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Prison Break

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    Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
    Unless you're with "Sky One-less" Virgin.
    Ah, of course, had forgotten about that while basking in the bright light of Sky One HD. Sorry.


      I see where Merf is coming from - it was starting to drift into fantastical madness for part of season2 and this looks like it's going to be madness and story arcs that are ended in a 5 minute sequence to set up the next.

      Still, it's a fun program and the characters are great so I'll stick with it.


        Just watched episode 3 ... with no attempt to explain the massive plothole from last week, the ridiculous "faceless" Sara, and the Australian with an English accent, this is all becoming a bit TOO farcical for me. I am an episode away from stopping watching this.


          This thread is rapidly becoming useless for us decent, law abiding, upstanding citizens who are watching it on Sky


            Originally posted by peeveen View Post
            Still don't really get it ... why would he do anyone a favour like that? Surely better for him to say that HE did it, and get released.

            The kingpin guy said that he was serving 5 consecutive life sentences, and that there was no way in hell he was going to be released, even if he did give Whistler to the mayor.

            Originally posted by peeveen View Post
            Also, it seemed to be common knowledge about the "deal", yet now that Mr W is out in the open, nobody seems too bothered.

            Nobody is bothered because the kingpin guy either A) removed the deal, so why would they bother killing Whistler? or B) has placed his personal protection on Whistler, so whoever it was that killed him wouldn't live long enough to be transferred/released.

            It's not even close to being a massive plot hole.


              Great ending to the third episode though


                Just watched third ep there, good stuff as usual. And like Malavon says its nowhere near a plothole at all.

                Wonder whats

                in the box!?


                  Don't know, but it reminded me of

                  the ending of Seven


                    It's obviously going to be

                    her head, cos it looks like she's decided not to be in this series

                    ... wisely, I might add.

                    I still say it's broken, despite Malavon's musings. I mean, how was that "deal" supposed to work anyway? The place is bedlam. I can see Mr Government Official strolling in ... "I say, who was it that killed that dastardly Whistler chap?". I AM SPARTACUS!

                    If Lechero (apparently that's his name) was not elegible for the deal because he was such a bad dude, then who was? Seems like most of the prisoners are there because they are "the worst of the worst".

                    And if Lechero HAS granted some kind of "protection" on Whistler, they could have made that a LOT clearer. It seems it was just left up to the viewer to fill in the gaps.

                    I've been reading other forums, and I'm not the only one to think this show is now off the rails.
                    Last edited by peeveen; 05-10-2007, 19:37.


                      Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                      I still say it's broken, despite Malavon's musings. I mean, how was that "deal" supposed to work anyway? The place is bedlam. I can see Mr Government Official strolling in ... "I say, who was it that killed that dastardly Whistler chap?". I AM SPARTACUS!

                      If Lechero (apparently that's his name) was not elegible for the deal because he was such a bad dude, then who was? Seems like most of the prisoners are there because they are "the worst of the worst".
                      Disn't they say whoever killed Whisler gets to be put infront of a Judge who was close to the Mayor? Implying that they would be aquited of their crime (put in a proper prison) or thats how I saw it.


                        Originally posted by pace View Post
                        Disn't they say whoever killed Whisler gets to be put infront of a Judge who was close to the Mayor? Implying that they would be aquited of their crime (put in a proper prison) or thats how I saw it.
                        Ah yeah, I'd forgotten that bit. Makes things a bit clearer.

                        In any case, I'll admit it could have been explained a lot better but it's no worse than a lot of the other storylines in Prison Break, and in all honesty if it bothers you this much I'm suprised you've stuck with it for so long.

                        So far though I'm loving season 3, so much better than season 2. I literally started drooling during the

                        fight scene in the rain

                        near the start of episode 1. So much atmosphere there, and they seem to have removed all the characters I disliked, which just makes it even better - every scene is exciting, as opposed to in season 1 with the scenes involving Veronica just bored me to tears, and to a lesser extent in season 2

                        where Sara began to bore me too.

                        (not exactly a spoiler, but it ties in with my comment about how they seem to have removed all the characters I dislike, so if I hadn't spoilered it you'd know that character may no longer be in the show, as it appears he/she now isn't).


                          I can't help but feel that I'd be enjoying it more if they either:

                          A) Had none of the previous characters in it and it was just a fresh start for the series/franchise.


                          B) Only had Michael and Lincoln in it. Having so many characters from the previous series is just making much of what's happening very predictable IMO . Hmmm, I wonder what Bellick will do in that situation? How about T-Bag? etc. I'm not sure if its just laziness or convenience or if there is some amazing story arc being unleashed on us by the writers.

                          Maybe its just me though


                            I think the show has been off the rails so to speak since Season 2, the whole of that season was totally stupid. The difference now is that with it being back in a prison its actually entertaining again, not just silly like Season 2 was.


                              Loving it, sure it makes little sense and you could point out flaws in the acting, writing, whatever, me personally I sit down with a bowl of Frosties and for the hour or so I don't even think about how silly it can get. I just sit back and be entertained.


                                glad to see lincoln's actually running around a bit, now, instead of just being the damsel in distress, playing second fiddle to schofield's antics

