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    Originally posted by funkydan View Post
    For those who don't know....he was Jim Robinson in Neighbours too. He was Scott's (Jason Donovan) dad! The guys done good - he turns up everywhere!
    Dont forgot 24 season 2 I think, as vice president
    Last edited by jagvirdi; 05-03-2008, 20:08.


      Been thinking about this today, and my guess is that Michael is Ben's spy out on the ship - The more I think of it, the more I am convinced.

      It is common knowledge he is due back in season 4 in quite explosive fashion and also as a regular.

      By the way, filming starts again on the 10th March


        I know the answer to lost!

        imaginary time and space! -

        Last edited by RobRoy; 06-03-2008, 11:54.


          Good episode this week round, I'm really starting to enjoy it again.

          Can't believe Locke's just letting Ben walk around free now, it's madness! I wonder who the guy on the ship is then, it could well be Michael which would be crazy but make sense in a weird Lostesque kinda way!

          Just checked too, we have two more episode before a break according to that and I breifly skimmed one of the descriptions of the episode in two weeks and it says Sayid confronts Ben's spy on the ship so we will be finding out soon!


            Agreed, another top episode! Ben is fast becoming one of my favourite characters now.


              Not the best episode but had a few good bits, typical Lost moment between Locke and Ben though I'm sure the answer will come soon enough. The intro to this one was very well done - I fell into every plot trap they set (

              "so she's one of the six..........oh, maybe not!


              Can't quite work out how

              Ben got the message out



                Just saw Juliette coming out of the water.

                She got nice titties


                  Originally posted by Superfamifreak View Post
                  Just saw Juliette coming out of the water.

                  She got nice titties
                  The same thought crossed my mind.


                    So, surely the big question now is, how is Ben able to communicate with the Others? Or was the therapist woman just an apparition somehow conjured up by Ben or the island itself?


                      Astral projection perhaps?!


                        That Red Sox tape that Ben had - was that the one that he showed Jack when he was being held prisoner in that water chamber place?


                          I knew it, i so knew Widmore was after Ben!


                            Is Ben the original Captain of the Black Rock, oculd he have written the ships log?


                              We saw him come to the island when he was a boy so I doubt that he has anything to do with the Black Rock...


                                Does this makes sense to you lot. When Ben is on the island, time is moving faster off the island so that a week on the island is actually much longer off the island. When Ben is off the Island he can stay off for a long time but on the island very little time has passed. So he could go off the island for days and it would seem like he was only gone for hours to those on the island?

                                Still need to find out how that box is able to get people from the outside onto the island, I can't see that Locke's dad was brought there by boat or helicopter. But the two time lines moving at different speeds does help explain how they were able to find him seemingly so fast. I like the idea of Ben's people doing missions for him over weeks but for Ben on the island he would be getting almost instant results.

