

        Last edited by RustyS Badge; 06-04-2007, 16:01.


          Interesting episode, and better than last week's filler for sure, but not as good as the previous two before that. What has happened to Locke I wonder? And the smoke monster I'm sure is still Locke's Dad, but it was nice to see it does actually have a weakness...


            What was the point of Kate's flashback apart from the Sawyer connection?

            And how come the smoke monster never just flew over the fence?

            And finally, why didn't Kate grill Juliet more about the island, the others etc?


              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
              Interesting episode, and better than last week's filler for sure, but not as good as the previous two before that. What has happened to Locke I wonder? And the smoke monster I'm sure is still Locke's Dad, but it was nice to see it does actually have a weakness...
              The monster is Lockes dad? Please explain


                I think it's safe to scrap the idea of the black smoke being a part of the others as the blondie had no idea what it was!

                edit : oh too late to the party

                looking forward to the new one on thursday!


                  Originally posted by dc-arena View Post
                  The monster is Lockes dad? Please explain
                  The smoke monster has been able to take human form before, such as Ecko's brother, and Jack's father.

                  It may be the others actually have Locke's Dad, but it's a bit of a stretch and so more likely the smoke monster is controlled by the others. Also remember Ben talked about a magic box which could make anything you want, which I assume is what the smoke monster is.


                    I still think the smoke monster is Locke's dad too. Juliette said the others didn't know what it was but you only have to take into account the amount of times they lie and spread bull**** to realise she probably isn't telling the truth (somewhat convienent if they don't know it is that they have a forcefield to keep it out).

                    Personally, I think Ben and a few others are working outside the juristiction of what their main off-island group wants (he was very keen that Locke could 'speak to the island').


                      It may be the others actually have Locke's Dad, but it's a bit of a stretch
                      I am stunned that anyone thinks that Locke's Dad is an incarnation of the smoke monster. When we saw him, he was tied to a chair, gagged, panicking, and looked like he had no bloody idea what was happening to him. The times we've seen the smoke monster take on the form of people, they have been fairly serene apparitions.

                      Something that Locke has said, done or thought has made the island magically transport his dad there ... it remains to be seen why.


                        I love it when people say some things in Lost are a bit of a stretch, the whole show is a bit of a stretch!


                          Also, how could the smoke monster have got past the shield and then in to the house? It doesn't look like it can be controlled and did Juliet not say something last night about them not knowing much about it?


                            Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                            I am stunned that anyone thinks that Locke's Dad is an incarnation of the smoke monster. When we saw him, he was tied to a chair, gagged, panicking, and looked like he had no bloody idea what was happening to him. The times we've seen the smoke monster take on the form of people, they have been fairly serene apparitions.

                            Something that Locke has said, done or thought has made the island magically transport his dad there ... it remains to be seen why.
                            I'd bet my house on the fact Lockes dad isnt the smoke monster....

                            While Locke is hiding in the wardrobe Ben asks one of his goons to fetch the man from Tallahasse. You've got to assume this means Lockes dad. Now if Lockes dad was captive at that point why didnt the goon come back with him while Locke was still with Ben? Alex had enough time to go get Sayids backpack and come back and then some. We only see Lockes dad after Locke is released and as Peeven says he's gagged and panicking, also looks like he's been slapped about a bit very recently. Possibly resisting being captured?

                            Also in that episode Ben pleads with Locke not to blow up the sub as there would be a mutiny because no one would be able to get home. We know he was full of it because he did want Locke to blow the sub but still no one bats an eyelid. Juliet hasnt said anything to Jack or anyone about not being able to get home so there must be some method still.

                            (somewhat convienent if they don't know it is that they have a forcefield to keep it out).
                            and the flipside of that is why have a forcefield to keep it out if you can control it?


                              Originally posted by RustyS Badge View Post
                              While Locke is hiding in the wardrobe Ben asks one of his goons to fetch the man from Tallahasse. You've got to assume this means Lockes dad.
                              I thought the man from Tallahasse was meant to be Jack...

                              Originally posted by RustyS Badge View Post
                              and the flipside of that is why have a forcefield to keep it out if you can control it?
                              Well the force field was down when the two girls woke and we have no idea why it was left down (assuming it was done by the retreating Others) or shut down (possibly the reason for the Others to leave to escape the monster/magicbox/cerebus/blacksmoke-impersonator). I'm still not sold on the black smoke becoming people physically but maybe it allows people to see them in their mind like Jack's Dad, Ecko's brother, etc - Locke's dad could therefore not actually be there but just what he believes he is seeing and in the only way he could imagine him appearing (captured and tied up)...

                              Forget all that, it sounds silly.


                                Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                                I thought the man from Tallahasse was meant to be Jack...
                                Again if thats the case why wasnt Jack brought to Ben while Locke was there? There was plenty of time. Also the request to fetch him is after Locke is in Bens room and I might be wrong but doesnt Ben look at the wardrobe when he says it? Too much of a coincidence to not be connected to Locke in some way.

                                Well the force field was down when the two girls woke and we have no idea why it was left down (assuming it was done by the retreating Others) or shut down (possibly the reason for the Others to leave to escape the monster/magicbox/cerebus/blacksmoke-impersonator). I'm still not sold on the black smoke becoming people physically but maybe it allows people to see them in their mind like Jack's Dad, Ecko's brother, etc - Locke's dad could therefore not actually be there but just what he believes he is seeing and in the only way he could imagine him appearing (captured and tied up)...

                                Forget all that, it sounds silly.
                                Theres no track or trail of the Others leaving the camp. The fence is off because Juliet turned it off when dragging Kate out and handcuffing herself to her. As Juliet had been left behind too there's no one there to turn the fence back on.

