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Firefly / Serenity

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    Saw Serenity on the plane on the way back from Japan simply amazing.


      I'm halfway through the series and enjoying it very much. Such a big shame they canned it as there was huge scope to expand on the "'Verse" and the characters.

      Going onto Serenity as soon as I get to the end of the series.


        Appears it didn't do great at the cinema (although it did pretty damn well, all things considered), its dvd sales must be fairly high though. Serenity is ranked 34 in Amazons dvd sales, while Firefly the series is ranked 15, and has been in the top 50 for well over a year. To add to that both together have a huge 3000 customer reviews, don't think I have ever seen that many before, guessing fans flooded Amazon to make their presense known.
        Last edited by Zanza; 15-04-2006, 23:32.


          Yeah, it's an issue of demographics. Serenity is popular with the same kind of demographic that does it's DVD shopping online at places like Play and Amazon, where Serenity and Firefly have done reasonably well. That kind of popularity does not alone make profit on a film as big budget as Serenity (that's not to say it was a megabucks affair, somewhere around $40 mil apparently, but that's still way above what Joss would have had to play with on the TV show, for example); I suspect the DVD shifted next to no units in places like HMV, Virgin Megastores, WH Smith, Tescos and so on.

          Similarly, both here and in the US it opened well in cinemas, but then dropped off badly in week 2, 3, etc. Presumably all the fans went to see it immediately, boosting it up the charts.

          Still one of the best films of last year. Just a shame only a relatively lucky few know that


            Finally watched Serenity tonight and enjoyed it, though as a non-Firefly viewer it was messy and not particularly well explained. I can forgive this because you are meant to have seen Firefly first, but as a stand-alone film I didn't think it was particularly great.

            Saying that, the characters were funny and there was a certain snappy-edge to the script which I really wasn't expecting, but was quite welcome. Visually impressive with some interesting ideas, just wish I knew more about the back story.

            So I just bought Firefly from Play.

            Already mentioned earlier in the thread, but there really was a huge Gap vibe in the film (the book, not the store). The main captain in the film reminded me of the captain Nick (? been a while) in Gap, except more viewer-friendly


              Just watched this - totally gripping and quite exciting/heartpounding in places. Suspension of disbelief was totally easy. Normally I sit there picking holes in this sort of thing (starwars ep I-III step up), but not in this.


                I recently watched the series and film and its got its charm, shame theres only one series of this as its much better than most rubbish that gets a second season. A nice song on the intro too not like that godawful Enterprise song.


                  Watched Serenity last night on Sky Movies. I wasn't expecting to like it as I don't like any of Whedon's previous work (Buffy, etc) but I thought it was great. Like others have said it was really easy to suspend your disbelief and get involved in the story. Pretty good effects, especially at the end, considering it was supposed to be on a tight budget.


                    Everytime this thread comes back from the dead I'm hoping its an annoucement for a new series....darn.

                    It is a great film, my favourite sc-fi film from the last decade or so (not that there has been much competition)...wish Id seen in the cinema though.


                      I'm sorry to dig this up again...

                      My brother gave me the box set of Firefly a while back and somehow I hadn't started watching it, but on the weekend I was at a bit of a loose end so I put it on... ended up watching the whole series, plus all the extras, then I rented the film again yesterday night and watched that and all its extras.
                      Great stuff... I watched the film in the cinema first time round and found it to be good, but watching the series puts it a lot more into context.

                      I just wish the studios wouldn't mess around with great shows so much: Firefly, American Gothic, Babylon 5, Family Guy....


                        Glad you've finally finished it

                        It's a bit weird watching the series and then film, they've obviously (and rightly) made the film stand-alone but it doesn't quite gel together.


                          Have not read the entire thread so I do not if this as been mentioned already.

                          As a taster for purchasing the full - Done The Impossible - DVD a creator approved torrent is available.

                          FIREFLY, SERENITY, DOCUMENTARY] The creators of this amazing 81-minute documentary explain: "The story chronicles the rise, fall, and rebirth of the cult TV show "Firefly" as told from the perspective of the fans who helped save it... Adam Baldwin hosts the telling of this vivid Browncoat story that features interviews with Joss Whedon, creator of Firefly and Serenity, the cast, crew, and most importantly the fans themselves."


                            Originally posted by PeteJ
                            It's a bit weird watching the series and then film, they've obviously (and rightly) made the film stand-alone but it doesn't quite gel together.
                            Not sure about that.

                            Apparently, Serenity is supposed to be set two months after the last episode of Firefly...


                              I think he meant that you didnt need to watch firefly the series to understand the film.


                                Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse
                                Apparently, Serenity is supposed to be set two months after the last episode of Firefly...
                                There's also the comic. It ties up some of the loose ends from Firefly, like why Book isn't on the ship.

