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    Just watched episode 3, another superb episode. Shocked to see

    Sayid working for Ben

    , how evil did he look?!


      great episode again.

      an obvious twist, but still cool.


        Same here saw it comming but no less awesome because of it !!


          Good episode, not much progression with the character story, but they've thrown a twist in there to keep it exciting


            The bracelet Sayid was wearing, sorry, but I lost track.... OK, I thought it was the same bracelet he found on Naomi, but apparently its just a similar one. That really messed with my head for a bit there as regards the timeline.


              Episode three has restored my faith in the show and reminded me why I still watch when most of my friends have given up on it. Any episode featuring Sayid most of the time can't go wrong though.


                After weeks of saying where is Desmond ? I need more Desmond that shot of him walking up with Juliette was so awesome


                  Loved episode 3, I have been really critical of Lost in the past dragging storylines out for the sake of it etc. I usually get bored with the flashbacks as well (as I think sometimes they tend to slow down the movement of the story). Heres hopeing the rest of this series is of the same quality.


                    Another Oceanic 6 memeber reaveled this week, im thinking it could be Sun after seeing her in the next weeks promo. Plus she has the baby which might survive if she gives birth off the island, unless Juilett finally firgures out how to stop them dying when giving birth. Its a tough one...

                    31 mintues it took for the rocket to come to daniel, and Elsa's boss was about 30 mintues late ringing is this a clue? and why does he use a beeper is it because in his time period there are no mobile phones yet?


                      Some neat extrapolation about Faraday's experiment's time discrepancy -

                      The oceanic crash crew has been on the island for about 90 days. Thats...

                      24 hrs/day x 90 days=2160 hrs. on the island
                      2160 hrs x 60 min/hr=129,600 minutes spend by oceanic crash crew on island (approx.)

                      For every 1 minute spent on the island, 31 minutes goes by off the island (in the real world).

                      129,000 x 31=4,017,600 minutes passed in the real world
                      4,017,600 minutes / 60 min per hour = 66,960 hours
                      66,960 hours / 24 hrs. per day = 2,790 days
                      2,790 days / 365 days per year = 7.64 years

                      Thus, the oceanic crew has been on the island for about 90 days island time OR 7.64 years REAL WORLD time. This would explain Walt aging when he appeared to Locke. He even left about half way through those days so Walt aged 3-4 years off of the island. He left the island, lived back in the real world, aged, and came back older, but no one else was.


                      The time difference between the two timers is exactly 1879 seconds.1879 being the year Einstein was born

                      Amazing what you can find when you're browsing about instead of working
                      Last edited by Wil; 18-02-2008, 13:37.


                        Dont think it ties in with what we found out from previous episode. Unless the time lag only started after Desmond turned the failsafe key.


                          The timelines could be converging since the desmond episode.


                            this timeline theory makes no sense with what we have been shown, we have been shown there is a fake plane and that there is some kind of cover up. If the island does take place 30 minutes behind the real world or whatever then why can desmond see DAYS into the future?... I'm not senying the time lag thing, i'm just saying it dosent explain all these other things that people seem to think it does.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 18-02-2008, 15:49.


                              The timeline would make sense to one thing that ive always wondered why Richard Alpert hasnt aged at all since we first saw him when he met young bed. Now assuming Ben has spent time off the island he has aged more than Richard im guessing which is why Ben has aged alot more than Richard.

                              But this wouldnt make sense if the time elapsed after desmond turned the key because Richard has been around way before then.

                              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                              this timeline theory makes no sense with what we have been shown, we have been shown there is a fake plane and that there is some kind of cover up. If the island does take place 30 minutes behind the real world or whatever then why can desmond see DAYS into the future?... I'm not senying the time lag thing, i'm just saying it dosent explain all these other things that people seem to think it does.
                              The plane crash was a fake i thought too planted to make sure no-one went looking for the crew of oceanic 815.
                              Last edited by halfhearts; 18-02-2008, 16:46.


                                I'm buying the time stuff I really am but it just doesn't go any way as to explaining the smoke monster does it?

