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Seen any good Kung-Fu flicks of late?

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    That's not it, although the plot has similarities to what I was describing.

    I noticed Short Round in the Breathing Fire trailer!


      Trailer for Alien Vs Ninja


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post




            A Daughter's Vengeance
            - Weird early 70s Taiwanese effort with very little MA action. The focus is on story, which is quite confusing until the payoff, which makes some sense. A disappointment on the fu front. There's just so little. Very slow story with odd performances. Lovely scenery, mind.

            The Five Venoms
            - Shaw Brothers film that we were slightly disappointed by. Not disappointed, maybe, but thrown. The trailer suggested a blistering exhibition of zany MA action, but in reality there was very little. Instead, we have a long, twisting story, that makes the film more of a slow burner than everything. Watching this late a night, laced with beers, meant there was confusion and a bit of WTF about it all. A victim of our preconceptions, but still seemingly a good film in its own right.

            Faster Blade, Poisonous Darts, aka, Great Massacre.
            - Another one we haven't written up in the tome, due to missing out on half the story at the beginning, after being distracted. I've since read a description of what is going on and it makes much more sense now. Good action, with straight up punching and blocking, and weapon work, from a quality cast of Meng Fei, Beardy and Philip Ko. Seemed like a decent film, but confusion reigned supreme in what was, once again, a failure on our part to maintain concentration. On the dvd was the ending to the Korean version, which seems to be a completely different film, with different actors, a different story and a different location. MEGA WTF??!


              Five Venoms, when I first saw it in my younger days I didn't like it, at all. I had heard a lot about it so I was expecting to be blown away. Being used to the Golden Harvest films and the independents with their use of wide open spaces the claustrophobic 5 Venoms set kind of put me off. It also wasn't remstered of course, although it was widescreen.

              Went back to it a few years ago and liked it. I suggest you rewatch it sometime in the future. Although with your 'to view' list I don't know when that would be, heh, I'm a hypocrite though there's films I have which I've been planning on watching for years. Just waiting till the right moment/mood is my excuse.

              About Faster Blade, Posonous Darts-that title has caused confusion for many. I think there are a few films which have been given that as their English title. I was recommended one of them but never knew exactly which one to get. The perils of kung fu fandom.


                Yes, it's a mission and no mistake.

                The one I watched is aka Great Massacre, aka Shaolin Hero, aka Avenging Eagle (1982), and starring Beardy, Meng Fei and Ko Fei.

                The other one is aka Blade of Doom, aka Everlasting Duel, aka Lone Ninja Warrior (1982), and stars Tien Peng.

                And another one is aka Demon Fighter (1982) and features Adam Cheng and Brigette Lin.

                The dates infer that video companies imported these films and erroneously shoved on a title they presumed related to that film, but in actual fact, had nothing to do with it. Or repackaged a film with a more popular title.


                  Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                  The other one is aka Blade of Doom, aka Everlasting Duel, aka Lone Ninja Warrior (1982), and stars Tien Peng.
                  One of the best films ever!


                    I watched Bloodsport again this week. Yeah I can forgive the cheesy story and rubbish acting. Even the fight coreography is sub par. But you know what, I still love this movie. There's some fantastic lines in this and yes they even showcase some different fighting styles, which is cool. But how good is the 'dim mak, tanaka clan, bottom brick' scene? Oscar material and cinema classic in my eyes


                      i agree, that scene is amazing!


                        I still like Bloodsport and loved it as a kid. Some people prefer Kick Boxer but that film is a bit depressing compared to Bloodsport, IMHO. Funny about whether Frank Dux actually did anything he claimed to though, haha, watching Blood Sport all those years ago I thought Frank Dux must be a bad ass. Bloodsport is the only Van Damme film I would still sit down to watch though nowadays. Wouldn't mind watching Cyborg again some day though, wasn't that good but I kind of like it all those years ago.

                        I got The Eastern Heroes Essential Guide to Hong Kong Movies today, the book, which was something I always wanted back in the 90s but could never get hold of. The Amazon seller I purchased it from had no feedback but was selling it at a much cheeper price than the other sellers so I took a gamble and ordered it. The condition of the book amazed me, it is mint and I wonder if it's a reprint but the printing information seems to indicate not. Still have a hunch it's a reprint, the condition is that good.

                        Scanning through parts of the book I disagree with some of the marks they've given some films but that's to be expected I guess. They cover a large amount of films released up to 1994 and go into the various genres, kung fu/swordplay, modern action and fantasy/horror etc.

                        It only has a few lines on each film but it's nice to finally own it. Also I paid a lot less for it than the Best Of Eastern Heroes Magazine, which I think I definitely overpaid for last year.


                          I've wanted that for ages I missed out on it when Toby Russell sold it on ebay for a tenner.

                          Nice one getting it though!


                            There's a few other people selling it on Amazon, can't remember the prices though.


                              The Destroyer

                              1972, Jimmy Wang Yu.

                              Bit of a bland plain Jane until the last third, when the fights kick off. There's very little artistry to the MA, it's often just wild swings and power hitting. But the blood sprays all over, and there's a raw brutality to the fights. Deaths include a pair of scissors in the chest, impaled through the midriff by a thick log, knives through the head, and being rammed into the ground like a fencepost.

                              The knife fights are particularly vigorous, with up to 20 blokes facing Wang Yu's wrath in the penultimate rumble. The earlier fights are slow and ropey, but the later fights are much better and have longer cuts.


                                Been on holiday and stuff, so I've not had chance to see any kung-fu for weeks. I've been off work chucking my guts up, but in between bouts of puking I've seen:

                                Scott Adkins in his 4th film with director Isaac Florentine. Picked it up for a fiver and enjoyed it. Adkins is ripped in this! There's some really nice fight sequences with long takes and no shaky-cam in sight. They do well with the limited budget and the ninja outfits look cool.

                                Dragon From Russia
                                Some absolutely super-sweet battles ruined by the fact I didn't really know what was going on half the time due to a jumpy plot and swift editing. Shame really, because it was a little tidier, it could've been something special. The bad guy's voice and face are especially annoying. Nice Nunchuk battle, mind!

