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Seen any good Kung-Fu flicks of late?

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    I found it really hard to watch ITLOD films. It just looked too much like a cheap US cop show. Very 80s and very cheesy...and not in a good way. Didn't enjoy the fights in them either.

    The commentary of WOM great. Funny comment about the guys "accidently" catching the western fighters, or was it just Keith Vitali. Very naughty.


      ITLOD films = elaborate?


        In The Line of Duty.


          Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

          I found this good interview last night. Jang and Roy behind the scenes.
          Last edited by vanpeebles; 22-04-2010, 17:22.


            HJL would own Benny the Jet


              Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
              HJL would own Benny the Jet
              Well he has killed a man with one kick IRL apparently.


                Yep, and bust out Jackie's chops.


                  love benny the jet , he used to look so freaky in dragons forever
                  Last edited by GarageNation; 22-04-2010, 18:35.


                    Benny was rocking guyliner in Dragons wasn't he.


                      benny looked so pale , he looked a bit like michael myers from halloween, thats why he looked so scary


                        I'm itching to watch Mystery of Chessboxing and Snuff Bottle Connection again. Roy Horan and the Ghostface Killer, superb.


                          Watched the Shaolin Prince last night. Verdict = Ace, i always like the old, learn a secret kung fu from the stupid seemingly useless old monk, then smash all the bad guys!


                            Watched Raging Phoenix the other day. Has the main girl from Chocolate in it as well as some other faces famous in Thailand and a French guy as well. Girl learns the art of Meyraiyuth from some dudes who had their girlfriends/wives kidnapped and helps them out. Mostly good but adds a real fan-fiction story as the film goes on and when the CG pops up it is absolutely awful.

                            So, apart from those issues a fairly good watch. Love Film it if you're interested.


                              I really liked Chocolate and thought Jeeja Yanin was really good in it. All I can make out of this film is that she fights in the sea. I'm hoping it's a little deeper than that!

                              CGI seems to be really ropey in the kung-fu films I've seen with it in. It's so glaringly obvious, usually!

                              Finished watching In the Line of Duty last night and I loved it! Might see if I can see the rest of the series at some point, now.

                              Here's the international trailer to show you some of the non-stop action in it:


                                does look pretty cool , didnt know it had cynthia rothrock in it. I liked her in china o brian she can certainly get her leg up in the air.

