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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

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    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
    I agree with much of what you say although, for Spielberg's drawn out action sequences, wasn't there one in Jurassic Park 2 with a dinosaur, a big pane of glass and a vehicle that went on for something like 45 minutes? It may not have been 45 minutes but it felt like that. Still, from a director of Spielberg's ability, we would expect much better.
    I think you're thinking about the big T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park 1. I agree it was long, but each 'part' of the scene was very taut and masterfully directed (despite the annoying kids).

    Jurassic Park 2 was a big let down, despite some great scenes.


      Wasn't there a bit in the second JP where the trailer was hanging over the cliff, and only a cracking piece of glass prevented the wifey from falling to the rocks below?


        Going to see this tomorrow night! Can't wait. I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon, y'see. Will be buying a big bag of blue M+Ms and will thoroughly enjoy those even if Indy is gash.


          I saw it and thought it was mostly fun although the worst of the four films. CG groundhogs and monkeys were poor choices but the other action scenes were quite fun. Biggest dissapointment was the aliens stuff. Indiana Jones is Fantasy, not Scifi and the ending in particular felt horribly out of place in the series.

          Not as bad as I was fearing but not a classic. Decent popcorn movie


            Originally posted by Brats View Post
            I think you're thinking about the big T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park 1. I agree it was long, but each 'part' of the scene was very taut and masterfully directed (despite the annoying kids).

            Jurassic Park 2 was a big let down, despite some great scenes.
            Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
            Wasn't there a bit in the second JP where the trailer was hanging over the cliff, and only a cracking piece of glass prevented the wifey from falling to the rocks below?
            Yep - JP2 had a T-Rex pushing the trailer off the cliff face, with Julianne Moore stranded on a cracking pane of glass. I wasn't too impressed with the film as a whole, but that scene had good tension.

            As for Indy, saw it last week and wasn't blown away, but it was still an enjoyable romp, what I look for in an Indy film. The
            scene was a ******* joke though.
            Last edited by Number45; 27-05-2008, 12:13. Reason: *'d swear word


              I saw this yesterday and its as good as any of the others IMO.

              I welcomed the sci fi aspect, the whole 50's Roswell/Inca thing was a blast and very much in the classic B-movie vein. It reminded me of an old skool film or an episode of TinTin.

              No bad thing IMO, go see it now if you havent already.


                Originally posted by MonkeySteve View Post
                Yep - JP2 had a T-Rex pushing the trailer off the cliff face, with Julianne Moore stranded on a cracking pane of glass. I wasn't too impressed with the film as a whole, but that scene had good tension.
                Yeah, that's the scene I was thinking of. I remember it going on and on and on...


                  Aye, it did a bit. I'd put Lost World and Crystal Skull as Spielberg's two big action flops.

                  Can't see how anyone could say this was 'as good as' Raiders. They are leagues apart in every department, especially pacing in which Raiders is virtually a masterclass (aside from a slight wobble in the Cairo section).


                    What a total load of wapness this was. omg.

                    Went to see this and Iron Man this weekend, I wasted not only £14 but about 6hrs of my life. Cheers.


                      Wapness? I'm not up on WoW speak but I take it this is a bad thing?

                      You didn't like Iron Man?


                        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                        Yeah, that's the scene I was thinking of. I remember it going on and on and on...
                        I actually thought that was the best scene in the film. It didn't rely on CGI too much, had good tension and was the type of scene that wouldn't have been out of place in the first film. The rest of JP2 was a bit gung-ho and overused chase scenes.


                          Was gonna post everything I hated about this movie but someone already summed up my thoughts so perfectly on another site that I'll just post his list with some more I added.

                          What I hated:
                          • The alien and his stupid spaceship.
                          • Mutt - who was actually one of the only good things about the film - becoming Tarzan in a second, and befriending a pack of monkeys who then attacked some Russians.
                          • Cate Blanchett being psychic but never actually displaying her powers, not even once.
                          • A car driving off a cliff, landing on a tree and then that tree bending down to dump the car in the river, where it drives off, leaving the tree to snap back and attack some Russian.
                          • Marion - who drove said car - pretending she either meant it to happen, or actually meaning it to happen, which is even more stupid.
                          • The absolute, unbearable lack of anything resembling tension in any of the scenes in the film.
                          • The fact that the first 20 minutes were fun, and then it all fell apart.
                          • Wasting John Hurt, Cate Blanchett and Ray Winstone for ****.
                          • The lack of anything religious in this film, when (real) religion is the cornerstone of the Indiana Jones series.
                          • Indiana Jones' attack moves being limited to diving on top of a group of people.
                          • Awful CG Gophers.
                          • Awful painted backgrounds.
                          • A flying refrigerator escaping a nuclear explosion
                          • A fight with a Russian that lasts far too long, and then his battered body getting carried off by Giant Red Ants into a big hole.
                          • A terrible CG hat being carried by some Giant Red Ants.
                          • Jim Broadbent losing his job for no reason, and then getting it back for no reason.
                          • Marion grinning and simpering her way through every scene she was in.

                          Needless to say, I didn't enjoy it, but I guess it will appeal to some nonetheless, otherwise why do films like Transformers get made.


                            I thought the rather touching references to Denholm Elliot and Sean Connery's characters was well done - other than that, the movie didn't have the same appeal the last 3 did. It was just too corny, too over exaggurated or too dull. Big names completely wasted, a lack of proper action sequences, ALIENS! (religious artifacts are one thing, but where is the hardcore evidence that aliens ever existed?).

                            Ray bleedin' Winstone? Where the **** was John Rhys Davis?


                              Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                              (religious artifacts are one thing, but where is the hardcore evidence that aliens ever existed?).
                              Is this sarcasm?

                              I think Shortround would have given a nice twist to the Winstone role.


                                Went to see this tonight. Was aiiiight.

