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New Series of Doctor Who

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    At the start, Amy and the Doctor were superb on screen to start but I think the script had let them down on many occasions, it has been very serious.


      Yes, the general consensus seems to be that the 'missing 200 years' has occurred between The God Complex and Closing Time, which he has spent doing all the stuff we saw in the opening scenes of The Impossible Astronaut (hiding under that woman's dress, appearing in Chaplin films or whatever). I don't like the idea that we've missed out on so much of the Doctor's life, but I wouldn't be surprised if this gets undone in some way, or that THAT Doctor was just a ganger or something.


        It neatly sidesteps the Doctor's lifespan connundrum whereby his initial 8 regenerations survived for 900 years in total whereas the 9th and 10th only lasted 1-5 years. He was starting to look careless, lol.


          Does anybody know if Matt Smith is actually signed up for another season? I think I read on here that he was or maybe that was about Amy.


            For Series 7

            they're all signed on for the full run, it looks like no-one is eager to leave before Series 8/50th Anniversary


              Does anyone else think Smith manages to look really young and really old at the same time. Sometimes he really looks weathered, like he has been around for far too long.


                He's got pretty gaunt features, they probably make him up to look a bit more haggered for certain episodes.


                  The producer of the behind-the-scenes documentary series Doctor Who Confidential, Zoe Rushton, has confirmed on Twitter that the show will no longer be ... (from Doctor Who News)

                  The BBC has axed Doctor Who Confidential


                    Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                    The BBC has axed Doctor Who Confidential
                    Meh, I watch it most times but it's basicly always the same. The best part about it is it reminds me that I'm glad I didn't pursue a media career, I'd really hate to be on set.

                    So... who wants to discuss tonight's finale? I had to wait for iplayer but luckily it was available instantly after broadcast and in HD as well, can't say the same for Eastenders (shut up).

                    I totally guessed that he would get a robot version of himself killed though I did think it was going to be Amy and River's idea when they urged him to see their plan. I also thought for a second as I have previously that Amy was the mad eye patch woman when she first appeared wearing one tonight. I loved it though and it made me want to watch the first episode of the series again but only the last half is on iplayer

                    Matt Smith really grew on me this series, especially when the Tardis became a woman, another great Amy line: "Did you wish really hard?" and the jab Tennant fans like myself got with that "Let it go, we've moved on" line, I had to rewind that one.


                      I liked tonight's episode, but the fans had already guessed what the question is, about the Tesselecta, and about the nature of the eye patches. It was nowhere near as clever as it needed to be, if you ask me, in terms of 'getting out of' the Doctor's death, as we've already had a 'oh that was an alternate universe, timeline, whatever' excuse before. I did still enjoy it though. Did anyone else notice the really obvious unpainted neck of mister blue head (I forget his name) when he was talking in the box?


                        I guessed the question as well but I haven't been reading any discussions nor have I really had anyone to talk about it with all series. It still gave me a nice "this doesn't make any sense but I'm sure it will" feeling at the beginning.

                        I thought the same about blue guy's neck too and really think he should have a blue tongue.

                        It would have been worse if the scene of him getting shot was an alternate universe, but it still really happens just not like how it looks. It's pretty obvious and doesn't matter that the beginning is one, it's a fun one to look at in the opening scenes.

                        I don't know/remember much about the Tesselecta, how did they get out of the robot Doctor before he was burnt and can they make anyone their size?
                        Last edited by stainboy; 01-10-2011, 21:03.


                          They can't go TOO complex with the plot though can they, it's still meant to be a family show at heart, not just something for sci-fi nerds like me.

                          I liked it. I also liked the bit they did on the final confidential where they had River narrate her story with everything in the order *she* experienced it. Which is fun cause

                          it shows just how damn hard it must've been for her to not spoil the timeline by revealing things like *knowing* the Doctor doesn't die on the beach, knowing she's Amy's daughter the first time they meet, and so on.


                            Originally posted by Flabio View Post
                            They can't go TOO complex with the plot though can they, it's still meant to be a family show at heart, not just something for sci-fi nerds like me.

                            I liked it. I also liked the bit they did on the final confidential where they had River narrate her story with everything in the order *she* experienced it. Which is fun cause

                            it shows just how damn hard it must've been for her to not spoil the timeline by revealing things like *knowing* the Doctor doesn't die on the beach, knowing she's Amy's daughter the first time they meet, and so on.

                            Does she not forget though that he doesn't really die then? She gives him a damn realistic slap when he turns up later afterwards and I'm sure he mentioned her forgetting it tonight.


                              So is this going to change the nature of the whole series from now on then? People are saying that this is a deliberate step to move the show away from the Time Lord Triumphant type stuff which the series has revolved around for a while now and have some quieter adventures.


                                Are people not going to use spoiler tags in this thread for people who haven't seen it yet? Bit late now I suppose.

                                The fake death didn't make sense, how was the 'regeneration' before he was shot a second time supposed to have happened given the explanation of what it was?

                                I'd like to see some darker, quieter, under the radar type adventures that you suggest in the next series, noobish.

