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Will there ever be an Alien 5?

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    marines trapped in a small building completly surrounded by aliens lots of action they they die the end

    never was good at scripts


      I don't know what they can do with Alien 5, really. I appreciate what Alien 3 was aiming and how it was returning to style of the original, but I feel that any of these epic huge war scenes would be probably best handled with the Hicks character (which they killed off. That annoyed me so much as he was genuinly a likable character and him and Riply made a pretty good couple kicking ass and ****). Don't think I'd liked to see the return of Riply, the actor herself has aged alot and personally I don't really want to see scenes of her jumping out of buildings and then breaking some Aliens necks while freefalling, skiinning them alive and using their bodies as parachutes.

      Just out of curiosity, has anyone read William Gibsons script version of Alien 3? Knowing you guys you probably have. Urber serious fans who (apparantly) "Get" what Alien is about probably wouldn't of liked this as its more action based like Aliens. Another reason why they wouldn't of liked it is because Riply is no longer the main character (although she and newt are not killed off, this script is definantly more sequel friendly) and instead the character development is based on Hicks and Bishops relationship. Probably not made because the amount of money to make it happen would be intense (back in the day).


        Originally posted by Ian(not Ian)
        There will be an Alien V if I get my way.

        I've got the whole script in my head, but I'm too busy playing videogames to get it out.

        Attachment is a txt file so all the bold, and italic formatting is lost. Also I'm not sure of the actual 'rules' for laying out a script.
        You obviously like Aliens the most. I would love to see a final film with lot's of action, good scripting, and high on quality.

        AVP looked and felt cheap. It seemed dumbed-down, looked like an episode of Star Gate, and the actors were poor.

        Get an excellent director, a good script ( maybe your final draft ) ... and some top quality acting talent, and I'll be happy.

        If AVP didn't exist, I think most people would be more eager for a new Alien film. I personally try to block all memories of AVP's existence- to the extent of seeing a hypnotist to try and wipe it altogether from my brain.


          Leon Ahoy.
          I actually prefer Alien to Aliens as it's more old-school sci-fi.
          Just to add. The 'scripty' text I've uploaded I see as the first 10 mins or so and is there only to establish the timeline for events, remember everyone died at the end of Aliens bar Ripley who is off doing Alien3.

          I see a whole new set of characters (Carter Burke will play a part later) running around during the aftermath of Aliens and during the Alien3 timeline.


            Originally posted by Ian(not Ian)
            Leon Ahoy.
            I actually prefer Alien to Aliens as it's more old-school sci-fi.
            Just to add. The 'scripty' text I've uploaded I see as the first 10 mins or so and is there only to establish the timeline for events, remember everyone died at the end of Aliens bar Ripley who is off doing Alien3.

            I see a whole new set of characters (Carter Burke will play a part later) running around during the aftermath of Aliens and during the Alien3 timeline.
            I see Alien as more of a horror experience. Aliens has a nice mixture of suspense, and all out action. It's certainly the most action packed in the series.

            Maybe your idea would make for an interesting film? I personally.. just want an end to the series.

            Then we could have the opportunity for someone to take the franchise down a new route. Maybe delving into the origins of the Aliens, and making it more of an exploration experience.

            Anything intelligent would be welcome, after the ' no-brainer ' AVP.


              Rise, rise, rise from the dead old thread.

              Ridley Scott to direct Alien prequel...


              It is thought the prequel will tell the story of the events leading up to the original film, in which the crew of a commercial towing ship respond to a distress signal - only to discover it was generated by an empty ship that was meant to warn them.

              At least Paul WS Anderson isn't involved, but it's a prequel and it's an inescapable fact that all prequels suck. Except Temple of Doom, which is ace, but that one doesn't really count.

              Finding it really hard to get excited by this news, even with Scott onboard. I'm bored by Xenomorphs. I just don't find anything exciting, frightening or exotic about H.R Giger's original creation anymore. Resurrection and the Alien vs Predator series have pretty much killed any enthusiasm I had for another Alien film stone dead. The only good thing to come from the AvP series was that they made me realise just how important Sigourney Weaver was to the original films. Without her, they were just b-movies, and not particularly entertaining ones either.

              Hopefully Scott can bring something new to the table that will reinvigorate the franchise, but it will have to be something really special for that to happen.

              Last edited by PrayforMojo; 03-08-2009, 15:44. Reason: typo


                A prequel where the main character is 30 years older?


                  There's no way this will have Weaver!


                    I think I misread the article! It says he will return to the series he began with....

                    I read this as the actors mentioned would be in it.


                      What this needs is some Predators!


                        Personally really liked AvP, I thought it brought the Predators into the Alien universe in a very believable way. I really liked the foreshadowing with the Weyland company and it stuck pretty true to the AvP source material. I really hope they continue with the Alien franchise, there's so many more possibilities for stories in those worlds and hopefully now we'll get to see some non Ripley stuff.


                          Alien 5 needs to go back to being a thriller like the first film. Get a cast on decent unknowns in and keep the form(s) of the Alien a secret in the trailer.
                          Book Peter Crouch as one of the peeps to play an Alien now.


                            Not too sure about the quote from the 'beeb. It says a distress signal came from an empty ship however, when Dallas and two other crew members go out to the alien (empty) ship, before they come across all the eggs they find the space jockey (the big alien thingy in somesort of chair).

                            Unless I'm totally mistaken, then please ignore!!


                              Give us NO HUMANS and just the Space Jockey. You cant do a decent Alien film with humans now, its impossible. WE'VE BEEN EXPOSED TO TOO MUCH ****!


                                Originally posted by CMcK View Post
                                Alien 5 needs to go back to being a thriller like the first film. Get a cast on decent unknowns in and keep the form(s) of the Alien a secret in the trailer.
                                Completley agree, that's what I'd like to see.

