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New Star Trek Movie

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    Watched it now.

    I'm surprised to see so many people praising the characters - they were by far the weakest link for me... well not so much the characters as the replacement actors. The originals oozed personality, and replacing them was a tall order.

    The rider of rohan chap that tried to be McCoy - the script might have been full of the stuff that you'd expect McCoy to say but none of the spiteful bitterness came through.

    Sylar - well to me Spock is the voice, and Sylar's voice is pants. So what if he looks a bit vulcan if he doesn't have any of the presence that Nimoy had?

    Simon Pegg - not Scottish enough, he didn't complain about nearly enough things. Besides which it was just "Simon Pegg" with a bad accent.

    Sulu/Chekov/Uhura were just bit parts really... I'd say Chekov was reduced to a joke but I suppose he always was.

    In fact the only one that came close was the guy who played Shatner, cos the arrogant side came through nicely. I suppose what this film triggered in me was a stronger appreciation for the original cast - it would be impossible to get a line-up to match that, there just aren't enough personalities around. So I kind of wish they had rebooted Star Trek with some new names as well as new faces, cos this just wasn't the same.

    The story was alright, I wasn't exactly glued to my seat though.


      Biggest mistake was letting JJ Abrahms make Star Trek, the man makes flashy, but instantly forgettable films and nothing else. To this day I have a job remembering what happened after the flashbang 1st 10 minutes. Should've been Peter Jackson, or even Leonard Nimoy himself at the helm.


        Yes, letting JJ Abrahams and his writing posse loose on Star Trek wiht time travel and alternate realities/ parallell universes was a bad idea.

        It was just a total cop out to let them do whatever they wanted to any of the characters


          I'm a huge fan of the orginal series but I really liked the reboot. I think it would have been a much worse idea to have actors trying to mimic the original crew. I thought the time travel idea was great and leaves them free to do what they want in the future.
          Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


            But they blatantly DID try to mimic the original crew and failed... especially McCoy. That's why it seemed so lame to me.


              Well I guess I didn't see it as being that blatant. I know that they were trying to portray younger versions of the original crew so I guess there had to be some mimicry in there but I suppose I mean that it didn't seem to me that they weren't doing impression of Shatner, Nimoy etc. Or maybe I just need to watch it again!
              But I remember coming out of the cinema having really enjoyed it. And as a fan who only ever loved the original series and thinks all the other spin-ooffs are rubbish, I would say that it was job well done.
              Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                Ok, saw this last night. Im still surprised now how much I enjoyed this. It was bordering on parody in some moments but because Im not such a fan of the Star trek anyway it didnt bother me. Chekov was a bit crap though. Yes, ok, so they've basically made everyone look like the older actors, if the older actors used to model for Abercrombie and Fitch, but what do you expect? Its a 2009 movie.

                A good reboot, rather than prequel. Just the shot in the arm the franchise needed and Im actually looking forward to the new movies now. Yes, things were setup way too easily but its was a far better telling of the characters past than the Star Wars prequels, by a mile.

