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Seen any good Kung-Fu flicks of late?

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    Is that the one with the Burning Wrists technique?

    Phantom Kung Fu.

    Twas alright. Not much action, and a poor copy. Plus, terrible dubbing. Quite relaxing really though. Don Wong hardly in it!


      watched the Twin Sword yesterday. for a film about two people having to fight together as in twin there was very little of it. it was like they made the entire film then decided to call it twin swords so they had to put the obligatory secret martial arts training book in but this was at the end of the film......

      But i watched 8 diagram pole fighter again which brought smiles back to my kung fu watching face.


        Sounds like a rewrite to appeal to a specific market, lol.

        God, you should watch some of the Godfrey Ho splice-a-thons. Perfectly good Asian films with Western scenes shoehorned in, totally changing the story, and sometimes making no sense whatsoever. One bad guy, played by Kam Kong, went from being a rapist warlord in the original, to being a rapist warlord AND opium dealer in the Ho splice-me-do.

        Other famous scenes include an original Asian film whereby the main character is trained by a master to fight the undead. Ho inserted scenes starring Pierre Kirby as a ninja. Despite his brightly coloured outfit, you knew he was a ninja, because he had a bandana on with the word NINJA written across it.


          there nothing like subtle story telling, they sure did pump out some crap. But then if you imdb some of these guys they were making like 50 films a year, must be hard work bering whored around by the studio.


            watched me 3 films this week end, it covers the full spectrum from no fighting to loads of fighting:

            Starting off with

            24 City
            awesome documentary about a secret chines aeronautical parts factory thats getting knocked down to build luxury flats, beautifully shot. Powerfully illustrates how the chinese work ethic during the cultural revolution and the 5 year plan literally worked its citizens into the ground.

            The man the myth the legend! hs teaching are supposedly what chines culture is based on...(loosely) Great watch, the Fat man smacks it again.

            And lastly
            Shaolin Temple!
            Jet Li's debut film, he plays a punk, but the choreography is ace for his first film. Standard template, the monks smash all the bad guys


              Naturally, the third choice there is my preferred tipple

              Watched Shaolin and WuTang last week.

              -Adam Cheng and Gordon Liu
              -Gordon Liu's first directorial effort, and it shows, insofar as he tries to carve out his own style.
              - Very fast paced, yet not undercranked. Plot, action, dialogue - all very fast to watch. It means the story is relatively complex (for a fu flick) yet it crams it all in neatly. Even the chess game is quick.
              - Good action, nice sets.
              - Classic intro
              - Varied choreography

              - Not enough action, maybe?

              IMMENSELY enjoyed it.


                Prinny-was it the Vengeance video version you watched? Does it have the English dub? I've only seen the subbed version but always wanted to watch the dub. The intro is indeed amazing IMO.

                goldmouth-I need to see Confucius, big Chow Yun Fat fan. Wish him and John Woo could gave made a hollywood film together like they planned to ages ago.

                Ip Man 2 has been circulating on the internet since last week.


                  Anyone seen ip man?


                    yer for sure, that gem was released 2008, its the second one im hounding after! Is the net copy good quality?

                    shinobi- thats tru they do make a good film, Hard Boiled is a big hitter, but anybody that goes to hollywood will just ter out US cack, think of all chows other western exploits....we can always dream
                    Last edited by goldmouth; 12-05-2010, 07:49.


                      Originally posted by shinobi7000 View Post
                      Prinny-was it the Vengeance video version you watched? Does it have the English dub? I've only seen the subbed version but always wanted to watch the dub. The intro is indeed amazing IMO.
                      It was the Xenon pictures release. It's exactly the same copy as the one on Shaolin against WuTang 10 film set. I haven't got the vengeance release - one of the few I haven't got! - but reading ironfistedmonk's guide on KFC suggests that it's the same copy as those others.

                      Its an odd copy and i remember commenting on it last week to VP. There's burnt in subtitles, but an English dub playing over the top. It means you get two different sets of dialogue. On their own they're quite different, but together they serve to add texture to the story.


                        Fatal Flying Guillotine.

                        Chen Sing is a recluse who uses TWO flying G's to keep the skanks away. Carter Wong passes a few trials at the local Shaolin temple to acquire a medical book, which contains knowledge to save his sick mother. He is betrayed by a rogue monk and the fourth Prince. Things come to a head at Chen's whuppin hideout.

                        Very pleasantly surprised by this film. The martial arts was very stock, but the two guillotines were quality. Decent performances all round and some very questionable monks. The settings were quite relaxing, and the pacing pleasing - the first 20 minutes or so is wall to wall fights.

                        Bizarrely, watching the vengeance video release, it's heavily cut. Apparently it's a German print and there's loads missing - about a reel worth of footage. As a consequence, the ending is totally cut off, and replaced with some mad 1970s teleprompter-style text describing what happened next (and dubbed with different information!!). Madness. And disappointing.


                          I had FFG on VHS a long time ago, I might be wrong but I think it had the proper ending.


                            Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                            Fatal Flying Guillotine.

                            Chen Sing is a recluse who uses TWO flying G's to keep the skanks away. Carter Wong passes a few trials at the local Shaolin temple to acquire a medical book, which contains knowledge to save his sick mother. He is betrayed by a rogue monk and the fourth Prince. Things come to a head at Chen's whuppin hideout.

                            Very pleasantly surprised by this film. The martial arts was very stock, but the two guillotines were quality. Decent performances all round and some very questionable monks. The settings were quite relaxing, and the pacing pleasing - the first 20 minutes or so is wall to wall fights.

                            Bizarrely, watching the vengeance video release, it's heavily cut. Apparently it's a German print and there's loads missing - about a reel worth of footage. As a consequence, the ending is totally cut off, and replaced with some mad 1970s teleprompter-style text describing what happened next (and dubbed with different information!!). Madness. And disappointing.
                            Gotta love the special effects of the Guillotine. This is one of the films I have stored at my parents.


                              Dudes, I NEED that proper ending. Damn text.

                              I was going to try and get the World Video release from the US, which supposedly has the full thang. But, reading Videohound's Dragon, it says that the World Video release has the same skanky 70s teleprompter badness as the vengeance release. Boooo.

                              And, Mr Begin, get your ass to your parents' house on the mission!


                                Is this film in any way related to Master Of The Flying Guillotine. I checked out a lil clip on youtube, looks big.

                                Watch Ip Man 2 last night...its not often the follow up movie is as good as its predecessor.

