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Prison Break

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    just realised Ep15 was "leaked" 5 days ago ... no-one seen it yet ?


      What what ? Superb - this and 24 tonight then.


        But it's a work print, be as well waiting till tomorrow to get the proper version. That's what I'm gonna do anyway. Was tempting after the ending on number 14 though.


          Never realised Ep15 was available. Places your bets now on how they resolve that particular cliffhanger!


            No idea - That's why I'm busting to see it


              yep me too, can't believe it's been there so long and I/nobody realised


                I noticed it ages ago, but have been waiting for the proper high def one as usual, hate these sucky 400mb versions!

                Didnt even think of telling you all, sorry!



                  Ep15 (shown in USA last night) - Do not read unless you?ve seen it. Oh and the double-bill rumour was bull.

                  quality last second American Drama, it was the outcome I was expecting, however wouldn?t fancy my life hanging by someone noticing an envelope pushed under a door. Should set it up nicely for the remaining seven episodes, why didn?t Michael move an inch away from the burning pipe ? seemed a bit silly to me.

                  Question, in the first bit of the season, who was it that got stuck down the well ?? thought it was the skinnier dodgy FBI man, but my memory is sh*t. Thanks.

                  According to USA viewing figures, the audience for the first episode after the four month break were 22% down on the original first episode, take note FOX. Still it?s 10% more popular than Skating with Celebrities (that was shown in it's slot previously)
                  Last edited by VR46; 28-03-2006, 10:53.


                    Last night episode on C5 was well good...


                      US Ep15:

                      Just about to watch it. I'm still betting on a stay of execution from some obscure source.


                        Could someone please tell me which episode number was on last night on Channel 5?


                          Originally posted by Hombre
                          Could someone please tell me which episode number was on last night on Channel 5?
                          It was episode 10 I believe.



                            Wow, another great episode. So, the teeth imprints matched - how did that work if the autopsy thing was true? Faked dental records I guess.

                            Was that really his dad, who it then appeared was also the guy who delivered the autopsy report to the judge? Or did they just dress remarkably the same.

                            And how long before the cute doctor either confronts him or drops him in it?

                            Really enjoying this series.


                              Originally posted by Locky
                              It was episode 10 I believe.
                              Nice one Locky.


                                Missed episode 9 last week on channel 5 and the repeat!
                                When that happens on ANY channel on ANY show i have to download it to catch up.....then i end up seeing episodes 9-15 and think "AH F**K IT"
                                Was up til 5:30am ish with the missus watching 9-15 marathon, we were both on the edge of our seats.
                                Just keeps getting better and better and it's not lost its pace at all.

