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The Gadget Show (C5)

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    Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
    Not all dlp's have the rainbow
    Effect esp if its a multi wheel model. And all they were asked is what was better and against that useless lcd they had i am not suprised it won. Its the better tech after all
    They don't? I was told ones with a faster colour wheel didn't have the problem, but I could still see it. Either someone has been telling porkies or the people who demo'd the projector didn't know what was inside.


      what a load of crap again on Monday, the ipod is the worst but wins??? is the gadget show like T3 now ? as sponsored by Apple.
      Good to see the induction cooker, we have one and they are aces .


        New series kicks off 8pm tonight.


          Does anybody know somebody that's won their ma-hoo-sive competition at the end of each show? I've had a couple of goes but just wondered if anybody's seen the swag on offer.

          I once saw Jon Bentley filming outside the Radisson hotel in Birmingham. Lucky it wasn't Jason Bradbury or I wouldn't have been able to resist telling him he should've gone to Specsavers...


            Never won it either. Not for the lack of trying!

            Friend of mine met Jon Bentley too, in Bromsgrove. Assume he lives there as my mate actually stopped him to talk to him (!!!). Said he was a really nice guy and had a good chat, even though Mr Bentley was trying to take his daughter to ballet class lol


              Ha ha, yeah! They weren't actually filming when I spoke to him ("...CUT!!!"), but we had a short chat about the show.

              I was going to grill him further about his article on MP3 players but I thought I'd better leave him to it and get back to work myself.

              Yeah, really nice chap.

              P.S. am I the only person who tried to add "gadget2007" to their friends list after seeing a feature on 360 Vs. PC gaming?! They never accepted!


                Don't watch it, it's total dross. Looking at tonight's synopsis it seems they're testing some 'tough' gadgets to destruction. They've never done that before have they! *snore*


                  It's always worth Sky+ing it so you can fast forward through the bits you don't like, the whole show is never going to be full of products/tests that interest everyone.


                    with sky plus I can usually get this down to 15 mins or less.

                    its a poor prog that occasionally has some cool tech on it.


                      What an awful show to start a series with, skipped through so much of it. Suppose it can only get better eh.


                        I couldn't view this last night to start with. Sky+ HD box kept saying I needed to upgrade my package in order to watch stuff recorded off Five (even though we could watch the channel just fine!). Powered off/on the box and managed to view it eventually. Wish I hadn't bothered. Like you (and Yazz) say David, only way is up.


                          Better episode this week - ie. I didn't skip through more than 50% of it, enjoyed the Apple bits. Seeing Jason chucking up was a bit too much information though.

                          Is anyone else still watching ?


                            On and off. I watched it last night because I felt like vedging out. I did laugh at a few bits. Those bits escape me now though. I think one of them was Jason with his Apple as I was sat there using my Macbook, while my wife was sat there using, errr, my Powerbook


                              What happened to the posh guy who used to be on this? Did he leave out of protest or something?


                                The one that looked like something out of Sesame street?

