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    I disagree. Jack is better off, but so is Hurley, Sawyer, Miles, Ben,even Locke with his wife. Maybe Kate really is innocent. Sure it's not all sunshine, but their lives are better than before. Jacob has manipulated everyone, set them on paths of misery. He knew most would be killed who came to the Island, he doesn't care about them.

    We may never find out what The Light is, but until we do we can't be sure who is actually good and bad. Jacob is protecting only because his fake mother who killed his real mum told him to. That's hardly the basis for a morally sound individual.

    there is ambiguity in there, the writers are doing it on purpose. Maybe to no end, but until the final episode, who knows.


      To add a bit more ambiguity, as well as a murderer, the Mother was a liar. She said the boys couldn't hurt each other, but later young Jacob beats the **** out of MiB.

      Just because someone wears white doesn't mean they're good....


        Good points mate. I do agree that will be some surprises in the end I'm just not sure that they will make it a 'ha ha. Jacob was the evil one all along!' ending simply because I guess lots of people are now expecting that.
        Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


          Considering jacob

          is supposedly gone for good now

          I couldnt see it making much difference wether he was evil or not (and i still really dont see it anyway), MIB clearly is evil, so that would mean they are both evil and there were never any real good guys, which would kill the story a bit a bit for me.


            Is MIB really evil? Has he really killed anyone or just the 'spirit' (or whatever parallel universe stuff may be going on). Is he just releasing those trapped on the Island?


              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
              Considering jacob

              is supposedly gone for good now

              I couldnt see it making much difference wether he was evil or not (and i still really dont see it anyway), MIB clearly is evil, so that would mean they are both evil and there were never any real good guys, which would kill the story a bit a bit for me.
              It's setup for a final showdown between jack and Locke, clever how they've gone about it. Like Jacob, Jack has been very quick to use his fists in the past. Quite prone to violence that one.


                Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez View Post
                Is MIB really evil? Has he really killed anyone or just the 'spirit' (or whatever parallel universe stuff may be going on). Is he just releasing those trapped on the Island?
                Maybe. Smokie was Judgement originally I thought, taking out those deemed not worthy. Thing is, if he can't kill candidates, does that mean the people from the crash he did kill weren't candidates and were just more of Jacob's collateral damage? Or was he killing those who didn't meet the test along the way? If so, did Jacob call the shots?


                  They both have a temper yes, and are perhapse quite fool hardy at times, but then if youre saying they are very simular then its safe to say they Jacob IS a good guy, becuase i dont think jack has ever been anything less than the "Hero" characther at the centre of the show, unless youre saying they are going to make him evil now too?

                  I think that would deffinitley be unsatisfactory for alot of people.


                    I think Jacob said it best in the most recent episode when he said

                    "I picked you all because you're like me, you're flawed."

                    To me Jacob is a good guy but he's fallible and makes mistakes, such as the way he reacted to his brother killing their Mum and thus turning him into the Smoke Monster.

                    I think he's doing the right thing in protecting the island and stopping MIB leaving, but as he's fallible you could say he sometimes goes too far in protecting "the greater good".

                    Perhaps Jack will find a new way of protecting the island that doesn't involve putting so many people through the mill! Although part of the reason he brings people to the island is also to prove MIB wrong that all humans are corruptible, selfish gits.

                    I think that being thrown into the cave of light essentially drained the goodness out of MIB and just left him with the dark part, which is why NOW he is purely evil, so I don't think there's a swerve coming there, but...

                    Back in the first season when Locke saw the monster and survived he described it as being "A beautiful white light, like looking into the heart of the island," which is basically the same description given to the cave of light. My wild guess is that Locke could still see a small spark of goodness left inside the Smoke Monster, which perhaps will come into play in the final battle.


                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      They both have a temper yes, and are perhapse quite fool hardy at times, but then if youre saying they are very simular then its safe to say they Jacob IS a good guy, becuase i dont think jack has ever been anything less than the "Hero" characther at the centre of the show, unless youre saying they are going to make him evil now too?

                      I think that would deffinitley be unsatisfactory for alot of people.
                      Jack's stubborn, petulant, with a huge chip on his shoulder. Close minded and self righteous. It's now, at the end, he's bearable. He's been responsible for many deaths through his actions.

                      locke's always been the hero of the show to me. Jack's invariably been an obnoxious twat. Imo


                        My biggest hope for the ending of Lost is that somehow everything works out for Locke. Yes, I know he's dead and a Smoke Monster is using his image for evil deeds, but this is Lost so these are minor obstacles that can surely be overcome

                        In terms of my favourite Lost characters I'd go with Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Ben, Faraday and Juliet. Mr Eko too, of course, even though he wasn't around for nearly long enough!


                          Originally posted by MJ View Post
                          Don't forget the final episode is on in the US on Sunday and not next Tuesday.
                          And being shown simultaneously on Sky 1 on Monday at 5am, then again on Tuesday evening - click


                            Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                            And being shown simultaneously on Sky 1 on Monday at 5am, then again on Tuesday evening - click
                            I was just going to post this.

                            I'm going to get up and watch it before work.


                              Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                              My biggest hope for the ending of Lost is that somehow everything works out for Locke. Yes, I know he's dead and a Smoke Monster is using his image for evil deeds, but this is Lost so these are minor obstacles that can surely be overcome

                              In terms of my favourite Lost characters I'd go with Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Ben, Faraday and Juliet. Mr Eko too, of course, even though he wasn't around for nearly long enough!
                              I'm with you there!


                                A bit early, but favourite Lost moments?

                                It has to be this for me, superb. I just didn't see it coming!

