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Seen any good Kung-Fu flicks of late?

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    Dance of the Drunk Mantis

    Hwang Jang Lee plays a double-hard bastard named Rubber Legs, who travels with his student, Corey Yuen, to hunt out Beggar So, played by Simon Yuen.

    Meanwhile, So returns home to his wife and is told that she has adopted a son, played by Yuen Shun-yee. He is asked to train the youngster in Drunken Fist, but he takes a dislike to the lad, and routinely beats and humiliates him. Yuen Shun-yee leaves, and is taken under the wing of another Master, Yen Shi-kwan, who specialises in Sickness Technique.

    Things come to a head when Rubber Legs finds Beggar So and challenges him using his custom Northern Drunken Fist mixed with Mantis style.

    This is a straight-down-the-line kung fu comedy, so you'll hate large portions of it, if it isn't your thing. Thankfully, I quite like this basic slapstick and obvious cuss-type thing. Fundamentally, though, the action is where it's at. Yuen Woo-ping handles the action and direction very well, with complicated and acrobatic moves mixing nicely with the shapes and props work. There's a trio of great fights - Hwang vs Simon Yuen in a teahouse, which starts out with a drink and ends with a rumble; Linda Lin (So's wife) using a sword to fight Corey Yuen's spear; and the final battle, where Mantis style meets Drunken Fist, which meets Sickness technique. There's some interesting/amusing training scenes here, too. HJL is brilliant, and shows a real flare for shapes amongst his quality bootwork. Dean (Charlie) Shek and Brandy Yuen also feature.

    A treat of action, but beware. If you catch this film in a bad, or distracted, mood, its comedy could grate.
    Last edited by prinnysquad; 05-02-2011, 17:10.


      Lol just saw jackie chans film city hunter...great streetfighter 2 tribute in it


        Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
        Dance of the Drunk Mantis

        Hwang Jang Lee plays a double-hard bastard named Rubber Legs, who travels with his student, Corey Yuen, to hunt out Beggar So, played by Simon Yuen.

        Meanwhile, So returns home to his wife and is told that she has adopted a son, played by Yuen Shun-yee. He is asked to train the youngster in Drunken Fist, but he takes a dislike to the lad, and routinely beats and humiliates him. Yuen Shun-yee leaves, and is taken under the wing of another Master, Yen Shi-kwan, who specialises in Sickness Technique.

        Things come to a head when Rubber Legs finds Beggar So and challenges him using his custom Northern Drunken Fist mixed with Mantis style.

        This is a straight-down-the-line kung fu comedy, so you'll hate large portions of it, if it isn't your thing. Thankfully, I quite like this basic slapstick and obvious cuss-type thing. Fundamentally, though, the action is where it's at. Yuen Woo-ping handles the action and direction very well, with complicated and acrobatic moves mixing nicely with the shapes and props work. There's a trio of great fights - Hwang vs Simon Yuen in a teahouse, which starts out with a drink and ends with a rumble; Linda Lin (So's wife) using a sword to fight Corey Yuen's spear; and the final battle, where Mantis style meets Drunken Fist, which meets Sickness technique. There's some interesting/amusing training scenes here, too. HJL is brilliant, and shows a real flare for shapes amongst his quality bootwork. Dean (Charlie) Shek and Brandy Yuen also feature.

        A treat of action, but beware. If you catch this film in a bad, or distracted, mood, its comedy could grate.
        It's supposedly the real sequel to Drunken Master, isn't it? For some reason, considering the cast and crew involved I never liked it as much as I thought I would. It has a lot of fans though, but I infinitely prefer Buddhist Fist.

        eastyy-I always wanted to see City Hunter just for the SF parody, I think after Super Play mentioned it in their magazine. It's all a bit strange, though. I think there's a few other films with SF references but I haven't seen them.
        Last edited by monel; 05-02-2011, 19:29.


          oh its short but funny...has the music and sound effects to


            Yeah, can't remember it very well, but he does Chun Li too, doesn't he?


              I think I preferred the Buddhist Fist, too.


                Originally posted by shinobi7000 View Post
                Yeah, can't remember it very well, but he does Chun Li too, doesn't he?
                yep sure does


                  Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                  I think I preferred the Buddhist Fist, too.
                  Is that film related in any way? I love Drunken Mantis, but I grew up watching it thousands of times.


                    Saw a few flicks over the last couple of weeks:

                    Once Upon A Time In China 5-after seeing 4 and being very impressed, this was such a huge let down. The story was all over the place and you don't get any extended, quality fights. After the quality of part 4 I could not believe how bad this was. Shaking head.

                    The Blacksheep Affair-I had almost bought this so many times since it was released by HKL, but something always put me off. Well, the film sucked. I am not usually that harsh, but I see that it's got some pretty good reviews and I can't for the life of me understand why. It seems to have a good budget, good cast, etc etc but completely wastes it's potential. You have a few seconds of a good fight here and there before it dissolves into lameness. Xin Xin Xiong (Clubfoot from Once Upon A Time In China) appeared briefly, which was cool but he was wasted much to my annoyance. One example of stupidity in the film-with shots going off all around them, the two heroes pause to give a 'thumbs up' to each other in slow-motion . Also, one too many needless flashbacks to childhood to set up the characters' back story.

                    The Assassin-A 90s film I'd never come across before. It has the new wave flying strings/wire action going on and a bleak storyline. Really liked it and hope it gets a remastered release some day. There is a scene where some eyelids are sewn shut and I can't figure out how they did it. Would recommend this film, good watch. Also, it's quite violent-heads being chopped off at times and similar stuff. Pretty low budget affair but well done, great shot of the desert with silhouetted figures at one point.
                    Last edited by monel; 05-02-2011, 20:24.


                      Originally posted by megatron View Post
                      Is that film related in any way? I love Drunken Mantis, but I grew up watching it thousands of times.
                      Similar cast and crew. Great film.


                        Originally posted by shinobi7000 View Post
                        Similar cast and crew. Great film.
                        Cool. Might see if I can track a copy down.


                          Go for it, don't want to hype it up so that you end up disappointed but it has great action, storyline, cast, everything.

                          The Tai Seng version is out of print and a bit expensive to track down new, second hand might be a good choice.

                          There's a much cheaper bootleg of the Tai Seng available by Pan Media or their other fronts, but sometimes their discs are faulty.


                            Shamefully, that's the version I've got. My copy is ok though.

                            Buddhist Fist is all kinds of crazy. There's a lot of comedy to start with, which I liked, but if you don't just ride it out. The dub is classic, and the fights really entertaining, with some great fist and weapons work. I still sometimes load up the Shan Kwai Holy-Ghost Claw kung fu clip on youtube to lol and gawp at.


                              No shame in that, I got completely ripped off for the Tai Seng, I blame this thread for that-edit-not the getting ripped off but wanting to own the film again.

                              I don't want to spoil the plot but the ending is just great.


                                I've got a few dvds recently. Nothing expensive - mostly mega bargains! - but it soon mounts up.

                                My shelves are beginning to look ridiculous.

